As a monster that flies in the air, and it is still full of fire resistance, the high temperature of the nuclear bomb really can't kill it. As for the nuclear radiation, it has nothing to do with it like Godzilla.

After the explosion, the big guy who was hit by the impact was directly blasted off the ground, and then lifted into the air with the raging flames, hiding in the raging flames.

Now that the space carrier appeared, it flew out of the cloud of nuclear bombs.


Obviously, like Godzilla, this big monster in the sky also regards the space carrier as an enemy to attack it, full of hostility, although it is true that the earth was attacked by Fury.

The situation suddenly changed from a relatively simple situation just now to a very troublesome situation now.

Yes, originally there was an air superiority, even if Godzilla wanted to fight the wave, the old sword could also use its own treasure to fight it, although it can only be used with a scabbard because it cannot trigger the condition to unseal the seal. Liberation of the Noble Phantasm, but even that kind of liberation is enough to fight against this big troll.

But now it's different. Now that Raton is here, he has to face two opponents. In the case of facing two opponents, once the old sword and Godzilla start to confront each other, who will Raton be? Although, the current situation is not clear, Amakusa doesn't even know how to deal with Raton, because this monster doesn't look like a big villain, do you want to fight it?

Seeing Radon who began to circle the space carrier, Amakusa and Old Sword began to think about how to deal with the current situation.

Especially the old sword, as a guardian of the earth, now facing another guardian of the earth, he is a bit entangled, because this situation was caused by Fury's death. As a human being on the earth, he wanted to sneak attack and kill him The guardian of the earth, at this time, Godzilla's anger, he can understand, he understands very well, if it was him, he was bombed by a nuclear bomb, he would also want to stab Fury to death with a sword, but now Fury is Amakusa's ally, and Amakusa is the master of the old sword, so for Fury, the old sword is now a helpful attitude.

So in the face of Godzilla, the old sword didn't want to kill the opponent, but just wanted to block the opponent. When the opponent's anger subsided, it should be fine.

Although it is very troublesome, the old sword has to do this now, because he can only do so. Although everyone is a guardian, they can't communicate in words. Godzilla can't speak human language, and the old sword can't be gayyyy called.

Amakusa, on the other hand, was thinking about how to deal with Raton. The opponent was an air unit, relatively flexible, and he, Amakusa Shiro, would definitely not be able to deal with it. Should he call for someone to come over? It seems that there are only two of them flying in the air. One is a Tesla that can use electromagnetic force to fly, and the other is Ah Fu, so...should I call Tesla over?

"Director, the target that disappeared before has reappeared."

At this time, CIC made a new report, which made Fury very puzzled.

"The previous goal? What goal?"

"Tony Stark, he disappeared suddenly before, when the fourth monster appeared, and now he appeared again, and was approaching here very fast."

CIC's report surprised Fury very much. When he found out that Tony Stark came to mix with this muddy water, he had a headache, but he thought of Tony's technology and things could help, so he acquiesced. The other party came over, but he didn't expect a Raton to pop up behind him, and his attention was attracted by Raton.

Now, Tony, who hadn't paid much attention before, reappeared.

Perhaps, Tony Stark, the Iron Man, can help solve the current predicament! ?

Fury thought so.

But Tony Stark didn't come here alone. They are now the Iron Trio, which means that as long as they act now, they must act together. They are all three armored men anyway.

And Lancelot, who was driving on the ground, had to run faster than Tony Stark, because it was very simple, he saw that golden brilliance!That's right, he is too familiar with that brilliance, it must be his king!

Chapter 41. Ya~~~Se~~~~! ! ! !

The Knights of the Round Table of Great Britain is the most important member in the legend of King Arthur. Whether it is in terms of combat effectiveness or plot, who is the leader of this most important member group? Naturally, it is the protagonist in the legend of King Arthur, King Arthur, and the round table The knights are all his employees, and so is Lancelot, the chief of the round table.

