Fat Di was stunned, and then his eyes flickered and said: "Why did I have a ghost idea? This is purely because my sisterhood is overflowing, okay?"

Yang Mi pursed her lips and said angrily: "You don't come here, I don't know you yet! I know what you are going to do when you turn your back!"

Fat Di tilted his back, and said with a grin: "Then, what should I do now, big sister?"

Yang Mi froze for a moment, pointing at Fatty angrily, speechless.

This girl is crazy day by day, that's enough! Fat Di saw that Yang Mi's eyes were getting more and more dangerous, in order to avoid being taught a lesson by several sisters, he had no choice but to listen to her.

He whispered: "You don't know our master's temper, he always likes to be fair to us.

I've already acted opposite the master, so I'm definitely not the heroine of the new movie.

Then I might as well let go of what I don't have, if I can change to a supporting actress, that would be great too."

Yang Mi stared at Fatty in disbelief, squeezed her face hard, and exclaimed in a low voice: "This is still my seventh sister who is always in a daze every day. How can you be so clever? of"

Di Lieba's face darkened, and she said angrily: "Sister, don't underestimate people, I'm already very smart, okay, it's just that I don't need to show my superb wisdom when I'm with you."

Yang Mi squinted her eyes, and a dangerous light appeared in her pupils, "What do you mean we are not as smart as you?"

"Uh...not really."

Fat Di shrank his neck, laughed and said, "It's because the sisters are too smart, so I don't need to show it as a younger sister."

"Assuming you can talk."

When the seven sisters were fighting, the study door suddenly opened.

Han Changsheng walked out, holding a stack of blank papers in his hand.

The Seven Sisters' eyes fell on the white paper, and they immediately saw the headline - Three idiots making trouble at the Royal Academy.

Movie script! Tong Liya secretly said: Sure enough, then she smiled and said: "Master, this is your new movie, right?"

Han Changsheng nodded, "Yes!"

Tong Liya: "Then who is the heroine?"

Han Changsheng scanned around, pointed at Fatty and Nazha and said, "You two give me a dance."

The dancing girls froze for a moment, then put on a dancing posture.

Since the master said to dance, let's dance, and the same is true for other questions after dancing.

The two girls recited the beat silently in their hearts, twisted their fingers and shook their hands, and twisted their small waists, showing a section of the folk dance of the new province.

Although this dance was a temporary idea, the two girls are both Uighurs after all, and they both have good dancing skills, and they still dance beautifully without sound.

It's just that because of the different personalities of the two girls, the jumping range is obviously different.

Fatty is used to being crazy, and he can let go completely.

Nazha was still not used to being watched by several people together, so he danced a little cautiously.

The two girls danced for three minutes, and then stopped under Han Changsheng's eyes, "Master, how are we dancing?"

"pretty good."

Han Changsheng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then pointed at Fatty, "But Fatty dances better, you are the heroine."

"My Heroine"

Fatty pointed at himself in disbelief, his pupils grew big and his eyes were extremely excited.

She had already decided not to compete for the heroine, and thought that such a great thing would happen to her again.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha's eyes were gloomy, and they both sighed, but Gu Li Nazha was the most unhappy.

When she was dancing with Fatty just now, she thought the heroine belonged to her, but it turned out to be Fatty's.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng hugged the two girls and kissed each other, "Don't be sad, you two will still have a chance in the future."

"Then you must think of us in the future."

"Don't worry! It will."

Han Changsheng comforted the two girls again, and whispered some witty words in their ears,,,.


,, finally made them laugh.

Chapter 599 It's Abnormal Because It's Common

Han Changsheng saw Fatty giggling all the time, pinching the corners of her mouth that she couldn't hold back, "Don't be too happy, you just dance better than Nazha, and your second sister is the best dancer, and you The dance that does not meet the standard in my heart."

Fat Di put away his smile and said timidly, "Then what is your standard?"

Han Changsheng pointed at Tong Liya, "Your second sister dances a section.

You will know where the gap is with her.

Yaya, show it to Fatty.”

"it is good."

Tong Liya responded obediently, tied the hem of her white shirt around her waist, revealing her tender white waist, instantly transformed from an urban beauty into a playful young girl.

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