However, knowing the routines of the male protagonist of the day, he naturally understands how to deal with the Shura field. Asahi is a little bit, so it is necessary to pretend to be confused!

So Amakusa used the reason that I still have something important to do, and directly opened the portal and jumped out. After all, the wives in Nikka, usually don’t cut straight to the point when they come up. I like you, so give me an answer!In this case.

"In short, let's settle the matter at hand first, Mash and Semiramis...let's talk about it after it's settled."

Brainlessly touching his forehead, Amakusa shook his head and pushed open the door of the director's office.

Fury and the others, who were thinking about what happened to the Holy Church, how they should help, and how to act, were taken aback when they saw Amakusa who suddenly pushed the door open.

"What's wrong? Why are everyone so surprised?"

Amakusa looked at them suspiciously, not understanding why they were surprised.

"Well, we're just surprised that you came back so soon. We thought you should have something very important to deal with."

Before Amakusa came in, Fury explained and quickly mobilized the video, switching the satellite image of the church in New York to the SHIELD logo. At the same time, he was still surprised that Amakusa came back so quickly.

You know, they are still discussing how to act, to help the Church of the Holy Church, or to help Amakusa get through this difficulty or something, but the result is not halfway through the discussion, Amakusa actually came back directly, which made them discuss ass. , until now I don't understand anything, the other party is over.

"It's true that there are important things, but they can be dealt with relatively quickly, so I'll come over after I've dealt with them."

Amakusa still smiled all over his face, but there was a hint of bitterness in this smile, and then walked into the office.

"How do you think about the plan to deal with Hydra? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Not yet. You came back too soon. We haven't discussed a specific plan yet. You may need to wait for a while."

"No problem, then I'll sit next to you first."

After speaking, Amakusa walked to the sofa where he sat before he left, sat down directly, and waited for them to discuss a specific plan.

And Fury and the others did start to discuss, for example, let Bucky pretend to be what he was before, and then Captain America personally escorted him out or something. Amakusa can only draw one conclusion after listening, that is Hydra really very poor.

Here Amakusa was sitting there alone, and Fury led a group of people to make a plan, but Coulson did not participate in it, but ran to Amakusa's side.

"Father Amakusa, has something happened to the Holy Church?"

Amakusa felt a little amused by Coulson's sudden curious question, so he nodded in affirmation of his statement.

"Well, something happened. I haven't fully dealt with it yet. Now I can only say that I have dealt with it halfway."

"I see, it was a gas explosion, right?"


Amakusa looked at the confident Coulson in front of him, and could only nod seriously.


"I knew it!"

Coulson directly smiled happily, and this smile made Amakusa laugh helplessly.

And the smiles of the two of them were so glaring in the eyes of Fury, who was making plans with the captain and the others.


Chapter 15. Civil War—Start!

It has to be said that Coulson, as a model worker of S.H.I.E.L.D., became curious about supernatural phenomena after coming into contact with Amakusa. For example, he was addicted to gas explosions and could not extricate himself.

Compared with the more tedious and tedious work in the past, it is obvious that the handling of the gas explosion incident made Coulson more interesting. After all, he has been working overtime, so in the midst of fatigue, some relatively interesting work makes him happier Yes, even more interested, this is the reason why he has been so close to Amakusa recently.

However, this approach, in Fury's eyes, has a different meaning.

Before, he felt that Coulson began to become a little different after Amakusa appeared, and now Coulson even communicated with Amakusa alone in front of him, although it seemed to be expressing his love to himself. There is no idea of ​​meeting Amakusa alone behind the scenes, but this still makes Fury suspicious.

However, it can only be said to be suspicious, because even if Coulson is suspected of being a member of the Holy Church, Fury can't do anything to him. Now it is during the cooperation between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Holy Church, his primary goal is Get rid of Hydra!

Even if he knew that the Church of the Holy Church and the Association of Magicians were lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., it would be impossible to touch them now.

During the pleasant exchange between Amakusa and Coulson, Fury and the captain also made a specific plan to entrap Hydra.

The next step is to implement the plan.

"Time waits for no one, let's start from here."

After agreeing on the plan, Fury asked the captain to act directly. After all, they didn't have much time.

Hydra spent so many people this time to catch a Hawkeye who was not Hydra. The price paid was too high, which completely exposed Hydra, and even exposed the special team. Most importantly, he also threw out his family's head thug.

Therefore, the hydra can no longer continue to ambush, and they will seize the time to start their operations. This has caused SHIELD to have little time to delay. In order to end this internal battle as soon as possible, it must be early It takes action.

So, after a little preparation, they set off. This time it was more difficult and dangerous than fishing Hydra with fake eagle eyes before.

Although Bucky has become their own, their number is still a problem. Captain, Black Widow, Bucky, and backup support Amakusa and Dr. Banner, these are all members of this team.

After making preparations, the team set off. Dr. Banner didn't want to turn into the Hulk, so he still made a CIC report behind his back, and he would not turn into the front unless it was absolutely necessary.

And Amakusa, as a similar backup support, did not walk in the team.

The whole team, a total of 4 people, the team leader Coulson, the battle captain Captain America, watched by Captain America, Bucky with his hands tied, and the Black Widow who followed at the end.

In order to draw out Hydra, they still chose to walk aboveboard as before, without asking anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. for help, only the four of them.

The sudden battle in S.H.I.E.L.D. made the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal personnel very busy at this time. Whether it was the lurking Hydra or the real S.H.I.E.L.D. employees, at this time, they were cleaning up the headquarters. Especially the actual S.H.I.E.L.D. employees who don't even know what the hell is going on.

