Qian Sanyuan joined in the fun and toasted a glass of wine, shouting: "Director Han, we will part ways tomorrow morning, you are talented, let's sing a new song!"

Han Changsheng took the guitar without refusing, "Sing what song?"

Qian Sanyuan said: "Since it's parting, let's sing parting songs!"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that you are crying?"

"Parting should have shed tears, so why not cry!"

"That's right. Crying is a normal physiological reaction of people. A good cry can also ease the parting emotion."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Okay, since you want to cry, I'll sing a song."

The gentle and soothing guitar sound sounded, and Han Changsheng's deep and magnetic singing voice drifted away.

"That day we knew you were leaving, but we didn't say a word.

When the bell of the night knocks on the door of parting heart, but it cannot open your deep silence.

I sent you to the end that day, and we didn't leave a word.

When the crowded platform squeezes the people who bid farewell, but it can't squeeze out my deep parting sorrow.

I know you have a thousand words, but you refuse to speak them out.

You know I'm so worried and I'm so sad, but I dare not speak out.

When you pack your bags and unload the honor, I can only let the tears stay in my heart.

With a slight smile on his face, he waved vigorously and wished you a good journey."

The sound of singing fluttered and swayed, scattered all around.

Everyone hummed a few lines, and then they were struck by the picture depicted by the singing, and couldn't help crying.

Sha Yi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with emotion: "My production crew has dozens if not hundreds, except... the very beginning will be as sad as it is now, and the latter ones... the differences can be said to be very different. Why did you cry just once?"

Guo Jingfei drank the wine in the glass and vomited out the boredom in his heart.

"It should be because we have been in contact with these students for a long time, and we have returned to the... wonderful college time, so those... the memories of parting from the past came to our hearts."

Zhang Yixing stared at Changsheng with tears in his eyes, enviously said: "Director Han is so talented, he can also bring emotions into the new song, the voice is full of parting thoughts, but the voice is always stable, really amazing."

Hu Ke pointed to the seven sisters of Yang Mi next to him, and said with a smile: "Yixing, you have rarely filmed with Director Han, so you have this feeling. Look at Mimi and the others, they have already adapted to Brother Changsheng. Great talent, it’s no surprise at all.”

Yang Mi wiped away her tears, shook her head and said: "Sister Ke'er, you are wrong, although we are used to Master's great talent, but this is the first time seeing Master cry."

Tong Liya stared at Han Changsheng, who was singing softly, with infatuated eyes, "No wonder the master doesn't shed tears, the melancholy temperament on his body becomes more... more, he is simply... a melancholy male god."

"You have to keep an eye on the master, and you can't let the surrounding... female classmates abduct the master."

"Don't worry! We promise to see it!"

Hu Ke: "..."

The eight members of this family show their love all the time, and sing a song to show off, it really makes her unbearable.

The night gradually deepened, and the cold wind blew through. The people gradually couldn't bear the cold and had to return to the warm dormitory...

When we parted the next day, Xu had cried enough last night, many students were just red-eyed, but...there was no crying scene again.

Qian Sanyuan and the others didn't cry, but the entertainment reporters waiting outside were so excited that they were going crazy.

Ever since the news spread that Han Changsheng was going to shoot the Chinese New Year movie "Three Idiots", they have been waiting at the gate of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

But they couldn't get in during the school holidays, and they didn't dare to force interview the students and teachers who came out. After all, the security guards next to them also had guns.

As a last resort, I could only squat at the school gate to prevent Han Changsheng from being interviewed when he came out.

It's freezing cold, they've been waiting for... for nearly half a month, and now they can be regarded as seeing a real person!" Director Han, you finished filming a campus youth inspirational film in [-] days, do you want to continue last year's "East Is the bottomless line of Cheng Xijiu funny?"

"Director Han, may I ask what your original intention for filming "Three Idiots" is to reap high box office during the Lunar New Year festival?"

"Director Han, is "Three Idiots" really a campus comedy film with no limit to making money?"

"Do you want to criticize the current decadent and outdated education system?"

"Zhang Guoshi, did you direct this film? When you directed it, did you not think about the... honors on your body? Or do you want to make a film for making money now?"

You bastard! These...entertainment reporters are really asking questions by any means to make a point! Zhang Yimou stared and wanted to explode, but was stopped by Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng shook his head at Zhang Yimou, and said in a low voice: "National teacher, it's not worth it to get angry with them as an old man. You get in the car first, and I will deal with them."

Zhang Yimou took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "Swear more at these people, or I won't feel well!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Han Changsheng responded with a light smile, and just stood outside, sending the crew to the buses one by one.

Then, he turned around and faced these entertainment reporters whose eyes were red with excitement, with contemptuous eyes and contemptuous tone.

"If you ask me, I will not answer any of them.

Because in your heart, everything has been set.

I think no matter what I say, you will add embellishments and modifications, and then continue to criticize "Three Idiots".

I just leave you with one sentence, how to criticize "Three Idiots" now, I have to double apologize later, otherwise I don't mind sending you to court one by one! That's all I have to say, so I can do it myself!"

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