Godzilla and Raton, although they both killed two Mutos, and directly exterminated them, this does not mean that Fury will have any good sense of them. It seems that they are still a mobile disaster.

As the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., this is Fury's habitual way of thinking. For the safety of the century, as long as he is a guy with power, he will think that you may be a threat, Hulk is a threat, Iron Man is a threat, Amakusa It is a threat, the Church of the Holy Church and the Association of Magicians are big threats, and Hydra is the biggest threat.

Now it's just a few monster threats added behind these threats.

The nuclear bomb can kill the previous threats, and naturally it can also kill the threat of the current monsters. Although these monsters made humans feel helpless before, it was because Muto's own EMP position made it impossible for modern technological weapons to be effective. Now that Muto is dead, don't missiles, cannons, and planes greet you directly?Is it difficult to kill monsters?The most restrained human beings are already dead. You two big guys who killed Muto but have no countermeasures are just waiting to die!

Especially the battle between Godzilla and Raton and the two Mutus just now, it was too simple and child's play, except that it took a little time for Raton to play with Mutos before, the rest of the official battle was basically instant kills, one kick and The thing of laying down, and then a mouth shot directly to the mouth, and directly breaking the neck, was extremely bloody and brutal.

"Calculate the time, it should be almost here now."

Fury looked at the two monsters who were not knowing what to communicate with on the video screen, and counted the time, because it was going to kill Muto before, so the nuclear bomb was timed mechanically, and the time calculation there was basically Godzilla's arrival. The time when this place and the mutos meet.

Now Godzilla came earlier than expected, and even much earlier than expected, he directly eliminated Muto with one kick, so that the onlookers didn't know what to say.

Then, after solving Muto, neither Godzilla nor Raton left, just enough to resist the explosion of the mechanical timer inside the nuclear bomb.

"Get ready for the shock!"

Fury issued orders to the bridge crew.

"Yes, all crew members, prepare for the impact!"

Hydra CIC immediately reported to the entire ship's staff on the radio.

All Hydra employees searched for seats immediately, because this ship has been considered for the crash, so there are many seats, with seat belts on them, in order to meet the impact, although it is not a crash, but the impact of the nuclear bomb, Especially the impact of this tens of millions of nuclear bombs is no joke.

"Start the countdown!"


Because it has the exact time of its own design, CIC is making announcements on the radio.

When it came to detonation, a bright light suddenly flashed on the satellite screen, and the entire screen turned into a bright white.

Not only on the screen, people on the bridge can even see through the glass window that the sky in the distance outside suddenly brightens up.

Then a layer of white shock waves visible to the naked eye began to spread from a distance, like an inflated balloon.

The satellite picture began to zoom out, and saw the white shock wave spreading on the picture, and those who were close to the window could also see the white shock wave with their naked eyes, which was gradually approaching, and there were not many clouds in the sky. The impact directly receded, forming a white cloud ring in the sky, and then continued to spread outward.


After Hydra CIC finished speaking, he directly grabbed the table in front of him so that he could fix his body, and Fury also grabbed the guardrail.

The white shock wave arrived and hit the front of the space carrier directly. Because it was a ground explosion, the shock wave came from the side and below, directly causing the whole ship of the space carrier to start to lean back.But also because of this impact, this ship can avoid too much impact on the deck, and the armor below is thicker, so it can hold it without worrying about deformation.

The huge aircraft carrier was not overturned due to the impact, mainly because of the distance and being pulled far enough, and the impact came from the side below, and the aircraft carrier has a tonnage of [-] tons there, so it can hold it!

The frontal shock wave reaches the back, and then the second wave of shock after the nuclear bomb explodes flows back. The vacuum caused by the expanding air shock needs a lot of air to replenish, so the second wave of shock comes, this time from the rear and upper , directly press down the space carrier.

The space carrier, which was originally leaning back, began to move forward due to air pressure, moving towards the center of the nuclear explosion.

And after the impact of the nuclear explosion ended, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose in the distance, which looked very...beautiful!

Fury, who was holding the armrest, didn't look at the display screen, but looked at the huge mushroom cloud in the distance through the glass. Looking at the mushroom cloud, he even had a smile on his face.

Because it's really cool, a nuclear bomb blew up the portal of the alien monsters to the earth, and a nuclear bomb blew up the dangerous monsters on the earth, making the earth a lot cleaner all of a sudden. Throwing nukes everywhere feels so damn cool!

