But at this time, Han Changsheng didn't think of anything to thank.

At this moment, he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, and some pictures appeared over and over in his mind.

Royal Academy of Engineering... Faculty of Engineering... Quadrotor... Jumping off a building... This scene seems to overlap with any "Three Idiots in Bollywood".

Han Changsheng suddenly opened his eyes, and said to Fatty, "Ask Qian Sanyuan for me, why did the girl who jumped off the building jump off the building?"

Fat Di held down the phone and stared at Han Changsheng, "You care about that... female classmate"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes angrily, "What are you jealous about right now? That girl is already safe. I don't care about her life. What I care about is the reason why she jumped off the building."

Isn't that all concern! Fat Di slandered, but still called Qian Sanyuan.

The master seemed to be thinking about something just now, so please ask him for him.

But even if I found out clearly, I would only tell the master the reason why the female classmate jumped off the building, and not tell anything else.

Fat Di whispered to Qian Sanyuan for three minutes, then hung up the phone and said to Han Changsheng: "The girl is a senior this year, and this is a very important final exam near graduation.

But she delayed the exam because of some family matters, and as a result, she directly failed this year's exam, which caused her to postpone her graduation for one year, and for a while... she couldn't think about it and jumped off the building."


"It's gone, what reason do you want? Is it because you think that... the female classmate and her boyfriend have a bad relationship: break up?"

"It has nothing to do with those..."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, speechless in his heart.

Postponing graduation for one year and jumping from a building, isn't life more important than studies? This girl's mentality and quality need to be strengthened.

And the school is sick too.

Ask the reason clearly, and retake the exam or make up the exam, isn't it also possible?

Is it necessary to be so rigid?

Chapter 598 Three idiots making trouble at the Royal Academy

After returning home, Han Changsheng plunged into the study on the first floor, writing a new movie script bit by bit according to the memory in his mind.

According to the current situation, he designated the script as "Three Fools Havoc at the Royal Academy". The plot has been slightly modified according to the current worldview, and everything else remains the same.

Seeing Han Changsheng like this, the seven Yang Mi sisters were not worried at all, instead they were doing their own things, only looking at the study from time to time.

The master does this occasionally, and every time he gives them a surprise, they are already used to it.

Fatty lay on the sofa and stared at the study, softly said: "Sisters, what do you think the master did this time?"

Liu Sisi guessed: "Let's play music!"


"Didn't the master ask why the girl jumped off the building? The master must want to write an inspiring song."

Tong Liya shook her head and said, "I guess it's writing the script."


"When I write music, I go into the music room. How can I go into the study room? And now that the Spring Festival is approaching, the master must want to get a script for a New Year's movie."

"But can this kind of plot of jumping off a building make a New Year's movie? Then you can't cry."

Tong Liya shrugged, "My master is so good at telling stories, I guess he can turn a tragedy into a comedy, after all, that girl is fine."

Yang Mi waved her hand, "It's no use thinking about it now, we'll know when the master comes out."

Fat Di stroked his chin as if thinking, and then said meaningfully: "If the master makes a New Year's movie, who will be the heroine?"

Swish! The seven sisters glanced at each other, and then the five sisters focused on Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha.

The seven sisters in the family have all participated in the movies of the master, but they are the only ones who have not acted opposite the master after they got married.

Fatty smiled like a little fox, and said with a grin: "The reason why the master is in this situation is because I invited him to the Royal Academy of Engineering to watch his final exam, so it stands to reason that I should play the heroine.

But considering that the third sister and the fifth sister have not yet become leading actresses in old-fashioned movies, I will reluctantly give up this time, and force you to fight for the heroine once again!"

Tang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then hugged Fatty and kissed him, "Thank you, Seventh Sister."

Gu Li Nazha followed suit and said happily, "Seventh sister, you are so kind."

"You're welcome, no matter which of the two sisters becomes the heroine, as long as I can be the supporting actress."

"Sister, don't worry..., we will definitely make the master agree."

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha responded in unison, then looked at each other and began to confront each other.

Although they don't know if the master is writing a new movie script in his study, they also don't know how many female protagonists there are.

But it's always worth fighting for the last time first.

After all, after they got married, the two of them did not officially participate in Master's movies.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha confronted each other, but Yang Mi looked at Fatty suspiciously.

Among the seven sisters in the family, she has spent the longest time with Fatty, and naturally knows her best.

This is the heroine of the master's new movie, this girl is just fine, she let it out and said there is no ghost in it, beat her to death.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi sat directly next to Fat Di, pinched her chubby face, and said with a half-smile: "Little Fat Di, what the hell are you planning?"

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