It's just that the filming of this big drama has not yet started, and new problems have emerged.

A three-way war requires men and horses.

People are fine.

Except...Huang Bo and other main actors, the group performers are all ethnic groups on the Xilamuren Prairie.

They liked to play the people of Genghis Khan, and they could also be on TV, so they responded positively.

Mainly the horse.

Uncle Bart... the ranchers brought the best horses in their farms when they heard that they could be on TV.

And most of these horses are stallions, it's okay if they don't meet each other, but they will pinch when they meet.

If it wasn't for the owner of the horse just now, they almost bit each other.

If this is the case, you already have the posture of disobeying the master's discipline.

Han Changsheng saw that this was not an option, so he whispered a few times to Rainbow, and let Rainbow fly high.

Three minutes later, the rainbow came back, followed by a steady sound of horseshoes.

When Treading Snow ran towards Han Changsheng, he stopped suddenly.


Stepping on the sky with both feet, neighing towards the sky..., that voice, like a dragon or a tiger, was high-pitched and cracked the clouds, and the faint domineering spirit rushed straight to Xiaohan.

The roar of Cracking Stone Piercing Cloud disappeared, but the surroundings became quiet.

The stallions who were about to fight just now lowered their heads obediently, as obediently as young wives who have just started.

Huang Bo and the others looked at Taxue trotting around Han Changsheng in astonishment, and then looked at the surrounding horses with low brows and pleasing eyes, their eyelids twitched and couldn't hold back.

A horse roared like a dragon and a tiger, and the roar alone shocked all the horses. Is Treading Snow going to become a dragon? I didn't expect that Taxue would be the emperor of the horses! I really took advantage of this meeting!"

Wu Jing shook his head and praised, "Brother Qian is really lucky! Borrowing a horse can even borrow the emperor of the horse."

Yu Daqian beamed and said: "Luck, luck, it's all luck, but the most important thing is that brother Han is good enough, and the emperor will not say a word if I borrow my horse."

After saying that, Yu Daqian punched Han Changsheng in the heart, and grinned happily, "Brother Han, we two brothers didn't say anything. If there is any role in the future, then I will find my brother. If my brother rejects everything, I have to go with you." play!"

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "It's okay to leave Teacher Guo alone. Do you want Teacher Guo to talk about stand-up comedy?"

Yu Daqian froze for a moment, then waved his hand as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile: "De Gang can also talk about cross talk, and the others are just doing nothing."

Chi Chi... The people around covered their mouths and laughed, shaking their heads.

If we talk about cross talk, that Guo Taoxin is worthy of everyone's thumbs up.

But if it's about acting...don't talk about it.

Chapter 733 Rainbow Battle Golden Eagle

The problems of people and horses have been solved, and the first act:: the filming of the big play finally started.

As Han Changsheng expected, Uncle Bart and the grassland people don't have much experience in filming, so the number of times is quite large.

Fortunately, Han Changsheng wasn't in a hurry, he just taught him how to adapt little by little.

It took a whole day to finally finish filming this scene which only lasted a few minutes.

But with this running-in process, the later scenes... went very smoothly, at least... saved the time of speaking, greatly speeding up the progress.

In addition, there is also an advantage to shooting in this prairie.

There are tourists coming and going to play here every day, and they also like to shoot short videos, so various scenes from this filming can always be uploaded to the Internet, which increases the popularity of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in advance, making it a small hit before it is broadcast a bit.

Han Changsheng is not afraid that the footage of filming will be leaked in advance, so that the audience will not have the idea of ​​watching.

The version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been circulated for a long time, and all the plots are already in the hearts of readers, and there is nothing that cannot be revealed.

And this is what he said: the original work was faithfully filmed, and the real finished product has to be cut to see whether it is good or bad.

Anyway...according to what Dili Reba said, the majority of netizens are still very satisfied with the current shooting pictures....

Youzai Youzai has been almost a month, and basically all the scenes in the grassland have been filmed.

What's left is... the few pictures about the white eagle and the black eagle.

Han Changsheng looked at the white and black carvings in front of him, frowned and said, "The props are so fake, it seems to affect the picture."

Yang Mi wore a chivalrous costume, like a Jiangnan woman, and walked gracefully, "There is no way to fake it. There are no black and white sculptures in this prairie, so we can only use props."

Dili Reba was wearing a prairie princess costume, and ran over bouncingly, "Master, if it doesn't work, use computer special effects, anyway... there is no picture for a few seconds."

Han Changsheng glanced at the black and white eagles again, and said helplessly, "There is no other way but to get some real eagles to take pictures with."

The white eagle is only described in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and it cannot be produced in reality, so it can only be added to special effects to make it more handsome.



At this moment, two cries of cracking rocks and piercing clouds came from the sky, one was full of murderous intent, and the other was full of fighting spirit.

The sound of the rainbow Han Changsheng frowned and looked up to the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank.

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