If you encounter any trouble in the future, maybe you can try to drop the nuclear bomb directly, as long as it is not a place with many people, just drop the nuclear bomb to kill you.

Fury, who slowly loosened his grip on the armrest, straightened his back, and issued another bright light to the people under him.

"Taking the air current, let's go to the site of the nuclear explosion. We still need to maintain the situation at the site. The US military will come over soon. We need to get it under control before they come over."

There are 4 corpses of monsters there, how can we not save them well? The imperial organization of the US military has been researching these monsters behind their backs, so I can’t be left behind, as is Fury, the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. Those who have a preference for taking advantage, or want to control everything in their own hands, whether it is resources or technology, it is best to have all of them owned by S.H.I.E.L.D., otherwise the relationship with the US military will not be so bad.

But what Fury didn't notice was that under the huge mushroom cloud, there was a towering tall figure.

Chapter 39. Guardians VS Guardian Beasts

Amakusa was very speechless, looking at Fury who was fascinated and confident beside him, he was very speechless. The nuclear bomb made this friend very confident now, and he never considered the possibility of failure at all, especially when a flag was set.

"Hey, Saber, do you feel it?"

"Master, what do you feel?"

The old sword, which had already turned into a spirit body to deal with emergencies, appeared next to Amakusa again, looking at Amakusa with some doubts.

"Mysterious power from flag!"


Although he also said some sarcasm and was instilled with some modern knowledge, it is a pity that the old sword did not understand what Amakusa said.

"It seems that you don't understand. I thought you would understand. In short, it is some feeling of dying."

"Is it the feeling of death? I understand when the master said this. There is indeed a feeling of death. That huge monster was not wiped out by the terrible attack just now. Now that it has passed, I am afraid it will be killed." Treat it as an attacking enemy."

As a servant, the old sword can tell directly that Godzilla was not killed by the bombing, but now that Fury let the space carrier run over there to check the scene, it is obviously trying to die, the monster just now It was bombed out of nowhere, and you drove such a big guy over at this time, you are not telling the other party, yes, I threw the bomb just now!

You're killing yourself, Mr. Fury.

"However, I feel a little strange about that monster."

Although it is certain that Mr. Fury died, Old Sword has other feelings besides Fury's death.

"Oh? How does it feel?"

Amakusa was a little curious, what did the old sword feel?

"That monster gave me a familiar feeling. It seems to have a special identity. At least, from my point of view, it has something to do with this planet."

Well, the guardian of the earth has spoken, and Amakusa understands what it feels like, this Godzilla is the guardian of the earth!

What is the identity of the old sword? It is the guardian of the world. Of course, this world actually refers to the Xingyue world. The earth in the parallel world where the old sword is located is basically like this. After all, in general works, human =Earth=world, as long as human beings are going to be destroyed, it is basically said to destroy the world, which basically means that the earth is destroyed, so human beings=earth=world, and the old sword actually protects human beings, but it hangs on protecting the earth Below this department.

As for Godzilla, it is similar to the setting of the old sword.

In the monster movie universe, the setting of Godzilla is very peculiar. Although it is said that he chased and killed Muto, it can be understood that Muto is Godzilla's mortal enemy, even if Muto didn't come to trouble Godzilla, brother Zilla also wants to kill them, but in a deeper sense, Godzilla wants to prevent Muto from multiplying on the earth, because once Muto reproduces successfully, the earth will suffer disaster. Once the monster multiplies, it is really a disaster, not only for human beings, but also for the environment of the earth. Therefore, in the process of chasing Godzilla, no bird will bird the human beings, and has always been obsessed with Muto.

Rather than saying that Godzilla is a monster that hunts and kills monsters, it is better to say that it is a guardian who maintains the balance of this earth.

There used to be a saying that Godzilla is the anti-virus software of the earth, responsible for eliminating the viruses on the earth. Now it is a monster, because some monsters threaten the earth, and then it may be human beings, if human beings also threaten the earth's environment.

So Godzilla, strictly speaking, is not from the perspective of humans, but from the perspective of the earth, and the name of the old sword hangs in the department of the earth in name, but in fact, what he thinks in his heart is all about human beings. Guys are still a little different.

But at least, according to the old sword now, the two of them still have some colleagues, so he can feel the difference of Godzilla. I can't feel it at all. If it weren't for watching the movie, and then reading some reasoning and introduction to the plot setting, I wouldn't have thought of so many things.

However, now the guardian of the earth, the maintainer of the balance of nature, is furious because he was nuked from behind!

