Among the people she said she knew, the only one who can make the Mongolian people so respectful is her master, and no one else! "This..."

Wang Zhengyu and the others looked at the scene in front of them, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The Mongols salute, they have seen it before, but is the younger generation saluting to the elders.

One of the cases of not saluting according to age only happens to people with high morals and high status.

This... Lord, on the prairie, does he have any unusual identity? Suddenly, Wang Zhengyu remembered what happened before.

When he called the organizing committee of the Naadam Conference to discuss the recording of the program, those people initially disagreed.

But it seems that "Love" and Mr. Han's name were mentioned, and then the other party suddenly became polite.

Perhaps, this...Mr. Han really has some kind of mysterious status on the prairie

Chapter 709 I Treat You to Spend Money

When Balter saw Han Changsheng coming on horseback, he beat his heart with his right hand and bowed slightly, "Good morning, Mr. Han!"

"Morning, Uncle Bart."

Han Changsheng jumped off the horse and returned a salute, then pointed to Wang Zhengyu and the others behind him, "Uncle, these guys want to film my warm-up process, I don't know if the conference will agree"

Barthes glanced at Wang Zhengyu, smiled and said: "Since it is filming Mr. Han, it is naturally possible, besides, I am also familiar with everyone."

"Thank you old man!"

Wang Zhengyu saluted with a smile, secretly confirming his previous thoughts in his heart.

This... old man Balter is the manager of the Yingwu Ranch, and he is also quite prestigious on the Xilamuren Prairie.

He even saluted Han Changsheng first, which shows how high this... Lord's hidden identity on the prairie is.

Time passed slowly, and people of all ethnic groups in the Xilamuren Prairie came one after another, dressed in colorful clothes,,,,, looking very grand.

In addition, there are various small carts and small trucks, on which are all kinds of snacks prepared by the surrounding vendors.

There are more tourists from all over the world who come to watch and play, and the number of people is nearly ten thousand.

The whole venue looks like the campus sports meeting in the student days, but the scale is a little bigger.

As it was approaching 8:[-], various members of the organizing committee had already sat down on the temporary platform, including Uncle Balth and Uncle Balth.

Looking at the colorful national costumes around, Zhao Liying grabbed Han Changsheng's hand and said in a low voice, "Master, these Mongolian clothes look good, let's get a set and put them on!"

Han Changsheng nodded and said, "I'll borrow a set for you when I'm done playing."

"And us!"

Di Lieba's voice came from behind, and she took Yaya's hand and squeezed over.

Behind are the four sisters Yang Mi, six guests Sha Yi and Hu Ke, and the staff of the program group.

Han Changsheng pinched Fatty's chubby face, "Why did you rush over here?"

Di Lieba bit Han Changsheng's finger, and said with a grin: "Aren't you going to have a hot show today? We have to come to cheer you on! In case of a cold show, we can also help you shout a few times, so as not to You are too embarrassed."

"Can't you just think of me!"

Han Changsheng rubbed Fat Di's chubby face into all sorts of weird and ugly looks, and then, regardless of her coquettish appearance, he wrapped his arms around Yang Mi and Tong Liya's waist, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Yang Mi shook her head, "I haven't eaten yet, let's eat together after you warm up."

Tong Liya helped Han Changsheng tidy up his clothes, and listened to his ear: "I don't care if you can warm up or not, but you have to pay attention to safety, you are not...alone, there are seven of us behind."

Yaya also knew that it seemed long-winded when she said these words, but no matter how long-winded she had to say, after all, nothing was more important than Han Changsheng's safety.

Han Changsheng kissed Yaya's forehead, and said softly, "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

After saying that, Han Changsheng saw a stall selling Mongolian dumplings and milk tea next to him, and greeted everyone: "There are ready-made snacks here, let's eat them here, let go... eat, I treat you."

Guozi, one of the Mongolian favorite foods.

It is made by mixing flour with sugar, warm water, and frying in mutton oil.

This thing is crispy and sweet, and it is best served with milk tea.

The combination of the two is basically equivalent to the usual fried dough sticks and soy milk.

Sha Yi grinned grinningly, "Brother Han is such a rare treat, let's let go of our stomachs and work hard!"

Wu Jing rubbed her hands together, showing her greedy side..., "I don't want to eat this vegetarian food. I have to be like my Mongolian brothers. I eat the grilled mutton in the morning."

Guo Jingfei pointed to the small trucks around, "Don't just stare at the grilled mutton! Steamed buns, meat pies, haggis soup, we should enjoy a rich and colorful breakfast."

Han Changsheng took out the one thousand yuan he earned yesterday, and shook it off at the people around him, "You can let it go... your belly is delicious, but if it exceeds one thousand yuan, don't look for me. I only have such little money."

Dili Reba jumped on the spot, snatched Han Changsheng's money directly, and split it up, "It's a hundred for two people, don't eat more and take more! It's not easy for my master to earn some money."

Wang Zhengyu saw the 3 yuan quickly disappearing from Di Lieba's hand, and the smiling face that was still there disappeared in an instant, and turned into pitch-black ashes in three seconds.

He watched the segment recorded by Han Changsheng alone last night, so he didn't know that he was cheated.

Now this... the host used the money from the program group to treat guests, isn't this a kind of generosity to his program group! Han Changsheng noticed Wang Zhengyu's expression, bought a few zizi with a smile, and handed one to Wang Zhengyu, "Director Wang, hurry up and eat a pad, your complexion is dark from hunger."


Wang Zhengyu took the glutinous rice ball and took a hard bite, just like biting Han Changsheng's flesh.

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