Many entertainment reporters watched Han Changsheng get in the car and walk away, all of them were more excited than before.

It's been a long time! Ever since Han Changsheng beat and scolded that... Yu Ji's 'Penguin', they haven't been scolded for a long time, and now they can finally be scolded on the trending list again! Three minutes later, a new draft was added The content is directly released to major entertainment media.

[Filming a campus movie in fifteen days, the degree of shoddy production can be seen] [Han Changsheng couldn't judge his "Three Idiots" and fled in embarrassment] [Many actors of "Three Idiots" refused to be interviewed and dared not show up] [Royal The students of the School of Engineering kicked the crew of "Three Idiots" out of the school, obviously not wanting to see Han Changsheng] [Han Changsheng threatened many entertainment reporters, with a stern look on the surface, but a cowardly and weak heart!]

Chapter 605 That Little Baby Is Confident

The outside disturbance has nothing to do with the "Three Idiots" crew.

The bus convoy left the Royal Academy of Engineering and headed for Beijing Tongren Hospital.

To say that Han Changsheng is really lucky, the girl he saved last time... the girl who jumped off the building was the daughter of the director of Tongren Hospital.

Han Changsheng just sent someone to negotiate whether to borrow the hospital for filming, and the other party agreed directly, and said that he would not take any money.

But Han Changsheng did not agree, saving people is saving people, paying money is paying money, these are two different things.

Two days later, everyone finished filming the scenes in the hospital, and then went to the Civil Aviation Beijing Branch.

This civil aviation company has a mutually beneficial relationship with Han Changsheng, and naturally, like Ren Hospital, it gave the green light to the "Three Idiots" crew.

After shooting the two exterior scenes and other exterior scenes, everyone went straight to Han's Horse Farm in the Xilamuren Grassland of Hushi City.

Han Changsheng didn't want everyone to go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the northwest to avoid altitude sickness.

He simply pretended to be selfish, and set the final location at Han's racecourse.

Anyway... there are endless green grasslands on both sides of the road, and mirror-like lakes, which are no worse than the sapphires on the plateau.

After shooting the last location in two days, and having a bonfire dinner in the evening, the filming of "Three Idiots" will be officially completed...

Year February 2, Beginning of Spring.

In this season when everything grows, Han Changsheng is also busy editing "Three Idiots".

The number is... the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day when "Three Idiots" was released.

He can't procrastinate until his thirties.

Otherwise, if the company cannot take the holiday in advance, the employees of Jiayuan cannot buy tickets to go home in advance.

Letting employees leave on their thirtieth year is equivalent to letting them celebrate the New Year on the train, which is not a thing.

For three days and three nights, Han Changsheng worked for 72 hours to edit "Three Fools".

There are a lot of singing and dancing in the original movie, the purpose of which is to entertain the audience in India.

When it comes to Han Changsheng, some unnecessary ones are cut off, leaving only some that can lead to the following plot.

Even so, the total time is still 150 minutes.

With this length of release, seven games a day will become five games a day, which will reduce the box office by at least a quarter.

But Han Changsheng didn't care.

The money he earns now won’t be able to be spent in several lifetimes, so what if he will do it last time? What’s more, he has several methods to make the box office grow against the trend. Maybe after some tinkering, the box office of "Three Idiots" will be higher than he thought. is even higher.

The samples were handed over to Zhuge Zailiang's special effects team, and they were fully formed after two days.

Send it to the office of Wen Zhengyang, Ministry of Rites at 1:[-] p.m., and the review will start half an hour later.

The audit personnel, in addition to...Wen Zhengyang and other people from the Ministry of Rites and Arts Department, and the Minister of Rites specially invited by Wen Zhengyang, Zhu Rongzheng.

This...royal member has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a broad face, majestic, and a dignified appearance.

Just sitting there, there is an aura of killing soldiers.

Under the aura of aura, Wen Zhengyang and the others did not dare to catch their breath, and they did not even dare to whisper.

After the movie finished successfully, words suddenly appeared on the screen.

"I would like to give some advice to the audience,

First, if you have a friend who is a genius like Rancher, you can pursue your dreams like Raja and Farhan.

But if you don't have these..., Charto, rote learning won't work.

Although this is a bit tiring, isn't life supposed to move forward under pressure?

Second, if you have a dream, please tell your parents and confide in your heart, and then seek your dream after obtaining consent.

If your parents disagree, please try your best to persuade them.

Third, please put the photos of your parents and relatives in your wallet, when you can see your parents and relatives all the time, all negative emotions will disappear.”

Zhu Rongzheng took a deep look at the handwriting written on the screen with iron and silver hooks, then leaned on the chair and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing him like this, Wen Zhengyang and the others didn't dare to ask, they all sat upright and waited.

This... Zhu Shilang is not only a member of the royal family, but also their immediate boss. Now he is known for being strict and upright. What he dislikes the most is... making small moves under the ground.

After a long while, Zhu Rong opened his eyes that were so bright and translucent, and a look of nostalgia disappeared in a flash.

He looked at Wen Zhengyang, and asked loudly: "This movie takes a long time!"

Wen Zhengyang put his hands on his knees and said respectfully: "The total duration is exactly 150 minutes, two and a half hours."

Zhu Rongzheng nodded, "Then after this movie is released, there will be two fewer screenings a day. In order to make up for the box office, the ticket price will increase."

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