When Han Changsheng heard the blind voice over there, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The most important thing now is to finish filming "Three Idiots", and then go to have sex... slap Brother Huayi in the face, and talk about the rest later.

"The first scene of the fifth scene of "Three Idiots",!"

, Han Changsheng let out a breath of white air, and looked at Sha Yi, who was not breathing under the camera.

Although the winter in the capital is not cold, the temperature is still only a few degrees above zero, and I still breathe when I speak.

To prevent this from happening, the actor's mouth needs to be filled with ice.

As long as the temperature in the mouth is lowered, there will be no breathing when speaking.

In order to prevent everyone from catching a cold, Han Changsheng asked the logistics to prepare pot after pot of steaming ginger syrup.

If you have nothing to do, drink a bowl, at least...can resist the cold air outside.

Chapter 603 Listening, Seeing, and Feeling

Filming "Three Idiots" at the Royal Academy of Engineering, everyone is really far away from the world for a while.

It's a holiday now, except for... the students and teachers of the school can come in and out with their IDs, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Living in a dormitory, eating in a cafeteria, and not being disturbed by entertainment reporters, the filming was simply not too comfortable.

However, there are still two people in the crew who need to go in and out of the school, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying.

Anyway... the current filming location is in the capital, the two of them simply busy with some company affairs every day.

Occasionally come over to observe how other people perform, and take the opportunity to improve their acting skills.

This day, the second daughter came home from get off work early, and Yang Mi saw the visiting students and the mobile phones in their hands.

"Master, is it okay for these students to film our filming scenes?"

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't worry about them, they just... just take a picture and don't record a video.

Besides, there are some scenes in the movie that require their participation, so there is no need to be too strict."

The shooting of campus movies is naturally inseparable from students.

On the first day of filming, Han Changsheng signed an agreement with these...interested students.

You can take photos and post them as you like.

Videos can also be recorded, but this video cannot be released outside now, and can only be released after the movie is officially released.

In this way, both parties are happy.

The students fulfilled their desire to participate in the film, and after the photos were released, they also gained a lot of envy and hatred.

Han Changsheng can continue to stir up the popularity of "Three Idiots" while the students are posting photos.

Although this heat is non-stop dirty water, non-stop abuse.

But it is heat after all it is not.

When "Three Idiots" is officially released, these...dirty water, these...abuses will turn into "Three Idiots"'s reputation and box office.

The last scene of the day is to shoot the scene where the seniors of the Royal Academy bully the new students, but they are taught by Lan Che.

It is none other than Qian Sanyuan's older brother, Qian Eryuan, who plays the role of senior.

Before Han Changsheng...was planning to find some newcomers in the company to play some unimportant small roles, but many students were very willing to participate in the performance.

After some discussion, they were assigned a few small roles, and then the students drew lots to make decisions, and whoever was drawn counted.

Among them was the senior who bullied others but was taught a lesson, there was also the senior who failed to graduate and hanged himself, and the one who mixed up in the school... the small mm.

When everything was ready, the guy Qian Eryuan disappeared.

They searched for a long time, and finally caught him in the men's bathroom.

Han Changsheng saw that Qian Eryuan's expression was a little timid, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Why did you have stage fright when you were filming, didn't you promise that you could perform well in this scene?"

This guy is really good enough, before...he took the lead in coaxing to participate in the performance, but when it came time to play, he became a deserter.

The corners of Qian Eryuan's mouth twitched a few times, and he forced out an ugly smile, "That..... Director Han... can we play it differently?"

Qian Sanyuan didn't wait: Han Changsheng opened his mouth and punched him, "Brother Stinky! The crew has prepared everything, and the filming is about to start. How do you change it? This is the filming stage, what have you to be afraid of! "

Qian Eryuan moved the corners of his mouth, but still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "It's not impossible to change. If you don't want to play the role of the senior who was electrocuted, then play the role of the senior who hanged himself. But you have to practice singing again. There is a scene where you play and sing by yourself." of."

"But I can't play the guitar."

Qian Eryuan scratched his head bitterly, and said in a low voice, "Director Han, for a while...can you lower the voltage when you electrify me, it hurts too much."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "How do you know it hurts?"

Qian Eryuan shivered subconsciously, crossed his legs and said sadly: "I shocked myself once yesterday, and I haven't recovered from it for a long time. If I call again, my happiness for the rest of my life will be gone."

Han Changsheng gritted his teeth tightly, so he didn't smile.

This guy is really good enough, why is he so curious? After a long while, Han Changsheng took a few deep breaths to suppress his smile, and the corners of his mouth still couldn't help but rise, "How could you treat yourself as an experiment?"

Qian Eryuan scratched his head in embarrassment, "I saw that you even acted like taking a bath, so I just tried it."

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