His face will turn black, so he is hungry, he is just... angry! When a group of people are happily eating various breakfasts, Borg, the son of Bart, ran over, "Mr. Han, I am coming to your hot spot soon gone."

"Sorry sorry, I almost forgot to eat happily!"

Han Changsheng arched his hands apologetically, handed Borig a large piece of grilled mutton, and followed him to the destination.

This...Borig didn't see him either, he ate the grilled mutton in two or three bites, pointed to the front and said: "We specially prepared the costumes of the clan for you, and there is also a pair of the best saddle."

"I still have clothes"

Han Changsheng immediately fell in love with the Mongolian man's clothes. The clothes are good, and he looks even more handsome when he wears them.

But... Han Changsheng glanced at the saddle hanging on the side, and waved his hand, "There is no need for a saddle, Treading doesn't like it."

Treading snow can barely accept his special sheepskin cushions. If it is this kind of saddle, it must be very resistant.

"Han Changsheng can do whatever he wants."

Borig has no objection, after all, men on the grassland can ride without a saddle.

It's just...Borig raised his eyes and looked around, but he didn't see Taxue, "Mr. Han, where is Taxue?"

Han Changsheng walked towards the starting point with a smile, "It will appear after the heat field starts."

He is in charge of the hot scene, this scene is not hot yet, how can he tell others how hot it is.

830:[-]: [-]:, "Nadam Conference has officially started" came from the organizing committee station


The road in front of Han Changsheng where he was going to perform was quickly cleared, and all the people were evacuated.

The cameras of each station are aimed at Han Changsheng, preparing to live broadcast the hot performance.

But Han Changsheng was caught by Shengying's bow and arrow, and walked forward slowly, making the atmosphere of the scene not only not hot but also very cool.

"What the hell is this guy? Even if it's a delegation entering the arena, there should be a sign."

"It seems to be Han Changsheng, but is he doing a slow walking competition?"

"I heard it's going to be a hot show."

"Are you sure this is a hot spot and not a cold spot?"


Amidst the discussions of the surrounding people, there was a bird song in the sky, which was extremely loud and went straight into the sky.

Chapter 710

When Han Changsheng heard Rainbow's notification sound, his slow steps suddenly quickened, and then he rushed forward.

Tread, tread.... A sound of horseshoes came from behind Han Changsheng, and Taxue rushed towards Han Changsheng with the momentum of lightning and thunder.

The speed was so fast that the nearby audience only felt a gust of black wind blowing, and then the clothes fluttered, the hair fluttered, and the body almost fell back.

"I wipe! Something flew over"

"A live quadcopter?"

"No! It's a dark horse!"

"Treading snow! It's treading snow! That's Han Changsheng's horse!"

When everyone exclaimed, Han Changsheng stepped on the ground with both feet, and jumped into the air in the previous rolling posture.

When it fell, Han Changsheng's posture was empty, as if he was riding something.

At this moment, Taxue turned into a black shadow, also leaped into the air behind Han Changsheng, and then coincidentally flew under Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng hugged Taxue's neck, and landed directly as a man and a horse.

Boom! The ground trembled, and the muscles in Treading Xue's limbs tensed up, and then he jumped up again, carrying Han Changsheng straight forward.

The whole process is described too much, but in fact the total time is only three seconds 3.

Han Changsheng stayed in the air for a second, stepped on the snow and flew into the sky for a second, and fell together with a man and a horse for another second.

The surroundings were silent for a moment, and then cheered collectively amidst Di Lieba's excited shouts.

"Master is great!"

"My master is the most handsome!"

"Brother Han is cool!"

"woohoo hoo hoo"

Amidst the cheers that shook the whole field, a helicopter slowly flew in the air, a rope came down from the bottom of the plane, a coil of things was tied to the rope, and a wooden sculpture of an eagle was hung at the bottom.

Han Changsheng raised his eyes and focused his gaze on the eagle wood carving.

His equestrian show is over, the next task is to draw the bow and arrow, and then let Shengying's arrow hit the eagle wood carving, and use this force to pull away the... vertical banner.

But bending the bow and setting the arrow like this is not beautiful, and it's more troublesome.

How about... Han Changsheng patted Taxue's neck, and Taxue suddenly stood up on the spot, stepped on the ground with his back hoof, pointed his front hoof at the sky, and neighed at the sky...Get up! At this moment, Han Changsheng fell down and clamped his feet Hold Ta Xue's neck to stabilize the body.

Holding the bow in the left hand and the arrow in the right hand, aiming at the eagle target in the sky in an upside-down posture.


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