While tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Yang Mi gave orders.

"Pang Di, Si Si, Na Zha, Ying Bao, you four go to wear down jackets, remember to wear scarves and leather gloves."

"Tangtang, you help the master dress neatly, and by the way, find my and Yaya's clothes and put them aside."

"Yaya, let's clean up the dishes first, and then go out later..."

"Put on clothes for a snowball fight!"

The five sisters left in response, and got busy quickly.

Five minutes later, the tightly-wrapped eight people left the house, and even Rainbow went out to join in the fun.

For...other parrots, winter is likely to be a hurdle in their lives.

But for Rainbow, winter without snow is not winter.



The sound of feet stepping on the snow is very special, it seems that as long as there is this sound, it will know that it is snowing.

An hour passed, and the heavy snow outside had turned into small snowflakes.

Whether it is the earth, the pine trees, or the low jungles, they are all covered with snow-white coats.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the snow emitted bright lights, making Han Changsheng squint his eyes.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

This snow is also a little bit good.

Except...it can be auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year.

It can also temporarily suppress a part of the smog in the capital, allowing the air to temporarily return to a fresh level.

Crack! A snowball hit Han Changsheng's back and exploded, waking him up from the beautiful scenery.

Only when Han Changsheng turned his head did he suddenly find four or five snowballs hitting his head.

He dodges hastily, pointing at the seven girls who are in the snowball again, "What do you mean seven sevens hit one?"

Fatty tossed the snowball in his hand, and said with a grin: "Master, you are so powerful, so naturally you have to be alone, maybe we can't beat you together."

Liu Sisi nodded again and again, "Master, you are too strong, you have to take it easy when hitting us, if you hurt us, you will definitely feel bad."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "From what you say, you can only hit me, I can't hit you"

"That's not true, you just need to lighten your hand."

Yang Mi pursed her lips and smiled, then threw the snowball in her hand, "Sisters, go!"

"Fight! Revenge for revenge, revenge for resentment!"

"Hey! Eat my snowball combo!"

Whoosh, whoosh... More than twenty snowballs hit his head and face, Han Changsheng shrank his pupils, poked his feet on the ground, blocked the snowballs with his back, turned his head and ran away.

There are a lot of snowballs under the feet of these girls, if he fights back at this time, he will be a living target, and he will not run away until his brain is flooded.

When Han Changsheng ran away, the Seven Sisters couldn't find anyone.

If it doesn't snow, the villa area really can't hide people.

But when it snowed, the surroundings were completely white, and I couldn't see very far even if I squinted my eyes.

"Master won't run away from home, will he?"

"Let me see...there is no one at home."

"How about we divide into two groups to find the master?"

"That's fine, each person takes two snowballs first, hits him when he sees him, and runs away after hitting him."

Yang Mi asked: "Is the down jacket the master wears white?"


Tang Yan nodded, then stopped dumbfounded and said, "I was so focused on picking out nice down jackets for us to take beautiful photos, I forgot that white clothes can make you invisible."

Tong Liya pointed to the rainbow not far away, "So what if you can be invisible, the target of the rainbow is too obvious, if you find him, you will find the master."

"Hey hey...you must be on time this time!"

Fatty grinned: With a smirk, he gave the six 66 sisters a wink, each of them held two snowballs, and rushed towards the rainbow collectively.

Chapter 608

The seven sisters ran under the tree where the rainbow was, and looked around in a daze but were dumbfounded.

My master is not here, not even any extra white things.

Tong Liya raised her head and shouted: "Rainbow, where is your master?"

Rainbow tilted his head and said crisply: "Master told me to stop here and wait for you to come over before flying away."

Fluttering......... Before the words fell, Rainbow spread its wings and flew directly into the sky, and it seemed that the destination was the direction from which the Seven Sisters came.

"Not good! Tune the tiger away from the mountain, we have fallen into the trap!"

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