I've been in contact with this kid several times, how can I forget how good this kid is? You have to be careful when you see him in the future, otherwise, after you get knocked out by him, you may be sold by him and you have to count the money for him.

"You have agreed"

"Agreement is yes, but we have to make an agreement in three chapters, otherwise I will definitely refuse to participate in the virus director."

"Please say."

Han Changsheng was noncommittal.

The three chapters of the covenant belong to the three chapters of the covenant, whether to obey or not depends on who can speak out against the other.

Zhang Yimou held up three fingers, "First, give me your salary."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "Didn't you always care about money?"

Zhang Yimou said angrily: "Of course I don't care about money if I'm your director, but this is for you as an actor, so we have to settle the score, after all, this is my hard work."

Han Changsheng nodded, "Okay, three hundred yuan can't be more."

Zhang Yimou laughed out of breath, and was about to say something, but suddenly saw Shan Qiyu's wink at him.

Well, three hundred yuan Zhang Yimou thought of something, took back what he wanted to say, and changed his words: "How about this, you can help me draw a picture of eight steeds, and then mention the eight words 'Old man's ambition is a thousand miles', this Even if it's my salary."

Han Changsheng shaved his eyebrows, and suddenly said: "Master Zhang Guo, why don't we talk about the salary, how about 300 million?"

Zhang Yimou waved his hand and said firmly: "No matter, I want the picture of eight horses and the eight characters you wrote for me, otherwise I won't act."

Dean Shan's pockmark is not a pockmark, this is a scam! Han Changsheng sneered at Shan Qiyu who gave Zhang Yi a wink, but he reluctantly complied.

Although drawing inscriptions is more troublesome than giving money, who made him fall in love with Zhang Yimou's serious face.


Han Changsheng snapped off Zhang Yimou's three fingers, "Master Zhang, this is a map of eight horses and an inscription, so the three chapters of the agreement will be gone."

Zhang Yimou thought for a while, stopped his hands and nodded, "If there are paintings and characters, there are no rules, but if you can't see anything, I won't listen to your instructions."

The three chapters of the agreement are just a gimmick he came up with in a hurry, if there is a picture of the Eight Horses, this agreement will naturally be useless.

"Okay, see you on set then."

Han Changsheng smiled and cupped his hands, turned his head and walked away.

Wen Zhengyang was taken aback, and shouted: "You are not going to participate in the overseas licensing meeting of "Bite of the Tongue"."

Han Changsheng waved his hands without looking back, "You guys have talked about it several times, I don't want to waste my words again, but don't forget to help me tell my superiors that our filming location will be at the Royal Academy of Engineering , don't get stuck."

Zhang Yi looked at Han Changsheng's back firmly, "Will this movie really be broadcast after it's shot?"

Wen Zhengyang said uncertainly: "Zhu Shilang is a member of the royal family. If he can pass the trial, he will definitely be released. Of course, the premise is that the sample of this movie is the same as Director Han's script, and there are no other problems. .”

Shan Qiyu: "I don't know how Han Changsheng's brain grew, how he could come up with such a school comedy script."

Wen Zhengyang: "His brain is different from ordinary people, and he also rescued people himself, so he can naturally come up with this kind of script."

Zhang Yimou asked curiously: "Zhengyang, you keep saying that Han Changsheng saved someone, how did he do it?"

Wen Zhengyang: "At that time..."

The three gossip men listened to Wen Zhengyang's story about the hero saving the beauty, and they exclaimed from time to time.

But Han Changsheng, the hero in the story, has long since disappeared in the center of Meidi.

Chapter 601 You are mocking me!

I don't know if it was Wen Zhengyang who tried his best, or the royal family also liked the theme of Han Changsheng's new movie.

Various approvals for this "Three Fools Havoc at the Royal Academy" were submitted, and the review was passed the next day.

On the third day, Han Changsheng led the filming team into the Royal Academy of Engineering, and began to discuss filming matters with the school's senior management.

It was said to be a discussion, but in fact it was the old headmaster of the Royal Academy of Engineering with a stiff expression, explaining the precautions to Han Changsheng.

It is not allowed to shoot the high-tech achievements of the university, it is not allowed to shoot the secret place... It is not allowed to shoot this, it is not allowed to shoot that, anyway, it is all kinds of prohibitions.

Fatty looked at the stern-faced headmaster with Mediterranean hairstyle, and said angrily: "This headmaster is so old-fashioned, what we borrow is the boys' dormitory building, the office building and the gymnasium.

In these few simple places, he has to... ramble about some high-tech achievements, we can't take pictures of those things at all, okay?"

She is the heroine of this movie. She memorized the lines for several days at home, and she continued to do imitation exercises, just to show the best of herself.

As a result, she was gearing up to get ready, but when she got here, she was directly given a basin of cold water, which really pissed her off.

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "Don't be angry, you can't make sense with this old-fashioned way."

"What to do then"

"Look at me."

Han Changsheng's solution was very simple, he found Qian Sanyuan directly and asked her to be the head of the photography team.

Qian Sanyuan pointed to his nose and said in disbelief: "Are you sure you want me to be the consultant of the photography team? I can only control quadrotor aircraft, and I can't do anything else."

"Of course I mean what I say, but this shooting method is different from what you see."

"How to shoot"

Han Changsheng pointed to the distance, "The people in the photography team will tell you the general direction of the shooting. You just need to tell them what you can't shoot in this direction, and they will naturally adjust it, that is to say, they are in charge of the small shots, and you control the big shots." direction."

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