"Who doesn't know that the advertisements are full of special effects, as long as there are effects, this Liushen shampoo is extremely cost-effective."

A shampoo documentary advertisement, at most, will cause some discussion.

Or there will be curious consumers who will buy it and try it, but it is unlikely that they want to hit the market. Shampoo is not a fast-moving consumer product after all. Buying a bottle can basically last for a month or two.

So not many people will buy Liushen shampoo right away. …

While the outside world was talking about the first documentary commercial in the shampoo industry, Han Changsheng had already taken Yang Mi and the others to the prairie, preparing to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Since it was filming on the prairie, the first choice was of course the Han family horse farm that Han Changsheng was most familiar with, and also borrowed some places from the Yingwu Ranch.

"Sister Mi, Sister Yaya, Sister Tangtang..."

Many staff members call the seven sisters of Yang Mi sisters, which seem to be very close.

When Han Changsheng came here, the address became "Mr. Han"

, and there was a sense of fear in that attitude.

The seven wives of the Han family are all goddess-level big stars, they can be seen in newspapers and media every day, and they are also the bosses of the world, so the staff has a feeling of getting used to them.

On the contrary, Han Changsheng, the behind-the-scenes boss, usually can't see the real person, and when he can see it, he is basically acting as a director.

The distance is a bit far, so the attitude can only be respectful to prevent unnecessary troubles.

Seeing this situation, Han Changsheng had no other choice but... helplessness.

He can't tell others that he is an ignorant, innocent and cute little boy...Yang Mi and Di Lireba put on the costumes that Liu Sisi sewed by herself, and immediately showed strange beauty.

Yang Mi was wearing a long white gauze dress with pink peach blossoms embroidered on the skirt. With the sweet smile at the corner of her mouth, she was the... quirky and pretty Huang Rong in Han Changsheng's mind.

And Dili Reba, dressed as a princess in the desert, with her extremely beautiful face from the Western Regions, really looks like that...innocent Princess Huazheng.

The second daughter noticed the brilliance in Han Changsheng's eyes, and ran over with a smile on her face, and walked around him, "Master, what about us?"

Han Changsheng gave two thumbs up and praised with a smile, "Two beautiful young ladies, may I ask who their names are, where they live, and whether they can get married?"

Yang Mi and Di Lireba covered their mouths and smiled, and said crisply: "We are already married to our little elder brother Changsheng, this son should go back and forth wherever he goes."

When the three of them were fighting, Hu Ke saw Yang Mi's seven daughters, and his eyes widened, "Oh my god! Mimi, Yaya... Fatty, it's only been half a month since you saw each other, how did the skin of your seven sisters change?" Got: so white!"

Bao Li looked left and right, his eyes were full of envy, "Why is your skin so good, even when the sun shines, you have the illusion of flawless white jade?"

Yang Mi smiled and said: "It's very simple, as long as you stay at home for ten days and half a month without seeing the sun, you'll be fine."

Hu Ke frowned suspiciously, "It's true, I stayed at home for more than half a month during the Chinese New Year, and it's just a little white."

"Then you must be eating the wrong food. We have been vegetarian every day for more than half a month. What we eat will turn us into rabbits!"

"Not bad, not bad, no meat, not even eggs."

"It's best to eat vegetables and fruits every day, and drink more milk and juice."

The seven sisters talked half-truthfully about the secret of turning white, but never mentioned "bath beans"

Two words.

The bath bean is a little secret unique to the master, and the master is unique to them, which means that the bath bean is unique to them, so naturally they cannot be shared.

Han Changsheng looked at the seven sisters who lied to the dead without paying for their lives, and remained silent.

The seven girls can deceive whoever they want, as long as they don't cheat him.

Shashasha... Sha Yi walked over and stretched his waist, "I just recorded "Love" in the prairie last month, and I came back to film "Shooting the Condor" this month. I have a good relationship with the prairie."

Wu Jing nodded in agreement, "There was a show last time, and we couldn't let it go. Now Brother Han is in charge of the house, so there must be good wine, good meat and good food."

Guo Jingfei laughed and said: "I must, how many times have I acted as a villain, and I can be regarded as a person who is both good and evil. If there is no good wine and good meat, I will be sorry for this one hundred or eighty times a day." second chance."

Huang Bo said with a smile: "Although I don't come to the prairie often for filming, I can come once in a while, but this is the first time for this kind of martial arts drama."

Yu Daqian came over, "Bo, what you said is wrong, you have participated in "East and West", it's not the first time."

Huang Bo waved his hand, "It's a New Year's Eve movie, it's too funny to reflect my acting skills, this time I must play Xidu Ouyang Feng a little bit more viciously, and become a classic villain that everyone fears!"

Han Changsheng glanced sideways, and his eyes fell on Huang Bo's smooth chin, "Comrade big villain, I remember I told you to grow a beard, what the hell are you without hair?"

There was no shame on Huang Bo's face, instead he touched his bare chin with a smile, "When I want to go out, Da Bao and Xiao Bao must... want to shave me, I can't refuse, I can only let They made a move."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "If you want to play a classic villain like this, have you ever seen any villain who would be shaved by his daughter without any resistance?"

Huang Bo chuckled, "You don't understand that, only a villain who follows the path of warmth can become a classic villain.

Just like the ghost emperors and god emperors you played before, they were all crazy for love, which is why they are liked by so many people."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, and said calmly: "You are wrong, the reason why my Ghost Emperor and God Emperor are liked by others is purely because I am handsome enough."


Several elders covered their mouths and retched, their movements were very uniform.

While everyone was bickering, the scenery was ready.

For the first scene, we are going to shoot the drama of the prairie, the story of Temujin's battle against Jamuka, Sangkun Wanghan.

It's not for cheering, it's purely... Han Changsheng wants to shoot the difficult ones with too many people first.

Using such a big show as a running-in, I won't be afraid of it many times.

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