"you are welcome."

"Each each other."

The two joked with each other, and Wu Jing said, "Brother Han, since you failed to blackmail yourself, why don't you come to Nanfei to bask in the sun and see if the solar energy here can't blacken you."

Hmm, the meaning of these words Han Changsheng was taken aback, and guessed: "Brother Jing, what are you missing?"

Wu Jing was both emotional and helpless, "Talking to a smart person like you is just... saving your mouth. I called to ask if you have time to help my brother and come here to play a role."

"what role"

"Male No. [-] Zhuo Yifan, a rich second-generation military fan who runs a factory in Africa..."

After Han Changsheng listened to Wu Jing's explanation, he took on this role in an instant.

"Did you find someone for your role?"

"I found it, but I don't want to spend this extra money because of the temporary price increase for this little fresh meat, because I have spent enough! Can you come? The whole drama is short of the role related to this character, After filming, the whole movie will be finished!"

Wu Jing's voice was full of helplessness.

He paid countless efforts and sweat for this movie, and compromised countless times.

But just when the film was about to wrap up, another incident happened. He didn't shoot directly. The opponent suppressed his temper and forcibly restrained himself.

Hearing the helplessness in Wu Jing's words, Han Changsheng simply said, "If it takes too long, I can only spend money to find someone for you, because I have to accompany Fatty back to her mother's house after a while."

Wu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "It can be as short as three days, or as long as seven days, and it will definitely be completed!"

"! I'll arrive tomorrow, just send someone to pick me up at the South Philippine airport."

"Then I have to go in person, see you later."

"See you."

Only then did Han Changsheng hang up the phone with a smile, and Tong Liya, who was beside him silently, jumped onto Han Changsheng, pinched his neck and shouted: "I don't agree with you going to Africa!"

"I don't agree either!"

"I firmly oppose it!"

The seven sisters objected together, and the seven pairs of big eyes stared round, as if Han Changsheng dared to say "go"

Words, they will cry.

Han Changsheng patted Tong Liya's back, and said helplessly to the seven sisters who were glaring at him: "Brother Jing and the others have been filming there for two or three months, and nothing happened. I will be fine if I go."

Tong Liya punched Han Changsheng, and the virtuous and virtuous Shude who had always been obedient suddenly became: unruly and willful, "Who said nothing happened to them? The advance team of the crew was robbed on the first day they arrived in Africa! You can guarantee 100% that they will not Is something wrong?"

Yang Mi scolded angrily: "It's too messy in Nanfei! What if... I mean, what if something happens to you, what do you want us to do?"

Tang Yan jumped and shouted, "I'll accompany you! We're going to die together!"

Di Lieba pinched her waist and yelled loudly, "Let me see, all seven of us will go with the master! The whole family will go to the fire together..."

Crack! Before Fat Di could finish his sentence, Han Changsheng hugged Tong Liya and flashed behind Fat Di, and slapped her down on the sofa.

Then Han Changsheng hugged Tong Liya and flashed behind Tang Yan, also slapping him hard.

Han Changsheng glared at Tang Yan and Di Lireba who were crying out for pain, and said in a low voice, "You can condemn me, but you are not allowed to say these... unlucky things!"

Tang Yan rubbed his back and said aggrievedly: "If you don't go to Nanfei, or let me accompany you to Nanfei, I won't say anything."

Han Changsheng frowned and stared at Tang Yan, "Nan Fei is so dangerous, what are you going to do with me? I'm not a little bee who just picks flowers!"

Zhao Liying muttered: "You know Nanfei is dangerous, but you still go! Are you trying to make us live an uneasy life in fear?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "You are a woman, I am a man, you can compare with me"

Gu Li Nazha curled her lips, "Nanfei is so chaotic, the gangsters have knives and guns, no matter they are men or women, they are equally helpless in the face of such weapons, okay?"

"Is it"

Seeing that the Seventh Sisters were still worried, Han Changsheng put Tong Liya in his arms on the ground.

He turned his head, stretched his waist, moved his limbs, and raised a dangerous arc at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time that the alarm bells were ringing in the hearts of the seven sisters Yang Mi, Han Changsheng stepped on the ground, and his whole body instantly transformed into a phantom, which flashed behind the seven sisters a few times.

Crack! Crack! Crack! The crisp sounds sounded alternately, and the seven 7 sounds joined together.

Although the front and back sounds are clearly heard, the interval time is very short, less than one second in total.

"Master, you know how to do it with ease"

Liu Sisi covered her back, staring blankly at Han Changsheng's swinging right hand.


Han Changsheng shook his head and spoke the truth.


Liu Sisi didn't believe Han Changsheng's words at all, neither did Yang Mi and Tong Liya.

They can be hit seven times in one second, especially their current posture and positions are messy, some standing on the ground, some lying on the sofa.

If you still don’t know how to do light work like this, then what the master said is purely a lie! Han Changsheng shrugged and said truthfully: "I am not doing light work, it is fast running that anyone with a certain level of physical fitness can do."

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