Di Lieba swallowed her envious saliva, "Isn't it big sister, fourth sister, did you steal a lot of meat these three days?"

Even yesterday, she would not have envied the elder sister and the fourth younger sister.

But after eating vegetarian meals for three days, she really couldn't stand it anymore.

And the most unbearable thing for her is... the master does not share weal and woe with them.

The seven of them are vegetarians, but the master is eating all kinds of meat meals! What's more, he always inadvertently admires the fragrance of meat dishes! Zhao Liying shook her head, "Master said it is a vegetarian, I My eldest sister and I didn't think about meat and vegetables, but we can order seafood tomorrow, at least it's not too greasy."

Di Lieba's eyes lit up, and she yelled greedily, "Then I want to go too!"

Yang Mi squinted at Di Lireba, "Why do you go with me just to get some food? You are not afraid that after using ten bath beans, your skin will not be as white as snow."

Di Lieba was timid for a moment, then she stiffened her neck and said, "I'm afraid! But I'm even more afraid that I will turn into a rabbit and be fed by the master. I will go to the backyard to graze."

Gu Li Nazha nodded again and again, "Pang Di is right, it's better to break the precept than to...become a rabbit.

At worst, just eat two mouthfuls of seafood, and the skin will not lose much tenderness.

Tong Liya, Tang Yan and Liu Sisi also echoed, and had no intention of staying at home at all.

The one in the study downstairs has now turned into an evil vegetarian meal king.

If they had another two days of vegan feasts, they would really die tragically under the hands of that great vegetarian meal king.

Chapter 728

Early the next morning, Han Changsheng prepared a hearty breakfast for the seven girls.

Steamed dumplings with vegetarian filling, steamed dumplings with vegetarian filling, wontons with vegetarian filling, vegetarian soup and fruit juice are naturally also available.

But the seven girls didn't eat much, just a steamed stuffed bun, a bowl of soup, and a glass of fruit juice.

Han Changsheng looked at the breakfast left in front of the seven girls, and frowned, "Why did you eat so little this morning?"

"We ate a bit too much last night, so we can't eat much in the morning."

"But you didn't eat much last night."

Di Lieba rolled her eyes, "I'm trying to lose weight recently, of course I have to eat less."

"Yes, yes, we are all losing weight recently."

Liu Sisi nodded her head repeatedly, and then rushed to the cloakroom together with the six sisters.

The seven 7-year-old girls quickly changed into elegant and refreshing clothes, making them even more beautiful and generous.

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes and looked at the seven 7 girls, and noticed their smiling expressions, as well as the little eyes that secretly conveyed joy.

It seems that something is not quite right! Seeing such a situation, Han Changsheng suddenly became suspicious.

Looking at the situation of these seven girls, it seems that they have something to hide from him.

Han Changsheng asked: "Are you guys going out together?"

Yang Mi nodded indifferently, "The company still has some things to do, and my fourth sister and I have to deal with them."

Tong Liya stretched her waist, "Tangtang and I haven't gone shopping for a long time, we're going to go shopping today."


Han Changsheng ate the meat buns slowly, but he didn't believe what Yaya said at all.

It's normal for seven girls to go shopping together, but if it's abnormal, don't call him.

In the past, no matter what the seven 7 girls wanted to do, they wanted to take him with them, not to mention this kind of shopping activities.

In the past, when he couldn't say it, the seven 7 girls could be said to be coquettish and cute, and they were taken away. They were just... doing everything, just to let him see their beautiful faces after putting on new clothes.

Now, these seven girls want to go out, but none of them want to drag him out together.

Is this right? Very wrong! Too bad, Master seems to have found something.

The Seven Sisters noticed Han Changsheng's suspicious eyes, and felt a little worried.

But no one wants to explain at this time, their main task now is to leave home to enjoy the seafood outside, as for the other nights.

Just as the seven girls were changing their shoes, Han Changsheng walked over with a cup of drink.

The seven girls are all beautifully dressed, but he focuses on Yaya.

The girl was wearing a comfortable white silk shirt and slim white slacks.

Coupled with her happy smiling face, no matter how you look at it, she is so beautiful and moving.

Han Changsheng took a sip of his drink, then pointed at Tong Liya, and said slowly: "I'm going to make bath beans for you today, Yaya stay and help me."

"I stay"

Tong Liya pointed to her nose, her pupils were wide open, and she looked shocked.

"Yes, otherwise no one will pay for me, and no one will help me."

Han Changsheng smiled faintly, and seemed to really believe that the other six went out collectively for work and shopping.

The seven girls in the family are all smart now.

But fortunately, Yaya's foundation is weak, and she can get out of it with a little deceit.

Tong Liya looked at the high heels under her feet, tears were about to fall.

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