The appearance of the captain and the four of them immediately attracted the attention of the employees.

The employees who were still cleaning up the hall immediately stopped their work when they saw the four of them, and then looked at the four of them.

The four people who were still walking normally were stopped by the collective gaze of the employees.

Because there are only four of them, but there are too many employees who are cleaning up, and they are all watching them.

Coulson, who took the lead, was sweating a little on his forehead for a while. As a senior agent, he didn't feel at all being stared at by so many people before. Just feel creepy.

"Colson, keep going."

Captain America, who was still the battle captain, was the first to react, and patted Coulson on the shoulder behind him, signaling him to move on.

"Good captain."

So, under the leadership of Coulson, a group of people lined up in a straight line, walked past the employees, and then came to the lobby on the first floor of S.H.I.E.L.D. Same as before, all looking at the four of them.

No way, because of Fury's confidentiality measures, the ordinary employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. don't know Fury's plan at all, so in the eyes of the employees, they don't know what's going on with the captain group, especially Not only Captain America, but also the famous Black Widow, and Coulson, who is the most popular in front of Director Ferry. These three people are also in charge of a man with a mechanical arm. This combination really makes them curious.

Of course, most of these curious employees are hidden personnel of Hydra.

While everyone was watching, the four-person team walked into the crowd one by one, and the crowd immediately separated a path for the four of them to walk.

Walking on the road, being watched by the people around, the four of them were very nervous, even more nervous than being watched by the employees in the corridor before, because there are more people here!

"Keep calm."

Still the captain, comforting Coulson behind him.

In fact, the captain was also very nervous, which was even more exciting than when he attacked the Hydra headquarters in Europe, because at that time, he could clearly know who the enemy was and how to act.

Here, he doesn't know which of them are Hydra, which are not Hydra, and which are enemies hidden in the crowd.

A group of four walked out, and soon reached the central part of the hall. After walking for a while, they would leave the crowd, then leave the hall, and walk out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. It is more difficult.

It seemed that they were about to leave the dangerous area soon, but in fact, this time was the most dangerous time. Coulson, who was walking in the front, couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the gun inside his clothes.

Sure enough, when Coulson took the step that was about to step out of the crowd, someone made a move.

Somewhere, a person suddenly shot at Captain America, and Captain America also reacted quickly, raising his shield directly to block the shot as if the defense had foreseen it.

The battle begins!

Chapter 16. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been surrounded by Hydra!

In the director's office of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Fury and Amakusa Shiro looked at the screen in front of them together. What was displayed on the screen was the battle scene in the lobby on the first floor of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

This picture made Fury very angry, because more than half of the people in this picture were shooting at a small number of people with guns.

And that small group of people is the Avengers team led by Captain America, as well as a part of the real S.H.I.E.L.D. employees.

"This group of damn Hydra, have they reached this point!"

Fury originally wanted to use the Avengers team to lure Hydra, but he didn't expect that Hydra was lured out, but there were so many of them!

I have already drawn a lot from the test of Hawkeye before, and Fury estimated that those should be a considerable part of the Hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. Now it seems that this is not a considerable part at all. A small portion at all!Now there are so many Hydras!

And there are more people than S.H.I.E.L.D.!joke!This is the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., not Hydra!

If it weren't for the racial advantage, then Nick Fury's current face would be completely black.

"Director Fury, do you need my help?"

Amakusa watched from the side and couldn't help but make a sound.

"No, although there are many Hydra people now, we don't need to worry about the captain's safety for the time being. They are already close to the gate. As long as they go out of the gate, they will have enough time to escape."

"What? Didn't you catch them all?"

"Of course not. There are too many of them now, and it is impossible to catch them. Even if we catch them, the price we have to pay is too high, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will collapse directly because of this."

"However, as long as you want to wipe out all Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. will inevitably collapse, which you can't stop."

Amakusa told the consequences of Captain America's removal of Hydra.

This made Fury frowned. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he was dedicated to protecting the earth. Now he suddenly told him that S.H.I.E.L.D. would be dismantled, which he could not allow.

"Father Amakusa, you should know a lot of things that we don't."

"Yeah, I know."

Amakusa's straightforward confession surprised Fury, because isn't it usually a delay at this time?Although he already knew that the Holy Church where Amakusa was located knew all the information about S.H.I.E.L.D., but you should pretend it anyway.

"And I also know how to deal with this situation, but that requires you to make a choice, Director Fury."

Amakusa gives his own answer, leaving Fury puzzled.

"Please tell me what options you have."

"This headquarters, for the time being, cannot stay for a long time, because three-quarters of the people in this headquarters are Hydra."

Amakusa began to explain, and when he heard the ratio of three-quarters, Fury's eyeballs almost popped out.

"Excluding other people, the real SHIELD people are less than one-tenth."

Amakusa is fooling around, but in fact it is similar. Amakusa said this because he knows that there are still some agents from various governments lurking in this SHIELD. After all, SHIELD, as an intelligence organization under the Security Council, has a global presence It is impossible for many countries not to say a word when doing things inside, but it is useless to say it, so they simply send people to lurk inside, such as the CIA, FBI or something in the United States.

But this statement became in Fury's ears, three-quarters are Hydra, and the rest are people from the Church of the Holy Church and the Association of Magicians. The last point is the real people of their S.H.I.E.L.D. .

Thinking about it this way, Fury's face turned even darker, but his racial talent allowed him to hide it perfectly.

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