It was also on this day that the Ministry of Rites held its first meeting after the year, and it was not the Minister of Rites who presided over the meeting, but Zhu Ronggang, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

All of this has nothing to do with Han Changsheng, but the chief minister of the cabinet said something.

"The children in my family recommended me to watch "Three Fools Raising Havoc at the Royal Academy". I have read it, and I suggest you read it too."

A simple sentence without any definite meaning, but directly poured strong wine on the already popular "Three Idiots", causing its burning flames to soar into the sky.

The chief assistant minister of the cabinet is the younger brother of the current Holy Majesty of the Ming Empire! With his status as an old man, he can listen to what he says casually. He would just casually mention "Three Idiots". Raise the slice rate to 60%.

, and also adjusted the show time, abruptly adding a sixth scene in the middle of the night.

As a result, the single-day box office of "Three Idiots" jumped to 4.

23 million, and the total box office reached [-].

[-] million.

Not only took away the first place in the single-day box office of "Monster Hunt 2", but also squeezed it to the second place.

When this scene appeared, many long-silent entertainment media began to issue various drafts praising Han Changsheng.

[On the eve of the Spring Festival, director Han Changsheng still led the crew of "Three Idiots" to finish filming this film with cross-age significance under the criticism of many media, and counterattacked into a dark horse at the box office! Silly" contains friendship, love, family affection, dreams, beliefs, perseverance, and hard work. It makes people cry when they cry, and makes people cry when they laugh. After crying and laughing, the mind is deep Those memories that exist everywhere will come to your heart, and you will start to recall the past] [Powerful director Han Changsheng, proved by facts that his ability to tell stories is far beyond ordinary people, he is indeed a genius who took away the golden dragon of the two worlds] ["Three Fools" "is an underrated crazy comedy. Director Han Changsheng uses humorous and satirical methods to discuss various social issues, such as suicide, the gap between rich and poor, money worship, cramming education, etc..., the meaning of life lies in tears It is vividly shown in the laughter] Dili Reba flipped through the news on her mobile phone, and she was very amazed, "Wow! Why did this group of entertainment media change their direction so quickly and don't even want their faces?"

Han Changsheng tilted his head for a glance, curled his lips, "From the mentality of a speculator, this flattery should be done in the right place. If you don't do it right now, when will it be!"

The chief minister of the cabinet opened his mouth. If the entertainment media change their minds at this time, their brains will either be squeezed by the door, or... kicked by the donkey.

Liu Sisi looked up at Han Changsheng, her eyes were red, "Master, you are really good, you even have research in psychology!"

"I happened to read a few books."

Han Changsheng patted Liu Sisi's little head, and suddenly remembered something.

He's said before to keep the media waiting, and it's their time to be taught a lesson.

He took out his mobile phone and called Yang Mi, "Mimi, do you still remember what I said before to sue you... about the media?"

"Remember, master, you won't be suing them at the real time."

Yang Mi's voice revealed an indescribable admiration.

The master still dares to do this at this time, I don't know if he should be said to be insane, or he should be said to be heartless.

"It's a good opportunity to make a move at this time. They must be worried now. No one dares not admit it."

"Okay, listen to you, but how to sue"

"Just sue them for unjust enrichment!"

This was what Han Changsheng had long thought of.

The scope of unjust enrichment is very large. With those... the entertainment media making black-hearted money, they must sue one and win the bid.

Yang Mi: "Okay, I'll send someone to do it right away.

By the way, master, Ying Bao and I got home at four o'clock, and we have already ordered to buy Ale Tai Tai Yang, and we will go home to cook the pot at night, so you don't have to cook."

"Then I'll prepare the seasoning."

Just as Han Changsheng was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, honey, all the money won from the lawsuit will be donated to the Royal Institute of Technology, don't keep a penny."

Yang Mi said knowingly: "Don't worry, I promise I won't leave any money."

Logically speaking, the winning money belongs to the lord, but the money is hot and easy to be used as a point of attack.

Why don't you just give it to the Royal Institute of Technology, after all, they didn't confiscate any money when they let them shoot on campus...

At 4:[-] p.m., Han Changsheng finished handling all the mutton that was delivered, but Yang Mi and Zhao Liying still didn't go home.

He waited for more than half an hour, and when he saw that the second daughter hadn't come back, he wanted to call.

And at this moment, the two girls came home.

There was lingering fear on their faces, as if they had encountered something frightening.

Han Changsheng held the two daughters in his arms, and patted their backs with concern, "What's wrong with you, are you all right?"

Yang Mi took a few deep breaths to ease her mood, her voice was still trembling, "There are too many reporters around the headquarters building, there are more than a thousand people, and they surrounded the entrance and exit so tightly that we almost didn't come out .”

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Why did they go to the company to make trouble?"

Zhao Liying shook her head, "How dare they make trouble, the legal department only handed over the pleadings, these...the media collectively apologized, and even paid the fine immediately."

Han Changsheng: "Then what do they go to the company for?"

"Interviewing you! Of course you're blocking us if you're not here."

The two women replied in unison, and then stared at Han Changsheng, "Don't you know what the words of the chief minister of the cabinet represent?"

"I know! It's an advertisement for "Three Idiots."

Han Changsheng replied subconsciously, and then found that the Seven Sisters looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at a monster.

"Why did I say something wrong?"

"My lord."

Tong Liya helplessly covered her forehead, and said with a wry smile to Han Changsheng: "This... the chief minister of the cabinet is the younger brother of the current Holy Majesty, and he has no children under his knees, so the children he talks about are the children of the Holy Majesty and other princes."

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