
When the three maids were playing around at home, Yang Mi had already driven Han Changsheng to find Wen Zhengyang in the center of Meidi.

With Wen Zhengyang, there are also Shan Qiyu, Zhang Yimou, and Chen Xiaoheng.

The reason why they are together is because several countries are coming to discuss the introduction of "Bite of the Tongue" today.

When Wen Zhengyang saw Han Changsheng, he directly gave him a thumbs up, "Mr. Han can't escape after saving someone, he doesn't show off, Wen admires that."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "How do you know that I saved someone?"

Wen Zhengyang said with a smile: "The Royal Academy of Engineering is under the direct management of my Ministry of Rites, and the story of jumping from the building spread too quickly, so I naturally know a little bit."

"You can take care of that."

Han Changsheng handed over the script in his hand to Wen Zhengyang, "Help me see this script, can it pass the review."

Wen Zhengyang opened the script, and Zhang Yimou and the three of them also looked at it curiously.

But when they saw the words "Three Fools Havoc at the Royal Academy", the four of them frowned, and then glanced at Han Changsheng.

This name gives them a kind of: alluding to the illusion of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

The four looked down, and the more they looked, the more they admired Han Changsheng.

This person's brain doesn't know how long, even this kind of script can be written.

Wen Zhengyang had read the whole script and didn't say anything about it, so he asked Han Changsheng: "The inspiration for your script comes from that... the female student who jumped off the building"

Han Changsheng was noncommittal.

"That's it!"

The flash of inspiration came from the girl student who jumped off the building, but the script outline was copied from another world's movie.

Wen Zhengyang frowned and said, "Why did you write this script? This kind of thing is very common. Making this kind of movie is easy to attract criticism."

When Han Changsheng heard this, his sword eyebrows immediately stood up, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, "It's not normal just because this thing is so common! University should be a holy place away from darkness, but if it is in this holy place If jumping from a building is common, then is the university a holy place or a dark place?"

This...Wen Zhengyang and the four of them looked at each other, unable to answer.

A long time ago, the university was indeed a holy place.

But now...

Chapter 600 Pockmarks are not pockmarks, this is cheating!

Seeing that the four of them were silent, Han Changsheng said to Wen Zhengyang, "Wen Si, can this movie pass the review?"

"Your film is related to the Royal Academy of Engineering. I can't make the decision. Let me ask for you!"

Wen Zhengyang smiled wryly and shook his head, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Zhu Shilang, I have a new movie shooting plan, the content is about the Royal Academy of Engineering, I will pass the content to you, can you personally Check it out, okay, you look at it first."

Three minutes later, Wen Zhengyang hung up the phone, and said to Han Changsheng: "The superiors said that they can temporarily pass the review for you, but this film needs to be reviewed again before it can be released. You also know that this is a matter of royal face after all."

"Don't worry! You guys will be the first to see the samples!"

Han Changsheng complied, without saying anything.

This kind of movie that explores social issues must be strictly reviewed, but he is not afraid that it will not be released.

Since this movie can be praised by the chief minister of the cabinet, it must pass the review.

Han Changsheng retracted the script, turned his head to look at Shan Qiyu, "Old Shan, I need a director for this film, you used to be the director of the Palace Museum, can you participate in the role?"

Shan Qiyu said happily: "To be honest, I really want to participate, because I think this kind of educational comedy is very good, but I feel that there is someone more suitable than me to play this old-fashioned virus dean. "

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "Who?"

Shan Qiyu pointed to Zhang Yimou, "Zhang Guoshi is the most suitable, he has a straight face, that kind of...serious face is very permeating, it completely fits the persona of the head of the Royal Academy of Viruses in your movie."

Yes, Zhang Guoshi Han Changsheng looked at the smiling Zhang Yimou, and said in doubt: "Zhang Guoshi is smiling all day long, why haven't I seen him put on a straight face?"

Shan Qiyu said with a smile: "Master Zhang is extremely satisfied with you. He naturally smiles all the time when he sees you. How can he put on a serious face for you?"

After saying that, he poked Zhang Yimou's waist, "Old Zhang, be serious, think about it for a while...there is still a meeting."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou subconsciously put away his smiling face, that... expressionless expression really startled Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng walked around Zhang Yimou, nodded again and again, "Not to mention, the national teacher, you are so serious, you really have an aura of 'thousands of mountains and birds fly away, and people disappear without a trace'."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou suddenly laughed out of breath, "You two are enough, can you not arrange me here?"

"How can this be a choreography? This is a compliment to you. You smile amiably, with a straight face, and you don't get angry. It fits the setting of the Virus Director!"

When Han Changsheng saw Zhang Yimou's smile, he felt more... that he could play the role of the old-fashioned dean of the virus.

Because the Virus Dean has been... an old-fashioned without a smile from the very beginning.

It wasn't until the dean of the virus untied his knot and made a change that his smile brightened.

And the one who can perfectly display the power of laughter and non-anger is the one in front of me...


Zhang Yimou was about to open his mouth to say something, and he rushed to speak quickly: "Mr. Zhang, I made this campus comedy to let all the students across the country understand the initial stage of university life. Don't give up because of a momentary mistake. Negative, the rest of their lives and their future destiny will all be controlled by them, and what others can control is only a little bit of their achievements."

After the words fell, Han Changsheng said with a smile: "Master Zhang, don't you want to show your smile and seriousness for the future of all the students in the country? You should have a lot of social responsibility in your heart."

Zhang Yimou rubbed his nose helplessly, the boy is really good, these big hats are put on my head one by one, and if I don’t agree, I will become a historical sinner.”

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