Wen Zhengyang shook his head and said, "No improvement."

"Didn't increase the fare much..."

"The basic ticket price is 35 yuan, and the first- and second-tier cities can add as appropriate, and the maximum price is no more than 40 yuan."

Zhu Rongzheng pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Then Han Changsheng doesn't want to get back his money?"

Wen Zhengyang explained: "I asked, and he said that as long as "Three Idiots" can be released, he will definitely make money1.

, in the end it’s just a matter of earning more and earning less.”

"That little baby is... confident enough, I don't know if it was brought to him by the phrase '11."

Zhu Rongzheng moved the corner of his mouth to show a smile, and then said seriously: "This movie is good, it reminds me of my college days, my opinion is to pass the review directly."

Wen Zhengyang's heart relaxed, he suppressed a smile and said, "Don't worry, Minister, I will go through the formalities right away."

Zhu Rongzheng nodded, got up and walked out slowly.

When he was about to walk out of the house, he suddenly said in a low voice without turning his head: "This movie is really good, you should take your family to watch it, and recall the youth you used to be."

The room fell silent, watching Zhu Rongzheng's back disappear into the light outside.

Zhu Shilang asked them to take their family to watch "Three Idiots".

The movie "Three Idiots" was made by him alone.

Passed the trial, contacted the Royal Academy of Engineering, etc... For this reason, some comrades at the bottom did not know how many... small stories.

And Zhu Shilang's words are tantamount to rectifying his name, saying that he has done a good job in this matter! Wen Zhengyang took a deep breath, opened a pair of tiger eyes and glanced at the colleagues with different concerns around him, and said in a low voice: "Everyone should I have heard Zhu Shilang's words, please tell some film and television companies that are doing small tricks, so that everyone can have a safe and secure New Year's Eve, don't make any mistakes, if Zhu Shilang is upset, everyone can't afford it! "

Before he finished speaking, Wen Zhengyang strode out, raised his head fiercely, and straightened his body like a sharp sword.

What he said just now has been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

It's just that the sample of "Three Idiots" has not been released, so he has no way to say anything.

But now with Zhu Shilang's words as a backing, it is natural to say what you want, and you can say whatever you want, and no one dares to refute.

Some of the deputy directors in the room looked at each other, rubbed their noses, said nothing, and walked out with different thoughts.

Everyone lives in this circle, and naturally each has his own network of relationships.

And this Wen Zhengyang used to be the deputy director of the Department of Arts and Design. He didn't have any big backing, so he ranked last among the deputy directors.

The reason why he was quickly promoted to director a few months ago was purely because of the four movies Han Changsheng shot and the one movie he invested in.

These five films not only sold well at the box office, but also gained a good reputation.

Not to mention the addition of hundreds of millions of special funds to the Ministry of Rites, it also allowed the Department of Art and Production to receive praise from above.

Under such circumstances, the previous director of the Department of Arts and Crafts was promoted.

Then, Wen Zhengyang, who had no backing, directly changed from the last deputy director to the director.

Under such circumstances, these deep-rooted deputy directors are in a bad mood, so they are naturally making small moves, constantly.

But now it seems that this little action has to be temporarily suppressed.

Otherwise, if Zhu Shilang gets angry, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chapter 606

Wen Zhengyang returned to his office, quickly completed the approval procedures for "Three Idiots", and then had someone mail it directly to Dao Honey.

Then, he called Han Changsheng.

"Director Han, the review of "Three Idiots" has passed, and it can be released on time on the first day of the first lunar month!"

Han Changsheng said in surprise: "It's so fast, it's less than half a day!"

Wen Zhengyang smiled and said, "Your film is so good, the review is of course fast."

In fact, Wen Zhengyang still didn't say anything to Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng sang "Country" at the National Day Song Concert, which was requested by Zhu Shilang.

Even the seven sisters Yang Mi sang "My Motherland and Me" at the finale, which was also requested by Zhu Shilang.

But these things can't be said to Han Changsheng, lest he feel that he has a backer, and the scenes he shoots will become more and more daring.

If it really fails the continuous review, the relationship between the two parties will be deadlocked.

Han Changsheng and Wen Zhengyang chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone, but the smiles on their faces were somewhat bitter.

Seeing this, Yang Mi wondered, "You're not happy that "Three Idiots" passed the review quickly, do you still think it won't be released?"

Han Changsheng smacked his lips and smiled wryly: "Wen Zhengyang said that he asked people to suppress all the negative news about "Three Idiots". If there is no negative news, how can "Three Idiots" become popular?"

Yang Mi frowned, "Don't you like hype?"

Han Changsheng shook his finger, "I don't like to hype ourselves, as for movies, of course we can.

It's not like you don't know that before this movie was released, it was just like you, a trafficker like you, it got louder and hotter."

Hearing this, Yang Mi immediately raised her brows like hooks, her eyes stared at Han Changsheng, she gritted her teeth and said, "Who do you think is the flow of Xiaohua, and now she is the Golden Dragon Award's best actress, okay?"

She finally won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress, and she wanted to feel proud, but this man kept hitting her.

It's unreasonable! Han Changsheng ignored Yang Mi's anger, raised his hand and scratched her little nose, and said with a smile: "Miss Mimi, you just won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress once, what kind of strength is that? I didn’t see how many people outside said that you became the Golden Dragon Award actress because of me?”

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