Chapter 593

Han Changsheng actually walked the red carpet twice.

The first trip was held by Yang Mi in a long purple dress.

The second trip was held by Liu Sisi and Di Lieba together.

When the surrounding entertainment reporters saw this scene, they happily killed the memory of the camera in their hands.

This Han Changsheng is the most popular fried chicken nowadays! Whenever there is news about him, no matter what he has, he can be sold for sale! He is simply...their God of Wealth! The entertainment reporters are excited, and many people who come to watch The crowd is more excited.

"I finally saw Han Changsheng in person again, he is really handsome!"

"Don't think about seeing him every day, we can only watch good movies and TV series when he is busy."

"That's a good point. If he wasn't busy, we wouldn't be able to see A Bite of the Tongue."

"But he's also funny enough, walking the red carpet back and forth twice."

"He has two films nominated today, so naturally he has to go twice."

"They have entered the arena, hurry back and watch the live broadcast."

Under the watchful eyes of many people, Han Changsheng finally finished the second red carpet, and walked into the gymnasium with a long breath.

Main entrance.

Seeing this, Zhao Liying, who was waiting at the door, immediately covered her mouth and snickered, "This is not the first time you walk on the red carpet, why do you look like a shy newcomer?"

"I always feel that walking the red carpet twice is a bit contrived, of course it's not natural."

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose and replied angrily, glanced at the hem of Ying Bao's light blue dress, "Are you wearing thermal pants?"

Zhao Liying put away her smile in an instant, pouted and said unhappily, "It's worn."

The eldest sister and the others only wear long skirts, but she has to...wear a pair of thermal pants, it's too embarrassing! Han Changsheng squeezed Ying Bao's pouted mouth, "Don't you know that you used to have old cold legs? This weather is not right It's very hot, why don't you wear warm pants? I didn't ask you to wear cotton pants."

Zhao Liying forcefully forced a smile, "Yes, master, you are doing it for my own good, thank you, master."

Yang Mi gouged out Yingbao's eyes, and said angrily, "Can you stop putting on such an aggrieved look?"

Unconvinced, Ying Bao said, "Where am I lying?"

Yang Mi laughed anxiously, and directly exposed Ying Bao's lies, "You seem so wronged on the surface, but in fact, you are so beautiful in your heart! After all, the master only cares about you."

When Ying Bao was wearing thermal pants just now, she was still showing off in front of them.

She said that the master ordered her to wear thermal pants, and she couldn't help it.

As a result, when she came to the master, she began to pretend to be wronged again. I really can't say anything about her.


Zhao Liying grinned, not caring about the big sister's exposure.

It's good to have an occupational disease, at least I can feel the master's care inadvertently.

During the chat, everyone entered the awards ceremony,,

Han Changsheng's position of 8 of eight is still not there, but it is not at the back either, but in the middle on the left side.

Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Tang Yan, and Zhao Liying are sitting on the left side of Han Changsheng, and Yang Mi is next to Han Changsheng.

Liu Sisi, Di Li Reba and Gu Li Nazha are sitting on the right side of Han Changsheng, and Di Li Reba is next to Han Changsheng.

More than [-] people from the two crews sat down together, directly occupying two rows, which was very eye-catching.

Ten minutes after being seated, the jury headed by Zhang Yimou entered and sat in the first row, and the awards ceremony officially began.

Han Changsheng watched the singing and dancing on the stage, and whispered to Tong Liya on Yang Mi's left: "Yaya, I remember you said that the Golden Dragon Award Organizing Committee once invited you to be the opening dance guest."

Tong Liya nodded and said in a low voice: "I was invited, but I said that I will only dance for you in this life, so I declined."

Yang Mi caressed her forehead, and said in a tone of hatred, "Yaya, you are really good at it, can you not think about your own career if you don't put your mind on the master?"

Tong Liya curled the corners of her mouth, and the two dimples loomed with a faint smile, "I'm married to the master, isn't the master my lifelong career? Our family's honey travel all over the world depends on the master to fly to the sky. How can you find a match for me, big sister?" Master, is there a better career?"

Yang Mi was defeated and had nothing to say.

Anyway... It's not a day or two for Yaya to remember the master, so let her remember it like this! While talking, the song and dance ended, and five 55 female hosts came on stage.

Two are unknown to Han Changsheng, and the remaining three are Zhou Yu, Lin Ziling and Jiang Shuying.

After a prologue, the presentation of the Best Supporting Actress began.

"The nominees for Best Supporting Actress include Hu Ke, who played the male sister Qiu in "The Wish of the Stars", Liu Sisi, who played Li Xiner in "Infernal Affairs", and Liu Tao, who played the role in "Infernal Affairs"..."

Liu Sisi looked at her picture on the big screen and suddenly became nervous.

She casually grabbed Fatty's tender hand and stared at the award presenter in front of her.

Seeing this, Fat Di endured the pain and whispered, "Sixth sister, you don't need to be nervous, because you will never get this award."

Liu Sisi was furious, she glared at Fatty and said, "Smelly Fatty, why should I not get this award?"

Fat Di withdrew his hand, rubbed it and said in a low voice: "Sister Ke'er played Sister Qiunan as a sister who cared about her younger sister, and Sister Tao also played the whole family, especially the part where she was crying."

Liu Sisi said unconvinced: "My Li Xin'er is also very good! She is beautiful and sassy."

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