Lancelot, the Knight of the Round Table, is a man who is entangled with King Arthur in the legend of King Arthur, because although he has his own wife and son, he fell in love with King Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere, and Queen Guinevere He actually really likes Lancelot, and the two of them really have an affair.

This is very strange. Lancelot has a very good relationship with King Arthur. He is the number one fan of King Arthur, but the number one fan falls in love with his idol's wife. This is a very troublesome thing.

So Lancelot's ending is not ideal, it can even be described as very bad.

But even so, in Lancelot summoned by Amakusa, he is still the number one fan of King Arthur. After seeing the release of the sword of vowed victory from afar, he immediately opened it as if he had taken a stimulant. The most powerful magic power is released, the kind that can open the treasure, and directly accelerates towards the sky mothership. Anyway, the magic power is supplied by Amakusa, and the magic power of Amakusa is supplied by the Great Holy Grail. It is free of money and can be spent casually.

The speed was so fast that Tony, who was flying in the sky, had to turn on the overload to keep up.

"Hey, buddy, why are you suddenly so excited and running so fast, and you keep shouting "Wang, yes, or something, are you taking Viagra?"

While chasing after, Tony was still asking Lancelot what happened to make him so excited.

"Tony, it's the king, it's the king!"

"I know it's the king, what is the king?"

"No, here comes my king, my king, the king of our knights!"

"King of knights? King Arthur?"

"That's right! It's my king, my king has come!"

Lancelot kept shouting in the channel, even panting for breath.

"With all due respect, you don't look like a knight going to meet your king at all, but more like you can't wait to meet a lady in a nightclub."

"Huh? What are you talking about Tony, I'm going to see the king!"

"Well... yes, it's a bit different from your usual nightclubs."

"Yes, I'm going to see my king!"

"You look more like you can't wait to take Viagra at the same time, yes, and you can't wait to sleep with a beautiful woman after taking a lot of Viagra."


Tony's coquettish remarks on the communication channel made Lancelot speechless for a moment.

How do you talk about this, I am a noble knight, I want to see my king, why did I turn into taking Viagra to see a beautiful woman, but when it comes to beautiful women...ah... I haven't seen it for a long time , Wang's cute face, Wang's small lips, Wang's petite body, Wang's resolute expression, Wang's... oh?It looks like someone jumped down ahead.

In Lancelot's field of vision, on the approaching space carrier, a person suddenly jumped from it. Unfortunately, the distance was a bit far away, so he didn't see what the other person looked like immediately, but he saw something golden, and then There's blue, and there's silver, and then there's something bling.

Wait a minute, blonde hair, blue clothes, silver-white armor, and a shining holy sword, isn't this the configuration of my king!Sure enough, it was the king, Lancelot yelled happily, and then walked directly towards the point where the figure fell.

The figure fell on the ground, and a cloud of smoke and dust was directly thrown out, covering the figure.

Not far away, or not far away compared to that huge volume, is Godzilla standing like a mountain. Godzilla's sight, followed by that figure, fell from the sky and landed directly on the ground superior.

"My lord! The knight Lancelot has come to escort you!!"

Lancelot had already rushed not far from the smoke and dust, and started shouting happily from a long distance away.


In the smoke and dust, Arthur heard Lancelot's voice, and looked in the direction of the voice in surprise.

"Mr. Lancelot? Has Sir Lancelot been summoned...but this voice...what is this voice, why is it a man's voice?"

Arthur was very puzzled, because he remembered that Mr. Lancelot under him was a girl, but why the voice he heard now was a man.

Could it be that the spirit base changed when Sir Lancelot summoned the heroic spirit, or was it summoned by possession?

As a follower who knows a lot about magic, Old Sword certainly knows something.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a blue motorcycle rushed to the side of the old sword, and then stopped in front of the old sword with a flick of its tail.

"My lord! The knight Lancelot is here..."

Lancelot, who stopped the car, dropped the car directly, then knelt down on one knee, looked up at the old sword and introduced himself, but froze halfway through the speech.


