The six sisters glanced at the beaten Fatty, and Qiqi rolled their eyes.

Han Laoqi did not hit the house for three days, and when he was beaten, he repeatedly told Rao that he could correct his mistakes.

But like Seventh Sister who can act like a spoiled child in the arms of the master, they are quite envious.

On the way, Han Changsheng kept thinking with a dark face why he failed to blackmail himself, and the serious expression made the seven sisters including Fat Di dare not make fun of him anymore.

Yang Mi flipped through the information on the Internet, called and asked, and finally figured out something.

She leaned up from the back seat, put her arms around Han Changsheng's neck, and whispered in her ear, "Master, I have found out part of the reason why you failed to blackmail yourself."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, turned his head and kissed Yang Mi, "What is the reason?"

Yang Mi thought of what she found out, and smiled.

"Those pharmaceutical companies dare not let you be their image spokesperson because of your self-promoted sneaky and slippery persona.

But those... fans on the Internet not only don't think this is your shortcoming, but think that your cunning character is more down-to-earth.

Because this kind of you is more close to the people, and more in line with the...Han psychopath in their hearts!"

After Yang Mi finished speaking, seeing that Han Changsheng was still puzzled, she put the tablet in front of Han Changsheng's eyes and asked him to read the fans' comments on the screen.

"Is our Han mentally ill such a chicken thief? Even digging two big pits, the Korean sticks and the Japanese devils who were directly pitted can't find North, like it!"

"I always thought that he was a lazy, greedy and slippery person. I didn't expect him to be really treacherous, but this treacherous hand is very good. I applaud him with both hands and feet!"

"I used similar methods to deceive my father and my mother. I didn't expect Han Changsheng to use it, and it was used against the two little devils. This must be praised."

Han Changsheng flipped through the comments that seemed to be derogatory, and frowned: "These people are crazy and treacherous, shouldn't chicken thieves scold them?"

Yang Mi shrugged her shoulders, "Who made you cheat on two little foreign devils. If you cheated on a great doctor in China, you would probably be... full of abuse."

Han Changsheng, a great doctor in China, thought for a while, but put down the idea of ​​putting it into practice.

Ninety-nine percent of the great doctors in the Ming Empire are good doctors.

It is really hard to get over the hurdle in my heart to pit such a doctor.

Han Changsheng sighed secretly, thinking of the scene of people seeking medical treatment just now, he was puzzled and said: "Since these people believed my words, why did they still seek me for medical treatment? They are not afraid of being put to death by me."

Yang Mi raised the corner of her mouth and said meaningfully: "When you participated in "Longing" last year, you treated Ying Bao's foot injury, everyone knows that you have some medical skills.

Besides, you are able to treat the Queen of the Eagle Kingdom, and most people will not believe you if you say that your medical skills are not good."

Han Changsheng: "..."

It is not good for people to be too wise, and it is easy to have no friends!

Chapter 677 Seven Sisters: Do you think we will believe your nonsense?

Back home, Han Changsheng turned his grief and anger into cooking skills, and directly cooked a table full of dishes to celebrate his self-defeating and half-failure.

Dili Reba healed her scar and forgot about the pain, she winked at Han Changsheng and said, "Master, since it's for celebration, shouldn't we drink some red wine to add to the fun?"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "I think you want to finish drinking and play like crazy, and then take the opportunity to trick me again!"

Di Lieba raised her hands and swore to the sky, "I will never get drunk!"

Han Changsheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think I will believe what you say?"

Dili Reba caught sight of the dangerous gaze in Han Changsheng's eyes, and immediately started eating sullenly.

She has already been beaten once today, but she doesn't want to be beaten a second time...

"Tears are a little salty and a little sweet, your fierce chest kissed my side face, looking back at the snow you stepped on, slowly melting into a grassland..."

Han Changsheng had just had dinner when the phone rang, it was Zhu Huangren's.

After connecting, he jokingly said, "Brother Ren, why are you so free to call me, a little bastard?"

Zhu Huangren's helpless voice sounded, "Every time I talk to you, I always feel that you are more like a prince than me, or you would change your surname to Zhu De."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Farewell, my surname came with my mother, I don't want to change it.

Why are you calling so late, are you trying to trick me again?"

Zhu Huangren's face darkened, "I, Zhu Huangren, have always taken 'benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness' as my moral code, how can I deceive others!"

After the words fell, Zhu Huangren also felt that his words were a little false, and hurriedly said: "I was dealing with your affairs in Faguo before, but things have changed now, that... the security inspector who has nothing to do can no longer explain to us."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong with him?"

Zhu Huangren said in a strange tone: "He died because of a myocardial infarction! The reason is that the electric baton used by the police was too charged, and he was shocked for too long, so his body was overloaded."

Han Changsheng bent the corner of his mouth, his smile was a bit cold, "He has such a bad back"

Zhu Huangren sighed and said: "You are a lucky son, don't those who dare to deal with you turn their backs on you? By the way, you should not go to the country of Fa in the future. Although the other party dare not target you again, it is always uncomfortable to be looked at by others. "

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in that country."

"It's fine if you're not interested, hang up, I have to be busy with other things."

Han Changsheng hung up the phone when the phone rang again, and it was Wu Jing's.

This... How could the phone call run out of funds? Han Changsheng answered in doubt, and joked: "Director Wu took time out of his busy schedule to call me, a young actor. I'm really flattered!"

Wu Jing was immediately delighted when he heard this, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm really flattered that the film emperor Han actually answered my young director's call in person."

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