"The flip is what I said after the movie, take it easy! You're guaranteed to get out."

Han Changsheng comforted Guo Jingfei, but he didn't say what kind of easter eggs would be played at the end, which made Guo Jingfei roll his eyes.

Although filming with this person can satisfy one's appetite for drama, but one will always be frightened by him.

If I do a few more movies with him, I'm afraid he will lose ten years of life!

Chapter 602 There is no lower limit for making money

Just when "Three Idiots" was preparing to shoot at the Royal Academy of Engineering, Han Changsheng spread the news of shooting a new movie.

Moreover, many film and television companies have learned the name of the film and the release schedule. Brother Huayi's Wang Da and Wang Er panicked when they heard the news.

Because none of Han Changsheng's six films were screened in Huayi theaters in the past two years, Huayi has earned a lot less box office in the past two years.

Their Hua Yi theater chain made less money, while the other theater chains made a lot of money, so the distance that was not that big was instantly widened.

Even, the medium-sized theater chains behind have begun to show a posture of catching up from behind, and the momentum of catching up is very fierce.

For this reason, Wang Da and Wang Er did not hesitate to spend more than 2 million yuan to produce this hugely-funded blockbuster "Monster Hunt 2". Hua makes a lot of money.

And if it can surpass the 33 billion box office of Han Changsheng's "East and West", Hua Yi will regain his position as the leading film producer.

But if Han Changsheng's "Three Idiots" is also released during the Spring Festival, it will have an impact on their expected goals.

Not only will it reduce the box office of "Monster Hunt 2", but it will also reduce Huayi's profit.

If "Three Idiots" is as popular as "East Makes West", there may even be a counterattack at the box office, and if they fail, they will have to lose money.

Looking at the night scene outside the window, Wang Da saw that hateful young face in front of his eyes.

It's all that...damn Han Changsheng, who caused Brother Huayi's performance to decrease instead of increase in the past two years, and became a joke in the industry! Wang Da grabbed the flowers in the flower pot and broke them directly, his voice was low and hoarse , ""Monster Hunt 2" is related to the development of our company, and it is also the company's first opening shot this year. We must not let it: it's dying!"

Wang Er took away the cigar in his hand, exhaled a puff of white smoke, and said with a frown, "But Han Changsheng's "Three Idiots" has passed the preliminary review by the Ministry of Rites, and is already shooting at the Royal Academy of Engineering. Can we stop it?"

Wang Da took a deep breath, crushed the flower in his hand, "We can't stop him from shooting, can't we stop him from showing it? Even if we can't stop him from showing it, it can still change the audience's initial impression of "Three Idiots"! "

Wang Er turned around sharply, his eyes were bright, "how to do it?"

Wang Da smiled sullenly, and the picture on the glass also smiled.

"Start finding someone to criticize this "Three Idiots" now!"

"As long as the box office of this "movie" is extremely low in the first few days, those theater companies who are eager to make money will definitely reduce its film schedule!"

"As long as the box office of "Monster Hunt 2" can beat "Three Idiots" a few days ago..., then Han Changsheng can be beaten for a month!"

"When the box office of "Monster Hunt 2" reaches 40 billion and becomes the highest box office in the country, it will be... when Hua Yi starts to reverse the disadvantage!"

"Don't worry, brother, I'm familiar with this matter!"

Wang Er smiled knowingly, and directly snuffed out the cigar in his hand, just like snuffing out Han Changsheng's rising momentum.

No matter how good the movie is, how can it not play tricks, this Han Changsheng will die halfway on their Huayi! It didn't take long, and the outside world criticized Han Changsheng's new movie.

And it just expanded the empire's north and south in one night, and even spread to the world.

""Three Fools Raising Havoc at the Royal Academy", I knew what it was about as soon as I heard the vulgar name. If you have the moral high ground, you will be praised by many students."

"Han Changsheng really did everything for the box office! Even the Royal Academy of Engineering dared to discredit it!"

"There must be unknown inside stories about how a film with problematic value orientation like "Three Idiots" passed the review!"

"The Royal Academy of Engineering is the highest institution of learning in the Ming Empire. When Han Changsheng went to make a movie, what if he leaked state secrets?"

Everything outside did not interrupt the filming progress of "Three Idiots".

Because many actors have seen the full script of "Three Idiots", they know what kind of classic campus inspirational comedy they will be filming.

The only thing they worry about is...whether Han Changsheng can withstand the pressure from the outside world.

But obviously, they were overthinking it.

Han Changsheng knows more than they do, so everything outside is just a joke to him.

And when Han Changsheng was filming the first scene of "Three Idiots", he received a call from Wu Jing.

"Brother Jing, why are you so busy calling me when you have time?"

"Brother Han, I'm filming "Wolf Warrior 2", would you be interested in getting a share?"

"Wolf Warrior 2", the highest-grossing movie in China, Han Changsheng was about to accept it, and suddenly remembered Wu Jing's hard work for this movie, "Brother Jing, I'm the target of everyone now, you don't have to be afraid that you will be like me after I take a share." "Movie" is implicated"

Wu Jing smiled and said, "I've watched all five of your movies, and I haven't found any value-oriented problems. Besides, I don't believe that the Ministry of Rites and the Golden Dragon Award jury will make such low-level mistakes."

Han Changsheng said happily: "Thank you Brother Jing for your affirmation, how much money are you short?"

Wu Jing: "There is still a shortfall of about [-] million: you can invest four to five thousand, just ten thousand, and I will prepare for the remaining gap. If it doesn't work, I will mortgage the house!"

Han Changsheng reminded: "Brother Jing, according to my opinion, your movie will definitely make a lot of money, and it must be suitable for you to mortgage the house."

Wu Jing: "Hey! That's a last resort, let's prepare money first!"

Han Changsheng heard the aggrieved words in Wu Jing's words, and sighed, "Well, I'll give you 2 million, but only [-] million in dividends, and the remaining [-] million will be used for the promotion fee of "Wolf Warrior [-]". "

"Brother Han, brother, don't say anything! I'll treat you to a drink later, if you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

"You're welcome, but Brother Jing, are you really not considering mortgaging the house? I'm sure this movie will be a hit at the box office!"

Wu Jing said with a smile: "With you, [-] million is enough. I'd better not mortgage the house, lest my brother Nan follow me in fear."

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