Fat Di laughed and said: "But Li Xin'er is a psychiatrist, what's the use of your beauty?"

Liu Sisi said angrily, "Not only am I beautiful, but I also acted like a psychiatrist who comforts the master."

While the two little girls were fighting, the award presenter on the stage suddenly called out Liu Sisi's name, which made her stunned:.

My family knows about my own affairs, she really tried her best when she played Li Xin'er, but she still felt that she was taken away by the master when she was acting.

She really didn't expect that she could really win the Best Supporting Actress.

"Sixth sister, what are you thinking, get up quickly!"

Liu Sisi woke up under Dili Reba's call, and hugged Fat Di tightly while holding back her excitement, then hugged Han Changsheng tightly and did not let go.

She is so excited now that she can't control herself anymore.

Han Changsheng patted Liu Sisi's back and put his ears together: "Take a few deep breaths to relax, don't worry."

Liu Sisi followed the law and said happily, "Master, I have won the award, I have won the award."

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "You have won the award, but you should go to the stage to receive the award first, otherwise if your trophy goes away, it will be troublesome."

Ah! The trophy! Liu Sisi came to her senses, hugged her sisters quickly, then dragged her white dress and walked towards the podium step by step.

The footsteps are still graceful, but the sound of knocking on the ground is very cheerful.

And the guests on the stage were still talking about the reasons for presenting the award to Liu Sisi.

"...The elegant and quiet Li Xin'er reflects the pain and helplessness in Chen Yongren's heart with the utmost beauty and kindness, warms Chen Yongren's heart with a touch of warmth, and reflects the still bright flame in Chen Yongren's heart."

Han Changsheng's eyes fell on Liu Sisi, and he suddenly found that this girl's temperament was really elegant and quiet.

When this little girl grew up, Han Changsheng thought about Liu Sisi's insanity and laziness when she was at home, and directly shook off the thought that came up just now.

This girl is also the elegant and quiet master in front of her, but she is still the same as Fatty, a little girl who hasn't grown up.

Chapter 594 You are only the third place in our family

Liu Sisi and other award presenters finished their speeches, took the trophy and thanked them, and then stood behind the microphone.

Facing so many audiences, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

She has really won many awards, but everyone knows the gold content of those awards.

This Golden Dragon Award for Best Supporting Actress is the most important award in her life, when it came suddenly, she was very caught off guard.

Liu Sisi was so nervous that she couldn't help looking at Han Changsheng in the audience.

Noticing the warmth in Han Changsheng's eyes, the tension in her heart disappeared immediately.

Liu Sisi slightly raised the little golden dragon in her hand, stared straight at Han Changsheng, smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you very much for the jury's recognition of my acting skills, this is a milestone in my life.

Another thing I want to say is, Director Han, you look so handsome with a beard! I love you even more!"

"Hahaha...these two...fun..."

There was a chuckle under the stage.

this girl.

Han Changsheng shook his head helplessly when he heard the low laughter in his ear.

He just gave Si Si an encouraging look, but who would have thought that this girl would bring the topic to him again.

Liu Sisi returned happily, sat in the seat that Fatty gave up, and happily shook the trophy in her hand at Han Changsheng, "Master, I didn't embarrass you!"

Han Changsheng took the trophy, looked it over, returned it to Liu Sisi, and said with a light smile, "It's...not ashamed, but next time you win an award, don't talk about me, talk about your hard work and achievements. It's great to work hard."

Liu Sisi tilted her head and thought about it, then said with a smile: "But after me and the master, it seems that I don't suffer at all, but every day is very happy, I feel that I can't say those words."

Han Changsheng: "..."

Although these words were suspected of being flattering, he was very happy to hear them.

While talking, photos of five 55 actresses competing for best actress suddenly appeared on the big screen, among them was Yang Mi.

Compared with Liu Sisi, Yang Mi looks calm.

But Han Changsheng could tell from the strength with which the girl gripped his left hand that she was still very nervous.

Han Changsheng stroked the back of Yang Mi's hand with his thumb, "Mimi, actually you don't have to be nervous."

Yang Mi trembled and leaned against Han Changsheng, her voice trembling, "You don't want to say that I can't win this award, do you?"

"I want to say that this award belongs to you."

Han Changsheng withdrew Yang Mi's hand and held the girl in his arms, "You are the Yang Mi who flooded countless movie theaters with tears during Chinese Valentine's Day, and now those... audiences are still afraid of you crying. "

Yang Mi was overjoyed, but couldn't laugh out because of nervousness, "Then if I cry now, will I be able to get this trophy?"


"Best Actress Winner, "A Star Language Wish", Yang Mi!"

Yang Mi saw her individually enlarged photo on the big screen, her body trembled, and then she collapsed into Han Changsheng's arms.

She really wanted to show Mrs. Han's calm and calm side..., but she found that she couldn't do it.

She made her debut at the age of 4. In the past [-] years, she has acted in more than [-] movies and won many awards.

But those... those awards are the most popular, the most watched, etc... some small awards that are not popular, the gold content is ridiculous.

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