She is about to go out and she will be able to eat seafood delicacies, so why suddenly there is a bolt from the blue! The six daughters of Yang Mi gave Tong Liya a helpless little look, and said goodbye to Han Changsheng, happy Excited to go out.

At a critical moment, I don't even care about helping my second sister.

After all, is it true that a dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor daoist?

Han Changsheng saw the six 66 girls disappearing from the door, and he hugged Tong Liya's soft and boneless waist, and said in a low voice: "Tell the truth! What are you going to do when you go out together this morning?"

Tong Liya's body froze, and then she snuggled into Han Changsheng's words, and said nonchalantly, "What else can we do? The eldest sister and the fourth sister went to the company to deal with matters. The five of us are going shopping, but I have to accompany you now."

Han Changsheng lifted Tong Liya's exquisite chin, bowed his head, and then looked at her beautiful eyes with a half-smile, "You'd better think it over before answering, after all, you are the only one at home now, if you lied, You know the consequences."

Tong Liya's eyes panicked for a moment, then she forced a smile and said, "What I said is true, what else do you want me to say?"

"Is it"

Han Changsheng smiled noncommittally, squinting his eyes and looking at the two cars going out one after the other.

"Then let me guess what you want to do.

You guys ate little last night, didn't eat much breakfast in the morning, but lied about trying to lose weight.

Seven people went out together without me, obviously trying to hide something from me.

The biggest possibility is... you seven want to eat meat.

If seven people go out together, entertainment reporters will chase and intercept them.

So the best hiding place is... Honey Traveling in the World.

Then your purpose go to the world to eat meat, as for what to order, I don’t know.”

After saying that, Han Changsheng patted Tong Liya's tense back, smiled and said: "Yaya, I guessed right"

"My lord, your imagination is so rich, we really went out to go shopping."

Tong Liya smiled dryly, but the two dimples at the corners of her mouth trembled a little.

The master's thinking mode is so powerful that he can guess everything just by observing some things. You must be careful when you lie to him in the future.

However, these things are all conjectured by the master, and have nothing to do with her.

If the elder sister and Fatty are caught by the master, don't blame her! After all, don't you die as a poor fellow?

Han Changsheng bit Tong Liya's delicate ear, and said with a smile: "Yaya, do you really want to experience the feeling of leading the family law alone?"

Tong Liya thought of the scene of Fatty begging for mercy, and suddenly... shivered.

She doesn't want to protect the eldest sister and the others anymore, otherwise Fatty will be a lesson for her.

Tong Liya showed a flattering smile to Han Changsheng, "Master, you are an extremely smart genius! What you guessed just now is correct! Eldest sister and the others went to the world to eat seafood feasts, that... I have already told you To be honest, don’t you need to take care of the family law alone?”

Han Changsheng tapped Yaya's dimples, and said with a half-smile: "That depends on your sincerity, now come out with me."

"What to do when you go out"

"Of course you're going to catch those six 66 little rabbits who are stealing meat."

"Eldest sister, five younger sisters, I don't dare to lie to the master anyway, so please ask for blessings!"

Tong Liya mourned for the six 66 sisters, and quickly helped Han Changsheng change his clothes and shoes.

Since the eldest sister and the others didn't help me just now, then I can only help myself now.

Chapter 729 The face is smiling, the heart is bleeding

Han Changsheng got into the car, and stretched out his hand to Tong Liya, "Give me your phone."

Tong Liya's hand paused: "I still need to open the navigation."

Han Changsheng patted Tong Liya's tender hand, "You have driven the road from our house to Mixing Tianxia dozens of times, and you are more familiar with it than the navigation. If you really want to send a message to Mimi and the others, what kind of navigation do you use?" If you want information, that is up to you, but you will bear the consequences!"

When Tong Liya heard this, she immediately exited the chat interface, and simply handed over her phone, "I'll give you the phone, but don't peek at our previous chat messages!"

Han Changsheng put the mobile phone on his stomach, and slumped on the backrest with his eyes closed, "Don't worry, I'm not that curious, and I'm still peeking at your girls' little secrets."

Tong Liya glanced at the temporarily safe mobile phone, stepped on the accelerator, and drove Han Changsheng out.

She actually... wanted to remind the eldest sister and the others, but she didn't have the phone in her hand, so she can't be blamed for it.

When the car drove into the main road, Han Changsheng said to Tong Liya: "Go to the pharmacy first."

Tong Liya was taken aback, "What are you doing at the pharmacy?"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly: "It's fine if you don't go to buy raw materials for bath beans, but your dream of being as white as snow will be shattered."


Tong Liya's eyes lit up, and she quickly drove the car to a nearby Chinese medicine store.

Stealing seafood has not been successfully caught by the master, which means that the seafood feast has already flown away.

The most important thing now is to keep her own three bath beans, and leave the others behind for the time being.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng smiled and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

He said that he was going to arrest the six sixty-six girls who stole meat, but he was actually joking.

The main reason he asked Yaya to come out with him buy raw materials for making bath beans.

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