These two girls also said on New Year's Eve that they were so happy that drinking water felt sweet.

How have these days passed.

One turned into a miserable sister and the other turned into a miserable woman at home. Seeing Han Changsheng, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha just sighed and didn't answer, so they shook him awake together, "My lord, you...give me a word! When will there be a new movie? "

"Clap clap...!"

Han Changsheng slapped them twice, angrily and amusedly said: "You guys treat the new movie like leeks, every time you cut it, it will grow again. I have nothing to do now, so I can only give you two slaps as the answer."

"Chi Chi..."

Fatty looked at Tangtang and Nazha, who wanted to cry but had no tears, and lay down on the sofa and laughed.

Let you flatter, now it's all right, let's flatter you! "Smelly Fatty! How dare you laugh at us!"

"Third sister, let's go together! Let Fatty know that sisters are not easy to mess with!"

"Wow! Master, help me! Cluck, cluck, cluck...don't tickle me!"


The box office of "Three Idiots" exploded on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and then began to decline, but that...the speed of decline made all major film and television companies envious and jealous.

Fifth day 3.

2 million, sixth day.

1 million, Chuqi 3 million.

With a drop of 18 million per day, the total box office of "Three Idiots" reached [-]% on the seventh day of the first month.

[-] million.

After returning to work on the eighth day of the lunar new year, the single-day box office of "Three Idiots" will definitely drop, but no one dares to predict how much it will drop. …

After all, they were also the first to see such a movie with such a weird box office trend.

For the first three days, it was [-] million per day, but on the fourth day it rose directly to more than [-] million, still: the [-] million level cannot be reached.

Corresponding to the weirdness of "Three Idiots", is the normal trend of "Monster Hunt 2".

Fifth day 1.

5 million, sixth day 1.

2 million, Chuqi 1 million.

The total box office of 1 million has already been overwhelmed by "Three Idiots"..., even the first place was taken away by "Three Idiots" yesterday.

According to the old and new predictions of various experts, the expected box office of "Monster Hunt 2" has changed from the previous 40 billion to the current 25 million.

As for whether it will be reduced in the future, that is a matter of probability...

Some people are happy, some people are sad.

The eight members of the Han family were happy, and Brother Hua Yi was sad.

Crack! The red wine bottle smashed against the wall, and the strands of red wine drew a beautiful bloody picture on the wall, as if sighing for the broken bones of the red wine bottle.

"Han! Long! Born!"

Wang Da said word by word the name of that... damned person.

The hatred in his throat rushed out with his breath, and a faint skull was outlined on the window.

He stared at the colorful skull illuminated by neon lights, and seemed to see that hideous face laughing wildly.

Brother Huayi and Han Changsheng had a long history of grievances.

From "Battlestar", to "Warcraft", and now "Monster Hunt 2", each of them is overwhelmed by the other's movie. …

And every movie loses money and loses face.

What's even worse is that the other party's movie is not shown in Huayi Cinemas, which makes them lose a lot of chances to recover blood.


Feng Dagang competed with Han Changsheng for the best director and lost.

Fan Shuishui competed with Tong Liya and Zhao Liying for the best actress and lost.

Huang Dahuang competed with Han Changsheng for the best actor and lost.

After meeting that... damnable Han Changsheng, Hua Yi has been losing money and losing all the time.

Until now, he wished he could carry the Dongfeng series and directly blow up that damned... Han Changsheng! Outside the CEO's office, the passing employees were all tiptoeing.

"Stay far away, so as not to be a target for venting anger."

"Don't worry, we're not stupid."

"Why is there no sound inside?"

"Mr. Wang..... Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang!!!"

"Come on! Mr. Wang is vomiting blood!"

Chapter 614 Did I say something wrong?

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the Spring Festival holiday is over, and the whole country goes to work.

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