Yang Mi escaped Han Changsheng's thieves, pinched her waist angrily and said, "You are my other half, isn't it only natural for me to rely on you?"


Han Changsheng supported his forehead speechlessly.

Why do these girls lose their minds when this kind of thing is mentioned, and then say the same thing? Seeing that the victory is already in hand, Yang Mi smiled and stopped chasing after the victory.

She thought hard about a way to make "Three Idiots" popular, but she couldn't get it, so she had to ask Han Changsheng, "Master, I can't think of a way, do you have a good way?"

Han Changsheng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "I think we have to let those...entertainment reporters continue to blackmail "Three Idiots."

"Didn't you say that Wen Zhengyang had someone warn them? How dare they write?"

Han Changsheng had a whim, squinted his eyes and said, "Otherwise...we'll scold ourselves..."

"What does it mean to scold yourself"

"That's right... you find those... who have a good relationship with Mixing Tianxia, ​​and then let them scold "Three Idiots". If this is the case, "Three Idiots" will still be popular."

Yang Mi's eyelids twitched, and she held her head directly, "Master, how did your brain grow, and why is your brain circuit so different from mine? I really want to knock it open."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and slapped Yang Mi, "If you knock me out, I'm really dead, you go and do this, remember to let those...entertainment reporters stir up the heat, don't write nonsense, Otherwise, when you sue people in the future, you will have to bring these... friendly troops with you."

Yang Mi covered her hands behind her back and paused:, looking at Han Changsheng in astonishment, "You really want to sue those...entertainment reporters?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, and said mysteriously: "It depends on how high the box office of "Three Idiots" can reach."

"I've convinced you!"

Yang Mi gouged out Han Changsheng's eyes, but still went to find You Junhei's "Three Idiots".

The seven sisters are all used to the master's behavior as soon as he thinks about it, so they are naturally used to listening to him and doing things.

As for what happens, that has nothing to do with them.

Yang Mi returned quickly, gestured to Han Changsheng, then said with her mouth curled up.

"Those... theater companies heard that the screening time of our "Three Idiots" is two and a half hours.

And the ticket price is still 3 to 40.

Directly reduce the original 4% film placement rate to 30%.

, they also said the magnitude would be fine-tuned the next day.

I think they are open to money.

If you want to see which movie sells more money, increase the screening rate of that movie!"

Han Changsheng smiled, and said calmly: "It is only natural for businessmen to pursue profits, and there is nothing wrong with them doing so."

Yang Mi stomped her feet angrily, "You still speak for them"

Han Changsheng waved his hand and said, "This is not to speak for them, this is a rational analysis."

After the words fell, Han Changsheng was still unwilling to see Yang Mi, and directly pulled her into his arms, whispering in his ear.

Yang Mi was overjoyed and said in disbelief, "It's really possible to do this."


"What if it doesn't work?"

"If you don't succeed, you won't succeed. Anyway... The investment in "Three Idiots" is only [-] million, but if the box office exceeds [-] million, the rest will be earned."

"But I'm still a little reconciled."

Yang Mi pouted, but she still put away her displeasure.

Let's see if Master's method works. If it doesn't work, she will use other methods. …

The draft of the black "Three Idiots" appeared again, and the major film and television companies were all shocked.

The higher-ups made it clear that "Three Idiots" were not allowed to be criticized, and they also stopped, what kind of idiot is disobedient.

It's good to be stupid, but don't get them involved! Brother Huayi's Wang Da and Wang Er asked around, and finally hung up the phone confused.

After asking around, no one did it, so who did it? The two brothers thought about it for a while, then simply shook their heads and ignored it.

This matter has nothing to do with them as long as other people die or not.

Wang Da shook the red wine glass in his hand, and said to Wang Er: "Han Changsheng's "Three Idiots" has passed the review of the Ministry of Rites, and I heard that the quality is not bad."

Wang Er frowned, "How does it compare to "Monster Hunt 2"?"

Wang Dadan said with a smile: "Our film investment is nearly one billion yuan, and Han Changsheng's "Three Idiots" only invested one hundred million yuan. No matter how good the quality is, it doesn't feel like a masterpiece, and I heard that "Three Idiots" is two years long. Half an hour, a full 40 minutes longer than our movie."

"so long"

Wang Er was stunned, then suddenly laughed and said: "Based on this calculation, our movie can be screened seven times a day, while his "Three Idiots" can only be screened five times.

This is good news!"

"It's not just the good news."

Wang Da made a three-character comparison, and said mockingly: "Then Han Changsheng said he would stick to his duty as a filmmaker, so the ticket price of "Three Idiots" is still 35 at the bottom and 40 at the top."

Wang Er was ecstatic, "Haha! In this way, wouldn't the box office of "Three Idiots" be reduced by at least a quarter?"

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