Bath beans have the effect of making the skin as white as snow, so he will not give up halfway.

After all, as the saying goes, one white covers one hundred ugliness.

The seven 7-girls are all beautiful and charming. If the skin is whiter, they will be more beautiful and delicious. …

There was a delay in buying raw materials, so Han Changsheng and Tong Liya arrived half an hour late in Honey World.

I don't know if Yang Mi and the others were too excited to eat meat immediately, or if they forgot to close the door because of the crowd.

Anyway... Han Changsheng knocked on the door when he arrived outside the CEO's office, and the door opened by itself.

Through that slit, Han Changsheng was seeing the two large packages of takeaways on the coffee table, and he could also see the excited smiles of Xiaopangdi and his six 66 takeaways.

Squeak...! Han Changsheng pushed the door, walked in unsteadily, and looked at the six 66 girls who were stupefied with half-smiles.

How could my master appear in these six 66? The girl seemed unable to believe that the vegetarian meal king who was supposed to stay at home would appear here, and hurriedly rubbed her eyes.

Afterwards, they found that the Great Demon King was really standing in front of his eyes.

"Old...Master, you..."

The six sisters hesitated twice, and frantically covered the two big takeaway packages, but they couldn't cover them no matter what.

Stealing meat is not terrible.

The terrible thing is that the master found out! They won't eat the five-day vegetarian meal again! Han Changsheng put the things in his hands on the ground, sat on the sofa, and pointed to the takeaway with a smile, "Who can explain to me, how is this?" thing"

Don't panic, don't panic! There must be a way to deal with it! Yang Mi pressed her thumping heart, rolled her eyes, and opened a box of fried crabs with fragrant sauce like a treasure, "Master, this is what we ordered for you, you can taste it How does it taste?"

Yo, Mimi is so smart! Han Changsheng secretly praised Mimi's cleverness, and pointed to the two big bags of takeaway on the table, "These are for me."

"Yes, yes, these are all for the master."

"My lord, you have worked hard for several days, we order these...the outside is to thank you for your hard work."

"Master, taste it quickly, if it doesn't taste good, we'll change it for you!"

The six 66 girls were bleeding in their hearts, but they didn't dare to tell the truth, because that would be tantamount to self-reporting.

These girls are really good, they don't blush when they tell lies, and they don't know who they learned from.

Han Changsheng secretly smiled in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

He still poses for a casual chat, "How do you know I'm coming?"

Tang Yan suppressed his nervousness and smiled sweetly, "We know you so well, you must be very lonely at home by yourself, so naturally you have to come to us."

Han Changsheng pointed at Tong Liya, "I'm not alone, I have Yaya with me."

Tang Yan paused: "Second sister...Second sister always likes to clean up the house, she spends so little time with you, you must be very lonely."

"Then thank you for the food you ordered for me."

Han Changsheng glanced at the painful expressions of these girls, picked up half a crab with a smile, and tasted it happily, "Well, this crab tastes good, you can buy more next time, so we can eat together."

Di Lieba took a peek at Han Changsheng, seeing him enjoying the delicious meal by himself, she couldn't help swallowing enviously.

Then she pulled off Tong Liya's white shirt, and said in a low voice full of resentment, "Second sister, you let me down so much, you just stayed at home and didn't cover us up, you actually reported to the master, and even put the Master brought it here."

Tong Liya rolled her eyes angrily, "I'm telling you the secrets of a big-headed ghost! It's all because you were too excited when you went out, which made the master see the clue."

Di Lieba pursed her lips, "Then can't you inform us? Let us make preparations in advance, and won't be caught off guard by the master."

Tong Liya glared back, and said coquettishly: "Master took my mobile phone, I can't even send you a message even if I want to."

How dare Xiaopang Di complain that if the six of them hadn't left her alone for the sake of delicious food, would she have had to worry all the way? "Come on Yaya, you also have a taste of this fried crab in fragrant sauce."

"No... no need."

Although Tong Liya was greedy, she waved her hands again and again.

God knows if she will have to eat vegetarian food for another five days after taking this bite.

What's more, the six 66 sisters are right next to her. If she takes a bite, she will really be made into an accomplice by the master.

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't worry! You've been vegetarian for three days, and you'll be fine if you eat some meat from today on."

Tong Liya was stunned, and stared at Han Changsheng suspiciously, "Master, didn't you say that we have to eat vegetarian food for five days to ensure the best effect of ten bath beans?"

Han Changsheng shrugged indifferently, "That's what I calculated. It's nothing to lose a day or two now."

He made the seven 7 girls vegetarian, besides... cheating them, it was also for their own good.

But if they continue to eat, they may really want to steal some takeaway, so let them get out of the trap!

Chapter 730 Three days?Do you know how we spent these three days?

Di Lieba's pupils were wide open, and she stared at Han Changsheng, "According to what you said, wouldn't the seven of us eat vegetarian food for three days in vain?"

Han Changsheng grinned, "It's not a waste of food, at least your intestines and stomachs are cleaned up very well, and it's only been three days."

Di Lieba jumped directly onto Han Changsheng's body, showing her sharp white teeth, "Well, you big-headed ghost! I'm going to turn into a rabbit if I eat vegetarian!"

Liu Sisi knelt on Han Changsheng's left side, firmly grabbed his arm, "It's only been three days, do you know how we spent these three days, do you know!"

Han Changsheng gave the two little ones a headache, squinted his eyes and said: "I warn you, you better not bite me! You have already used up seven bath beans. If I bite, I will get hurt and my hands will tremble. , and cause me to fail to make the next three bath beans, don’t blame me.”

Di Lieba froze for a moment, then immediately put away her shining white teeth, and her little expression of embarrassment turned into a cute smile.

"My lord, you misunderstood me. I just wanted to express my excitement, huh... this kiss is my thanks."

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