With a stance, he twisted his body slowly, and his limbs stretched out bit by bit like a lazy kitten.

More importantly, although the girl was dancing, her eyes were fixed on Han Changsheng, as if she was dancing just for him.

In Tong Liya's field of vision, there is only Han Changsheng's tall figure.

When she thought of what this man had done for him, she immediately burst into the most beautiful smile, a clever smile, bright and dazzling.

Han Changsheng looked at the two little dimples looming on Tong Liya's mouth, and hummed subconsciously.

"You look so pretty when you smile, like a spring flower.

Blow away all the troubles and sorrows.

You look so pretty when you smile, like the sunshine in summer.

All the time in the whole world is as beautiful as a scroll."

Tong Liya heard the magnetic singing in her ear, her smile became more... brilliant, and more...beautiful.

She was jumping and jumping, and involuntarily jumped to Han Changsheng's side.

The slender and white right hand directly embraced Han Shengsheng's neck, dancing around him like Chang'e under the moon.

When Yaya's last lowering movement appeared, Han Changsheng naturally stretched out his arms to hug her.

He hugged Yaya and turned around in the air a few times, kissed her, and then looked at Fatty who was staring at the side, "Can you see the difference between you and Yaya?"

Fat Di pursed his mouth sourly and said: "You have sung the song for the second sister, but when I dance, I can only dance dryly."

Han Chang was angry and laughed anxiously, raised his hand and gave Fatty a headache, "I sang the song for your second sister because she kept smiling at me, and I naturally sang along when I felt better.

And you were only focused on dancing just now, without any expression on your face, it's no wonder I can sing for you!"

Fatty pinched his face, and said angrily: "Isn't it just to laugh? I will too!"

After finishing the words, the corners of Fatty's mouth raised, showing a standard grin.

Han Changsheng pinched Fatty's chubby face, and said with a broken smile, "Your second sister's smile is bright, but yours is a silly smile."

Fat Di broke free from Han Changsheng's grasp, and pouted angrily, "Master, if you pinch my face again, believe it or not, you won't... just smiled at you."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Then believe it or not, I will change the heroine."

Fat Di was stunned, then hugged Han Changsheng's neck tightly and laughed: "Master, don't want me to! I will laugh as much as you want me to laugh."



Han Changsheng picked Fatty's chin, "Little girl, give Yele one."

The corner of Fatty's mouth trembled, and then he endured it stubbornly.

Although she said how the master made her laugh, how to laugh.

But she can't laugh so shamelessly, after all, she is the heroine of the next movie directed by Han Da, and she may even be the future Golden Dragon Award winner.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you be happy, why don't you make me happy?"


As soon as the words came out, Fat Di couldn't hold it anymore, and after laughing, he hugged Han Changsheng tightly, giggling and laughing until he couldn't straighten his waist.

in spite of……

The six 66 sisters, Fat Dile and Yang Mi, couldn't help laughing out loud.

The master is usually a tall and cold man, but when it comes to committing crimes, no one can compare to him.

Fatty laughed for three minutes, gasping for a few breaths before he could speak, "Master...I...giggle...I'm smiling right now, right?"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, put his arms around Yaya and said, "I can't teach you about dancing and smiling. You should learn more from your second sister."

After saying that, Han Changsheng let go... He put his arms around the hands of the second daughter, and walked out.

When passing by Yang Mi, he put his arms around her waist and led her along.

"Master, you are going out again"

"Go to Wen Zhengyang and see if the script can be approved. If not, it needs to be revised."

When Fatty heard this, he raised his right hand and shouted: "Master, you must pass the trial! My best actress trophy depends on your new movie."

Han Changsheng waved his hands without turning his head, "The future fat Diying queen, you should stop daydreaming now, and learn from your second sister how to show the most natural and charming smile in dancing." It's business, if your smile is too ugly, I don't mind changing to Nazha or Tangtang."

Gu Li Nazha jumped three feet high, "Master, I can practice dancing diligently, and I can definitely replace Fatty."

Tang Yan giggled and said, "My smile is guaranteed to be natural and touching, and I'm sure you'll be fascinated!"

Fatty jumped, "Third sister and fifth sister, don't bully people too much!"

Tang Yan pouted, "You were the one who bullied us first, okay?"

Nazha nodded, "That's right..., it was agreed to let my third sister and I play the heroine, but you snatched it away."

Fatty said aggrievedly: "This is the master's decision, what does it have to do with me?"

"It has something to do with you, if you don't dance so well, it's fine!"

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