Looking at the bigger man in front of him, Lancelot was stunned, no, is this my king?Wang's blonde hair is all right, but what about long hair?What about Wang's lovely face, where are his tiny lips?What about the petite body?How did he become a handsome guy, even handsomer than himself, what... what's going on?

"What's the matter, I am King Arthur, yes, but you... are Sir Lancelot?"

king?Is this really king?Asked by the old sword, Lancelot was a little puzzled.

I took a closer look, yes, the feature of blond hair and blue eyes is correct, and the silver-white armor on his body is indeed in the style of Great Britain. The pattern is exactly the same as that of the king I know, and the dressing style on his body is also the same. Then the holy sword , although it is said to be shining, but it seems that this holy sword is different from his own king's holy sword.

But this feeling doesn’t seem to be a problem. Only the king’s holy sword can do that kind of light-enveloping feeling. The indestructible lake light, which is also a holy sword, or the holy sun sword used by Gao Wenqing, are all the same. There is no such feeling yet.

There is also the light just now, which can only be emitted by the king's holy sword, that shining light, Lancelot will never admit it wrong.

Wait, could it be!

Lancelot thought of his son, oh no, now it should be said to be his daughter Matthew, who was originally a male, but as a servant summoned and merged with Matthew to become what he is now.

So my own king also merged with a human male after being summoned, and then became what he is now!

That's right!Absolutely!

Just as the old sword wondered if Lancelot turned into a male due to a problem with the spirit base when he was summoned, Lancelot also thought it was the same problem that caused his king to become a male.

"That's right, king, it's me, Lancelot."

"Is that so, Sir Lancelot, I didn't expect you to be summoned too."

Therefore, the two people who misunderstood each other established a relationship between monarch and minister.

"Then, my lord, you seem to be about to fight this monster. Let me, Lancelot, your knight, come to your aid!"

Lancelot stood up from the ground, holding the undestroyed lake light, and stood directly beside the old sword, pointing the sword at Godzilla.

Chapter 42. Ah~~ You are indeed my king!

Under the premise of not being clear about the situation, Lancelot and Arthur temporarily formed an alliance, based on the relationship between the monarch and his ministers in King Arthur's legend.

At least, from Lancelot's point of view, Old Sword is his king, and from Old Sword's point of view, Lancelot is his knight. Changing the gender of the other party from female to male, well, it feels a bit pity in various senses.

But now, at least they can stand on one front against this mountainous enemy, Godzilla.


Godzilla was originally confronting the old sword, the human who blocked his attack, but now the gladiolus suddenly jumped out, making it feel angry. At first, it was angry that humans attacked it, and then it was angry that someone blocked it. Strong attack.

Atomic breath, as a symbol of Godzilla's pride, is Godzilla's strongest attack. In the Permian period, he used this ability to make him the king of the earth. It is a symbol of its absolute power, but now it is given by humans. Offset, with something never seen before.

"My lord, can I ask you something?"

Lancelot, who was standing beside the old sword, looked at the angry Godzilla dog, and couldn't help but ask the old sword.

"Sir Lancelot, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"How to fight this monster, I feel that I am not an opponent."


It's not an opponent, why are you running to the front in such excitement, and pointing your sword at the opponent, I thought you were going to fight alone!

No way, Godzilla is too big. Although Lancelot said that because of the old sword, he rushed up to prepare to fight Godzilla with great courage, but he was too excited before to evaluate Godzilla. Now he stands Evaluate it in front of Godzilla, and the conclusion is: Oh my god, I can't beat it!

That exaggerated size is much more terrifying than those dragons he has seen before. Even the dragons he has killed are not so exaggerated. I feel that the dragons I have seen are at most as big as Godzilla. It's about as high as your thighs.

Although there is a magic release, there is no light cannon, and there is no Lancelot with super attack. For such a large target, it is simply born to be restrained.

"Mr. Lancelot, you should back off. This is not something you can deal with. It is the guardian."


The old sword said something that Lancelot didn't understand, and then walked forward by himself.

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