Because everyone's purpose is to get together, eat melons and fruits, drink drinks and chat.

At this time, Han Changsheng is staying with the seven sisters of Yang Mi to watch the new year, but he is the only one who is energetic.

The seven 7-girls played for a long time, and took two sessions of bathing in the light of the bath. Naturally, they didn't save much energy...

"Unforgettable tonight, unforgettable tonight, regardless of the ends of the earth and the corners of the earth, China is in the arms of thousands of miles, and we wish the motherland a good motherland..."

The ending song of the Spring Festival Gala appeared, and Han Changsheng stretched his waist and slowly stood up.

Looking back, the seven girls were lying on the sofa crookedly, and their sleeping positions were in a mess.

Han Changsheng pushed one by one, and said in a low voice: "The Spring Festival Gala is over, go upstairs and sleep if you are sleepy, there is no need to keep vigil."


No one responded, still in: Difficulty.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, and carried them upstairs one by one.

Just when he went downstairs and turned on all the longevity lamps, Fatty, who was lying in the master bedroom on the third floor, said something in a daze.

"The master said that New Year's Eve is over, it seems to be the first day of the new year."

Swish! Seven pairs of eyes snapped open, and their shining eyes illuminated the darkness in the room.

It's New Year's Day, "Where's my phone?"

"They're all on the first floor and haven't been brought up."

"Hurry up, the pre-sale of "Three Idiots" has started!"

This year marks the first year of box office reform in the film industry.

In order to prevent film and television companies from randomly swiping tickets, the three-day pre-sale system has been cancelled, and the movie tickets of the day will be pre-sold at 0:[-] every day.

Then the potential of "Three Idiots" can be seen from the pre-sale box office.

The seven sisters ran downstairs with bare feet, found their mobile phones, and entered the box office pre-sale statistics interface.

Pre-sale film: "Three Idiots" Today's pre-sale ticket price: starting from 35 yuan Pre-sale seats: 13 Pre-sale box office: 47 "How come there are so few"

Fatty looked at the pre-sale information with his mouth flattened, and almost didn't cry.

She is the heroine of "Three Idiots". I thought that the pre-sale box office would be 1 million if it wasn't [-] million, but I didn't expect it to be less than [-] million.

Yang Mi searched for a while, frowned and said: "Most of the pre-sale movie tickets are for today's first show, and the next four shows account for about [-]%.

And the filming rate of "Three Idiots" is only 30%"

Fatty was dumbfounded, "Why?"

Yang Mi sighed: "There are too many media articles about "Three Idiots", so many people don't want to watch it. In the first episode of the pre-sale, most of them are die-hard fans of the master. Achieving 100% occupancy rate."

She also praised the master's brain circuits before, and she came up with the trick of scolding herself.

But looking at it now, why did she have the illusion that she was shooting herself in the foot? Liu Sisi turned a few times, her brows suddenly crinkled, "Take a look at the pre-sale box office of "Monster Hunt 2"."


"Didn't you see the ticket price? It starts at 50 yuan! I heard the highest is 120 tickets."

"Its screening rate is also high, accounting for 40%."

"It's not just because of the ticket price and screening rate. I heard that the promotional cost of this movie is nearly 2 million. The manuscript still accounts for [-]%.”

"Then it's no wonder there's such a high rate of pre-sale box office and film schedule, nearly [-] million publicity expenses, and those... film and television companies can also see the benefits."

"Those...the media of Mr. Hei jumped out again, and they kept praising them for their good eyesight. How shameless!"

"What can you tell from the box office on the first day? Master's first movie is also a dark horse! How about a counterattack!"

While the Seven Sisters were muttering, Han Changsheng walked back from the backyard and saw the expressions of displeasure on the faces of the seven girls.

He scanned around and asked curiously, "Didn't you seven sleep on the third floor? Why did you come down again?"

Fatty jumped over and handed out the tablet, "Master, look at the information on it, it really pissed me off!"

Han Changsheng took it over and glanced at the pre-sale information of the two movies, and then flipped through the comments that followed.

[A fantasy masterpiece with an investment of one billion, and a comedy with a bottomless investment of [-] million, just the ten times difference in pre-sale box office can tell which good movie the audience likes!] [Not counting The pre-sale box office of Han Changsheng's first film, this "Three Idiots" should be the lowest pre-sale box office of his six films, the consequences of arrogance and arrogance are.... Hurting Zhong Yong as it is now!] [Han Changsheng made the worst movie in his history! Even if it catches up with the Spring Festival, the box office will be too low to recover the cost!] [One billion conscience and one billion greedy, the difference of ten times the pre-sale box office gave Han Changsheng a resounding slap in the face, hoping to wake him up!] Han Changsheng kept scrolling down, and found that no matter how hard he flipped through the articles scolding him, he couldn’t get past them, so he simply didn’t flip through.

He returned the tablet to Fatty, and patted her on the head with a smile, "Don't worry about it..., let's all go upstairs to sleep!"

Fat Di puffed up and said, "It doesn't matter that you have been hacked like this!"

Han Changsheng shrugged indifferently, "Isn't it a hot topic to be hacked sometimes? Besides, these people are right. "Monster Hunt 2" invested 10 billion yuan, and the special effects are really good."

Fat Di touched Han Changsheng's forehead with a dark face, "You don't have a fever, why are you still praising your opponent?"

Han Changsheng held Fatty's tender hand, and pulled her upstairs, "I'm not praising my opponent, but to tell the truth, the special effects of Hua Yi's new movie are really good, as for the plot, hehe is enough describe."

"How do you know that the plot of "Monster Hunt 2" is not good?"


"How to guess"

"The money is spent on actors and special effects, so the plot will naturally fail."

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