Han Changsheng raised his forehead speechlessly, "We did that because that kind of performance won't hurt, so we asked for a real performance. If you will get hurt, we usually just add special effects in the later stage."

Qian Eryuan was dumbfounded, "Then, I am Bai Dian himself."

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, "It's not Bai Dian, you have a real experience, after a while... Act according to memory, that's how you act in your true colors!"


The people around shrugged their shoulders and ran away, and then there was a mess of laughter from all directions, and the atmosphere suddenly became dry.

Qian Sanyuan endured and endured, but in the end he couldn't hold back, he kicked up and said coquettishly, "Qian Eryuan! Don't call him my second brother when you go out in the future, I can't afford to lose him!"

"Farewell, third sister, I did this to sharpen my willpower.

Third sister, don't leave, what are you going to do, second brother will help you, third sister, slow down and don't fall!"

"Sanmei, you're tall! Don't call me Sanmei!"

"Good third sister."

After the laughter, everyone continued to shoot, and because Qian Eryuan had a real experience, he passed it twice.

The following campus scenes are being filmed step by step.

Sometimes it is fast, sometimes it is slow, but the general situation is still shooting at the speed Han Changsheng expected.

There are also some changes, such as the virus' crow being replaced with a rainbow.

Rainbow also recited lines about the virus with the little boy who played the role of mm, to express that Rainbow also hates viruses very much.

On this day, I filmed the scene of Zhang Yimou writing on the blackboard with both hands at the same time.

But the characters he wrote are always twisted and crooked, which cannot be called characters.

Zhang Yimou wrote twice and had to give up, "Little friend Changsheng, this left and right fighting technique can't be practiced in a few days. My right hand can barely do it, but my left hand is not good at all."

"Split your mind into two sides, use one mind and two hands, can't you write with your left and right hands at the same time?"

"How can a person have two purposes at one time? This is not the martial arts world you described."

"Why can't it be?"

Han Changsheng picked up two chalks, walked directly to the blackboard, and with a few swipes, he wrote two rows of chalk characters painted with iron and silver hooks.

An old man, with aspirations for thousands of miles.

The martyrs are in their twilight years, full of ambition.

"Look, isn't this very simple?"

Han Changsheng threw the chalk back into the chalk box, and said to Zhang Yimou who was staring at him: "How about this, Guoshi, you delay this scene for a while, let's shoot other scenes first, you can practice more during this time, Not to mention writing beautiful square characters, but at least...you can see people."

Zhang Yimou chuckled, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, can't you just write for me?"

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "Didn't you always insist on not using a substitute?"

Zhang Yimou said with a chuckle: "Of course I can't use a substitute for the front face, but this shot is for my back, and no one can see it. If I want to return the axis like this, isn't it sick?"


Han Changsheng was speechless.

"National Teacher, the male protagonist will serve as your villain No. [-] as a stand-in. Your standards are very high."

Zhang Yimou smiled: "It's really high, and I have the capital to go out and brag in the future."

Although Han Changsheng was speechless, he acted as a double for Zhang Yimou for the sake of filming progress.

He is a head taller than Zhang Yimou, but fortunately there is a desk behind him, so he can do the same thing by squatting down a little.

Chapter 604 The Parting Bell

After more than ten days of busy work, all the scenes that happened in the Royal Academy of Engineering have been filmed.

Han Changsheng personally cooked a sumptuous big pot meal dinner, thanking many students for their help.

This night, many students who experienced gathering and parting for the first time cried.

Qian Eryuan cried even more.

Before he went out with his partner to film "Bite of the Tongue", he only felt that it was an autumn outing, and there was nothing too sad.

But this time is different.

Everything Han Changsheng photographed was basically the college life of these boys.

Feeling the same, it collapsed all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Qian Er's 2 yuan IQ is high enough, and he is still a big man, after a while of adjustment, he recovered almost.

Holding a glass of Erguotou, this guy looked for Han Changsheng with red eyes, "Director Han, I only thought you were a director who didn't follow the routine, and you were also a director who could shoot down-to-earth food documentaries. It turns out that you know so much about our college life, I respect you for this glass of wine, and I drank it in one gulp! You can do whatever you want!"

When Han Changsheng saw that Qian Eryuan drank the wine in the glass directly, he naturally couldn't be vague, so he drank a glass too.

And Han Changsheng's toast set off an upsurge of toasting him.

The boys around came in groups of three or four, without saying a word, they toasted and finished.

These boys didn't mean to overwhelm Han Changsheng, they just...wanted to express the kind of joy among boys...a confidant is hard to find.

Han Changsheng didn't flinch when he saw this, his glass was dry, and he drank three to five catties in one go.

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