Yang Mi looked at the direction where the rainbow was flying, and immediately figured out the reason why Han Changsheng disappeared.

Regretted in her heart, she told the six 66 sisters: "I'm afraid the master went around in a circle and ran to the place where we snowballed just now. After a while...be careful when you go back."

"Can't you go back?"

Fat Di muttered, and was rejected by the six 66 sisters.

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes at Fatty, and said speechlessly: "Our goal is to beat the master, if we don't go back, why don't we just go home?"

Fatty pouted, "But there are a lot of snowballs over there, shouldn't we be targets when we go back?"

Gu Li Nazha said arrogantly: "What are you afraid of, there are seven of us, and we can move back and forth.

The master can only hit one at a time, and the remaining six 66s can hit him."

"Then... go!"

Fatty shouted loudly, and took the lead in the impact.

The six Yang Mi sisters looked at each other and followed behind Fat Di with a smile.

It's good to have Fatty as a target, they can hit the master happily.

The Seven Sisters ran to a place not far from Xueqiu, and they saw Han Changsheng occupying their territory.

Fatty jumped and pointed at Han Changsheng, "Master, you are so shameless! If you can't beat us, you will run away, and even play tricks with us and occupy our territory!"

Han Changsheng threw the snowball in his right hand, nodded his head with his left hand, and said indifferently: "Snowball fights are all about IQ, what's the use of relying on more people?"

"Then let me show you the usefulness of having a lot of people!"

Fatty held two snowballs in his hands, and ran forward bluffing, "Sisters, go! Annihilate the hateful and shameless little brother Changsheng!"

Han Changsheng saw seven 7-girls surrounding them in a fan shape, glanced at them a few times on their way, and quickly threw a snowball at Fatty.

Then, regardless of whether the first snowball could hit Pang Di, he piled the snowballs in front of him with both hands, and danced like an eight-armed Nezha.

Whoosh, whoosh...but saw snowballs flying all over the sky, hitting the Seven Sisters continuously with bang bang bang.

"Oh! It hurts!"

"Master, you smashed us!"

The Seven Sisters were crying out in pain, but there was no look of pain on their faces, and the speed of their hands was quite fast.

They threw the two snowballs in their hands, bent down and squeezed... one, and then quickly smashed it at Han Changsheng.

Bang bang bang bang, the family of eight hit the snowball.

But in terms of quantity, Han Changsheng was the most smashed.

There were more than a hundred snowballs on the ground, and they were all thrown out in one go.

The seven sisters ran back and forth, and after being evenly distributed, they were smashed three or four times at most.

But Han Changsheng was a fixed target, Seventh Sister hit him twice, that's more than ten times, his head and face were covered with snow.

Seeing that he was outnumbered, Han Changsheng directly changed his fighting style.

He jumped out of the fixed target and rushed directly to the crazy Fatty.

Great opportunity! Fatty threw a snowball subconsciously, hitting Zhong Han Changsheng directly on the chin, "Wow haha! Master, you don't know how to hide if your brain is covered in snow."

Han Changsheng took advantage of Fatty's foolishness and picked her up, "My brain is not covered in snow, but your brain will be covered in snow soon."

"Master, what are you doing?"

Fat Di struggled for a while, and suddenly realized that the target of Han Changsheng's hugging her was a big pine tree covered with snow not far away.

"Wow! Sisters, help me, the master is going to hang me on a tree!"

Yang Mi, Tong Liya and the others looked at each other, squeezed the snowball without saying a word, and then followed Han Changsheng for a meal: smash.

Fatty has made sacrifices for the cause of snowball fights, they must continue to work hard.

With the snowball on his back, Han Changsheng carried Fatty to the foot of the pine tree.

He put Fatty on his head as a human-shaped umbrella, and then directly...a kick.

"Wow! So cool!"

The snow fell all over the sky, covering Fatty's body and face, and she shivered from the cold.

But this girl is quite powerful, just as Han Changsheng put her down, she directly hugged Han Changsheng's legs, and shouted to the six 66 sisters: "I've caught the master, hurry up!"

Bang bang bang....Under the messy snowball, Han Changsheng quickly broke away from Fatty's hugging legs, then caught the happy Yang Mi, and hugged her to another pine tree, and went up to...a kick.



Seeing that Yang Mi enjoyed the same treatment as Fat Di, Tong Liya turned her head and ran away.

It's a pity that Han Changsheng's speed is beyond their reach.

Catch them one by one, and let them all enjoy the treatment of the auspicious snow Zhaofeng year alone.

The eight people fought for more than an hour before the chaotic game ended.

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