!Amidst the sound of sore teeth, Han Changsheng pulled Shengying's bow into a full moon shape.

Let go of your left hand.

Whoosh! A black gloomy light turned into thunder and lightning, with the speed of thunder and the jingle of bells, it hit the eagle wood carving in an instant, and then drove it to leap backwards, tearing away the tied vertical banner.

[I wish the country and the people peace, good weather, prosperous grasslands, and abundant grains] "Good arrows! This is a hundred steps through the poplar!"

"The rebirth of the ancient Zhebie is nothing more than this!"

"This posture is more hanging than the unity of man and horse just now!"

Everyone cheered, especially Dili Reba and others screamed the loudest.

Han Changsheng winked at the seven 7 girls backwards, and Ta Xue returned to his normal posture, and disappeared on the runway in a flash.

Although Shengying's arrow is still floating in the sky, he doesn't need to worry about it. People from the Ying clan will naturally keep it and give it to... him.

His main task now is to continue eating the unfinished breakfast.

"Go! Find the master!"

Zhao Liying grabbed Di Lireba and ran towards the direction where Han Changsheng disappeared.

It doesn't matter whether the program is recorded or not, it doesn't matter to watch the entrance ceremony, the most important thing is to hug the master and bite a few bites to express the excitement in my heart!... "Head!"

People from the "Love" program team tore off Wang Zhengyu's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Stop cheering, we're in trouble with today's recording process!"

"Why is there trouble? Isn't the process of the previous discussion very good?"

"It was very good before, but not now. You have also seen Director Han's equestrian and archery skills. He is exactly...in the mission we want!"

Well, Wang Zhengyu also had a headache when he thought about the scene just now.

The fun missions they thought of before were horseback riding and archery, but for Han Changsheng, such missions were like killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

If you don't change the routine, the other party doesn't have to think about how to reverse the routine, just raise your foot and level the hole they dug. …

Han Changsheng didn't care how Wang Zhengyu and the others had a headache, he walked into the breakfast stall again, eating and drinking heartily.

Mutton buns, beef pies, haggis soup, kumiss...he ate all the way, until he was full, he burped and rubbed his stomach, "Happy!"

Zhao Liying smiled and said, "Is it because you enjoy eating or because you don't have to get up early to cook?"

Han Changsheng pinched Ying Bao's bun face, and said with a smile: "Both have both, and now I understand how enjoyable it is for you to eat ready-made at home every day."

Zhao Liying slapped Han Changsheng's thieves off, and said coquettishly: "I don't eat ready-made food every day, I cook for you every now and then!"

Han Changsheng snorted, "Your three-five,,, from time to time, don't you come back three or five times a year?"

Zhao Liying stomped her feet, "There are so few, I will help you cook at least once a month, okay?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, and reluctantly said: "Well, in our family's cooking echelon, Yaya and Tangtang are the first echelon, you and Mimi are the second echelon, and Nazha, Sisi and Fatty are even in the bottom echelon. Lazy third echelon."

Di Lieba stopped eating, and gouged out Han Changsheng's eyes, "I even washed the vegetables for you last month! You'll be lazy there!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "You are ashamed to say that you are not lazy. You have washed the vegetables for me last month in the past half a year. What you washed was the tomatoes you wanted to eat. I washed five 55 and ate three 3 , I can’t make enough scrambled eggs with tomatoes.”

Di Lireba blushed, pointing at Guli Nazha and Liu Sisi who were eating and drinking, and shouted: "I didn't eat the three 3 tomatoes alone, the fifth sister and the sixth sister also ate it alone Got one!"

When Gu Li Nazha and Liu Sisi heard this, they immediately exploded.

"Okay, Fatty! Let me tell you why you kindly gave us tomatoes at that time. It turned out that you were digging holes for us!"

"It's a pity that we still praised you for being sensible. Now it seems that your so-called sensible is purely for the purpose of defrauding us!"

Dili Reba snorted angrily, "Why did you snatch the tomatoes I gave you! You snatched my tomatoes and slandered me, do you still look like a big sister?"

"You are very good at deceiving people! You started digging a month ago, and you only started to bury the soil now!"

"It looks like we'll have to be more careful when we eat what you give us in the future, so as not to be poached by you after we finish eating!"

Zhao Liying looked at the three little ones who were fighting, and glanced at Han Changsheng who was drinking milk tea, "Master, who do you think is telling the truth?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, then pointed to Di Li Reba.

"Based on what I know about Fatty, she must have been greedy for three 3 tomatoes.

But when she saw that Nazha and Sisi also wanted to eat tomatoes, she dragged them into the water.

In this way, if an accident happens like this, someone will top the tank with her.

Fatty's deceitful skills are quite a bit true to me, not bad."

Zhao Liying: "..."

The master is really good enough, if you don't teach the good ones, you can teach the bad ones.

The Fatty who got it now will cheat their six 66 sisters in advance.

Is this plausible? Is this plausible?

Chapter 711 What is shameless afraid of, happiness is the most important thing

While Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying were chatting away, the Naadam Conference officially started.

The whole conference lasted for five days, and this morning there was a horse riding competition.

Equestrianism, horse speed, lathering and so on... All big and small competitions are listed here, which can be regarded as real competitions and fun competitions together.

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