The six sisters Yang Mi looked at the two who disappeared around the corner, exchanged glances and followed them upstairs.

Since the master doesn't care anymore, then they should stop eating carrots and worry about it...

Brother Hua Yi.

Wang Da and Wang Er are holding a video celebration meeting with the company's shareholders.

"Based on the pre-sale box office of "Monster Hunt 2", tomorrow's box office should exceed [-] million, and it will become the number one single-day box office box office in the history of Ming Empire movies!"

"If the first day's box office can exceed [-] million, the total box office should be more than [-] billion. After deducting those... fees, we can still make a lot of money!"

"President Wang is worthy of being President Wang. Once the overwhelming publicity came out, the box office of "Monster Hunt 2" was as high as expected!"

"Then Han Changsheng still wants to compete with us for the first place in the Spring Festival file. I really don't know how powerful the heavens are."

"Hahaha! With a difference of ten times the pre-sale box office, I see that after Han Changsheng's Waterloo this time, who else will boast that he is a capable director of the Golden Dragon Award!"

Listening to the company's shareholders bragging about him, Wang Da was holding red wine to celebrate with them on the surface, but he sneered in his heart.

When Brother Huayi was in a downturn last year, these...shareholders kept their faces black and sarcastic all day long, and they almost fell on the table and scolded their mothers.

Now watching this new movie is going to make a lot of money again, so I immediately started playing the art of changing faces.

These people are really a bunch of bastards who are running for profit! Wang Er saw what his brother was thinking, raised his glass and said witty words with a smile,,,.


,, made the atmosphere very active.

Brother Huayi used to rely on his two brothers for support, but later it became bigger and bigger and became a body with conflicts of interests.

Nowadays, it is impossible to do business without the help of others.

Behavior like Han Changsheng's...eating alone is very despised by others, isn't it like everyone shouting and beating now?

Chapter 611

On the night of the first day of junior high school, none of the seven Yang Mi sisters slept well, especially Fat Di.

In her dream, there are all the pictures of "Three Idiots" at the box office. She was called the box office poison again and again, and Han Changsheng was hacked by the whole network.

That kind of...too many scary dreams, woke Fatty up again and again.

It was past five o'clock in the morning, before dawn, Fatty got up staring at the dark circles under his eyes.

The girl found her tablet computer, lay on the pillow and read various commentary articles about black Han Changsheng, and then cursed back one by one.

Her swearing words are not many, most of them are "spreading rumors and making troubles will not end well"

, "Collecting money and swearing at people is unconscionable"

Such harmless words.

Han Changsheng woke up on time, and just heard Fatty muttering, "I finally got to play the heroine of the master's new movie, and you guys have endlessly blacked out "Three Idiots". Let's see how my mother scolds you to death!"

"Fatty, you don't sleep early in the morning, why are you muttering?"

"I'm scolding the author under these articles that slander us. These guys really have no limit for money!"

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Are you scolding with a big or small name?"

Fat Di gave a proud little look, "Of course I use a small size, if you use a large size to get someone to catch you, then it will teach you the truth."

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "You have a lot of cleverness, but don't scold me. Some of the articles in the black "Three Idiots" are friends we bought with money."

Fatty was dumbfounded, "Why did you do that?"

Is it out of my mind to spend money to find allies to scold my master? Han Changsheng took it for granted, "For the sake of heat! But after the first show of "Three Idiots" is released, there is no need for them to continue scolding."

The voices of the two woke up Yang Mi and the six daughters, they opened their eyes in a daze, and then asked questions in a daze.

Han Changsheng let them continue to sleep, and then went downstairs to make breakfast.

But Fatty woke up the six 66 sisters and strongly demanded to play a trumpet with her and curse the streets.

The six 66 girls are very interested in this new type of business, and they don't wash their face or brush their teeth after waking up.

Just lie on the pillow and search for articles that blacken "Three Idiots" one after another, and then reply to the insults one by one.

And because they have Yang Mi as a helper, they can also avoid accidentally injuring their allies.

The Seven Sisters' swearing career lasted from before breakfast to after lunch, and did not end until the first screening of "Three Idiots" was over at 1:[-] p.m.

""Three Fools" is a vulgar New Year's film with no bottom line, bullshit! I watched it for two and a half hours, and I cried and laughed for two and a half hours! Let alone the ticket price of 40 yuan, even if it is turned to 80 yuan Money, I will read it the second time, the third time, and the umpteenth time!"

"The friendship, love, and kinship in "Three Idiots" are really like everything I have experienced! It seems exaggerated and crazy, but it describes the society in my eyes with humor and irony! Don't say anything else, always read the second all over!"

"I thought "Three Idiots" was really a vulgar comedy, but I didn't expect it to be a tragedy that made me cry.

But when I thought "Three Idiots" was a tragedy that made me cry from New Year's Day to the end of the year, he made me laugh at the end and reminded me of my college days."

"My brother on the upper bunk, the brother on the upper and lower bunk on my right side, how are you doing after 10 years of graduation, brother really miss you, let's get together when we have time! This is not my feeling, but I have sent According to the information, the four of us, 44, haven’t met for 10 years, and now we can finally meet in the capital the day after tomorrow, and have a drunk together and dream about going back to college time!”

"This "Three Idiots" made me laugh and cry for two and a half hours. I really wanted to give it a score, but I slipped my hand and gave it a 10. Forget it, let's do it! I have to watch it a second time. , no time to modify."

The appearance of all high scores directly raised the Maoyan and Douban scores of "Three Idiots" to 9.

5 and 9.

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