After thinking about it, Qian Sanyuan took over the job directly, and even called some students from the Engineering Academy to help.

This Han Changsheng saved their Senior Sister Li, and their Engineering College owed him a small favor.

At this time, helping to repay the favor, and earning some living expenses by the way, is naturally the best.

In addition, they have been dissatisfied with the old-fashioned headmaster for a long time.

If you can get angry with him at this time, then you can't be too happy.

Qian Sanyuan took a group of students out, and the filming went smoothly as Han Changsheng expected.

Han Changsheng looked at Qian Sanyuan and other students who were busy, and then at the old-fashioned headmaster with a face as black as the bottom of a pot, with a playful arc on the corner of his mouth.

Didn’t the principal say that many things can’t be photographed? Then he will use Qian Sanyuan and the others to punish him! As a top student of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and she is also the great-granddaughter of Mr. Qian, it is natural for these things that need to be avoided The door is clear.

At the top there is the Royal Minister Zhu from the Ministry of Rituals who has passed the trial, and at the bottom there is a group of high-achieving students who have backers to help. Let's see how the old-fashioned headmaster criticizes.

Zhang Yimou glanced at the Mediterranean principal who was so angry that he couldn't speak, and gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up, "I have to say, you still have a way, you can get it done."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "I'm just taking.

But I found that it was really right to ask you to play the virus principal, when you are stern, you are like a replica of him."

Zhang Yimou stopped smiling, stared at Han Sheng's face and said: "First, I'm not rigid! Second, I'm not as rigid as he is! Third, I still have a lot of hair, Mediterranean!"

Han Changsheng scratched his nose, and said, "Didn't you hear that I was talking about your acting skills? You look like an old-fashioned virus principal without eyes."

"I don't think you are complimenting me, but rather mocking me!"

Zhang Yimou glared at Han Changsheng, and said angrily, "If you have to wait for the other actors you're looking for, why not take my part."

Han Changsheng glanced at the electronic watch, "They'll be here soon, I'll send someone to pick them up at the school gate."

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Guo Jingfei played the villain Chartu, Sha Yi played Fahan, Hu Ke played Pia's sister, and Zhang Yixing played Raja.

"Director Han...Hello Master Zhang Guo!"

It was fine when Sha Yi and the others faced Han Changsheng. After all, they knew Han Changsheng very well.

But when facing Zhang Yimou, they are very respectful, this is Zhang Guoshi, they really dare not make mistakes.

Han Changsheng saw the awkwardness of the few people, so he helped relieve them by making jokes, and then took them to the place where they lived.

In order to find the feeling of the student days, everyone lived not in the hotel of the school, but in the student dormitory.

This student dormitory is no worse than a hotel. There are four 44 large independent bedrooms in one large room.

There is a living room in the middle, a separate washroom and a utility room, and there is only a kitchen.

Hu Ke looked at this temporary residence whose environment was beyond imagination, and his eyes lit up with envy, "Tsk tsk tsk, if I knew that the Royal Academy of Engineering had this residence when I was in school, let alone the head hanging from the beam and the buttocks, I would also learn to vomit blood." You have to learn!"

Sha Yi echoed: "The environment of this dormitory is really enviable. I have to take pictures of the facilities here and show them to Anji and Xiao Yuer, so as to inspire their fighting spirit of 'study hard and make progress every day', so that they can also take the exam. Royal Academy of Engineering!"

Han Changsheng was speechless, "You two sons are only so old, and they didn't even go to elementary school. Why do you use photos to stimulate your fighting spirit for the university entrance exam? Why don't you get some lollipops and reward one if you say double hundred. It's sure to be more effective than your photos!"

Sha Yi was stunned, and he liked it, "Your method sounds good, I'll give it a try when I get home."

Hu Ke: "..."

She banned them from eating candy for the sake of their teeth, but her husband thought it was wrong, so I really don't know what to say to him! Guo Jingfei took a deep breath of campus youth, and sighed: "I never thought I could go back to being a student again." Time has come, this is a dream come true!"

Sha Yi stroked the beard on his face, "Director Han was late in notifying you. If I had notified earlier, I would have been exercising for two or three months, and I would be able to regain my appearance in the Mood for Love."

Guo Jingfei rolled his eyes, "Brother Sha, you've got it, with your current appearance, no matter how much you recover, you won't be able to change back to that military art school grass."

Sha Yi rolled his eyes back, "It's as if you can recover, you are just an ex-actor, remember, you are an ex!"

During the squabbling, everyone visited the dormitory and other surrounding shooting spots, but did not start shooting directly.

The review of "Three Idiots" just passed today, they came here to see the environment, and Han Changsheng had to direct how to arrange the scene by the way.

If you really want to shoot a movie, you have to wait until the first scene is set up.

Besides, Han Changsheng had to tell them about the next play, so as not to change actors after the filming started.

Among them, Han Changsheng is most worried about... Zhang Yixing.

Although Zhang Yixing won the Best Newcomer Award at the Golden Dragon Awards, Bo Ge also said that his acting skills are good, but Han Changsheng still can't believe it without seeing it with his own eyes.

But after some explanations and auditions, Han Changsheng... knows why Zhang Yixing can become the favorite of the Extreme Boys.

Zhang Yixing may lack some acting experience, but he can position himself well.

If you don't understand something, you will definitely ask, and never pretend to be smart and say that you already know it.

He will always write down what he has been told, and then practice hard on the sidelines.

Based on these points, his future will definitely develop better.

Guo Jingfei heard all kinds of incidents about the character he played, and couldn't help complaining, "Director Han, why did I become a negative teaching material again last time I acted in "A Star Language Wish".

, I was almost scolded to death by the audience, fortunately I did what a gentleman should do at the last moment, otherwise I would not dare to go out!"

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, you are not really a villain this time, there will be a turnaround later."

Guo Jingfei shook the script in his hands, distrustful and said: "But in your script, I didn't reverse the ending!"

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