Relying on its own strong physical fitness, Godzilla firmly resisted this wave of tens of millions of nuclear bomb attacks. The nuclear bomb exploded less than one kilometer behind it, but it resisted it, and it has the ability to The atomic energy reactor can resist radiation. Its weight of tens of thousands of tons prevents it from being blown away by the impact. The high temperature does cause some troubles to it, but the high temperature of the nuclear bomb is so short-lived. After a period of time, it quickly dissipated, so the high temperature could not kill it at that moment.

But it hurts!Even if it didn't kill him, Godzilla was hurt by the high temperature at that moment. The high temperature explosion damage of the nuclear bomb is still somewhat useful, after all, it is a high temperature of hundreds of millions.

So Godzilla is now in a state of anger, very angry. After enjoying the joy of killing Muto, Godzilla was attacked directly, and he wanted to find the guy who attacked him.

So, it saw it, in the thick smoke that hadn't dissipated after the nuclear bomb exploded, it saw it!In the distant sky, a big guy is approaching. That's right, it must be that guy. It was that guy who sneaked up on him, because only the guy who sneaked up on him will come over to see the result of his sneak attack after he succeeds.

So before the smoke cleared, the angry Godzilla was ready to attack.

The opponent is a big guy in the sky, and it looks black, long and thick. Naturally, Godzilla can't fight in close combat, so the direct attack is a long-range attack.

hum ——

There was a buzzing sound, and a blue light began to glow on Godzilla's tail. The light spread from its tail to its back, then to its head, and finally its eyes also lit up with blue light in its mouth. of light.


With a loud roar, a blue beam of light spit out from Godzilla's mouth, and shot directly at the approaching Helicarrier in the distant sky.

The hydra on the space carrier was stunned, because the detector showed that a high-energy reaction was approaching them, and the speed was extremely fast!

"No, there is an attack!"

Fortunately, the dedicated Hydra employees immediately reported to Fury, and Fury immediately issued an order to let Fury know the situation.

"Quick, full left rudder!"

But it was too late at this time. The big guy of [-] tons was not some long-legged space battleship that made a sudden turn in the atmosphere, without considering Newton's feelings.

Seeing that it was too late to dodge, the golden light suddenly lit up.


Chapter 40. The Late Red Comet

The blue light and the golden light collided in the air, one came from the ground, and the other came from the air. The collision of light happened in mid-air, and then exploded directly. A light ball composed of golden blue light rushed straight at the impact It expanded so rapidly that it expanded until it finally exploded, forming a shock like the second wave of nuclear bomb explosion.

This time, the space carrier that was closer was hit a bit more, so the impact was much greater, and the entire ship directly rose by 30°.

But also because I don't want the terrible nuclear explosion like before, so the impact is not so exaggerated. For example, the terrible high temperature is generally within the range that the space carrier can bear.

So although the people on the boat were taken aback, there was basically nothing wrong with it, only a few people bumped and bumped because they didn't pay attention.

"Quick, let's see what happened!"

Fury, who fell on the ground, quickly got up and asked his subordinates about the situation.

"Don't look at it, it's Godzilla's atomic breath attack, but it was just offset by Saber's treasure."

Amakusa told him directly beside him.

"Godzilla's attack? Isn't Godzilla dead?"

"So I just said that a nuclear bomb can't kill Godzilla, but if you don't believe it, Director Ferry, it's fine now. The nuclear bomb hurt it, but its powerful self-healing ability makes the wound that it received in a short period of time quickly recover. has recovered, and also regarded us as an enemy, so the current situation is that our attack angered Godzilla, and Godzilla has already classified us as an enemy."

Amakusa had a wry smile on his face, he was really speechless, Fury perfectly explained what it means to take back the flag.

"But it's not so dangerous now, because if it's just a Godzilla, it can't fly, and if it attacks from a long distance, Arthur can use a treasure to offset it. Generally speaking, we are safe, as long as we keep him It’s good to lead out of the United States, otherwise he will run around in the United States in order to chase us, I think you don’t want to see that picture.”

Listening to Amakusa's explanation, Fury's face darkened again.

"Ah, I don't want to see this big guy at all! Quick, run to the Pacific Ocean, and lead this big guy into the sea!"

But the situation was never quite the same as imagined. Just after Amakusa said that Godzilla could be lured away through a safe position in the sky, a huge monster suddenly appeared in the mushroom cloud floating in the sky.



"Well, I forgot to think about this guy."

Yes, Amakusa ignored it, and ignored that this place not only has Godzilla, but also another super monster Radon!

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