"In fact, there are not many choices. One is to check and balance with Hydra and keep S.H.I.E.L.D., but you have to take care of yourself and suppress Hydra from it, especially with your own people."

"This is impossible."

"I also know it's impossible, so the second option should be more to your liking."

Fury's reaction was expected by Amakusa, so he threw out the second option, which was also the one he wanted.

"The other is to blind the Hydra's eyes."

"What do you mean?"

The second option seems too simple, just such a sentence, which makes Fury not quite understand.

"It's very simple, Director Fury, did you see anything from Hawkeye's action?"

Amakusa's question made Fury think.

Seeing Fury frowning and lowering his head, Amakusa kept smiling and didn't give any hints.

After thinking carefully for a while, Fury seemed to have figured it out, and looked at Amakusa with a serious face.

"Hydra is more powerful than I imagined, they are ambushing people around me!"


The smile on Amakusa's face froze, and she looked at Fury speechlessly.

"Why, am I wrong? The action teams I trust the most are all Hydras. Doesn't that explain the problem!?"

"This is indeed able to explain the problem, but what I want to say is that in the previous incident of the Hawkeye team, the problem with Hydra is."

After thinking about it, forget it, and say it yourself, Fury's current state is obviously not suitable for thinking about this kind of problem.

"Director Fury, haven't you noticed that the information transmission between Hydra is not very fast?"

When Amakusa said this, Fury understood what Amakusa meant. If he didn't understand, he, the chief agent, would be in vain.

From Alexander Pierce's inexplicable self-explosion, and then Fury suddenly began to investigate Hydra within SHIELD. A small number of Hydras know it, and other Hydras don’t know it at all. It can only be judged by Fury’s wanted Hawkeye. He is a Hydra and their companion, and then the previous Hydra Snake I hit my own case.

But now, Hydra is still like this, so here comes the problem. With Fury showing high pressure, the Hydra below can only receive the news of the online one-way, so as long as the online is under control, the offline will not Is it under control?

This is the plan Amakusa thought of before.

It is impossible to kill all those people, because there are too many, and if you kill them all at once, no matter how stupid Hydra's downline is, they will find problems, and a new upline will be elected at that time, so Those who are online cannot be killed, but can only be controlled.

As for control, Amakusa may not be able to do it before, but now he has the soul gem, it is the easiest to do.

Chapter 17. Ace Combat: Space Carrier VS Space Carrier

"So, your idea is to capture all the high-level Hydras and let them disconnect from the Hydras below?"

"Yes, although the most basic Hydra members are the most, they are the most suspicious and reassuring, because as long as there is no order to go online, they will work silently below, and they are more serious than the employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. .”

"Employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. even play with bees when they are at work, but employees of Hydra don't. They will execute every order very seriously!"


S.H.I.E.L.D. employees played with bees at work, which made Fury feel a little embarrassed. Although he said he hadn't seen it, but Amakusa said it, then it must be someone who went to work to play.

"In short, as long as there is no order to go online, they will always have to lurk, and they will be very serious, even if they die, they will work seriously. To be honest, this is something that your S.H.I.E.L.D. employees can't do at all. You need to study hard."


You said that it’s okay for S.H.I.E.L.D. employees to play games when they go to work, but now they even say they want to learn from Hydra, Fury’s expression is a little bit uncomfortable.

"In short, this kind of plan is to let the high-level come out. As for the Hydra at the bottom, it is useless to come out as many as possible."

Although it is a bit uncomfortable for Amakusa to belittle S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury still agrees with Amakusa's point of view.

There are too many hydras in SHIELD. If we want to kill them all at once, I am afraid that SHIELD will disappear directly. Therefore, these grassroots personnel must be kept until new replacements are found.

So getting rid of the top ranks became the only option.

"Director, we have successfully broken through and are rushing out now. This situation is too crazy. Our headquarters is full of Hydras!"

Just when Fury was about to ask Amakusa how to act, Coulson's call came.

"Colson, how are your casualties?"

"It's okay, none of us were injured, the captain's shield is really powerful, it helped us block all the attacks, I even felt that the shield had a mocking effect, all the Hydras shot at that shield, it's amazing! "

There was some surprise and pride in Coulson's tone.

"It's good to be safe. Since you have already gone out, then go directly to a Quinjet fighter jet and fly in the direction of the space carrier. Hill will pick you up."

Fury ordered this to Coulson while looking at the screen in the office.

"Good chief."

Although I don't know what Amakusa is going to do next, but this headquarters must not be able to stay anymore, because the people of Hydra, without stopping the captain and the others, turned to look for Fury, and the captain ran away. They need to send someone to chase them, but it's better for Director Fury to catch them.

Anyway, Fury already fully knows the existence of Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. Since he already knows it exists, then he doesn't need to worry about it so much, just go straight up!

Before Fury notified the outside world, arrest him first!

Fury naturally saw the actions of the Hydras, so after he gave the order to Coulson, he left the office with Amakusa, and after locking all the permissions of the office, even if the Hydras came in, they could There is no other way.

As for where the two of them went, because Amakusa had learned the space portal magic, he simply drew a circle, and Fury took Amakusa to the space carrier far above the Atlantic Ocean.

For Fury's sudden arrival, Hill, who was in command on the bridge at this time, was surprised, but after a brief surprise, she immediately handed over the command to Fury.

"Contact Coulson and find out where they are."

Fury, who got the command, immediately started to act.

"Sir, Coulson and the others have boarded a Quinjet fighter jet and are heading towards us."

"very good."

Fury nodded expressionlessly.

"I left, and Coulson also left. Now the headquarters should have been occupied by Hydra, and we need to take back the headquarters."

While Fury was talking, he looked at Amakusa beside him. Amakusa didn't speak, but nodded with a smile.

"Director, you said the headquarters was occupied by Hydra?"

Hill, who has become an adjutant, obviously doesn't believe it. The news is too explosive for him, just like Director Fury in the office before, that is the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., not the headquarters of Hydra!

However, in Amakusa's view, although it is not the headquarters of Hydra, it can basically be said to be the SHIELD branch of Hydra. After all, the number of Hydra is there.

"Yes, so the current situation is very serious. They have occupied the headquarters. Before they use some channels of the headquarters to do something irreparable, we need to take the headquarters back."

Although it is said that he has locked many permissions of the director's office, there are still some permissions that can be done without the director's office. After all, Fury can't take care of all the information channels by himself, otherwise he will die from overwork .

Under Fury's order, the aerospace carrier began to move at full speed towards Washington on the east coast of the United States.

However, as Fury said, he cannot control some information channels. The first time he ordered the space carrier to move towards Washington, he had already controlled the Hydra at the SHIELD headquarters. Found this out.

Although the space carrier can use optical camouflage to hide itself, its information channels will not be blocked.

There are also many members of Hydra on the space carrier. They did not take any action because they did not receive the notification of the rebellion on the line. They still carried out their daily work in an orderly manner, maintaining the space carrier and maintaining operations. Ah or something, but there must still be information exposure.

So the Trident headquarters immediately knew where Fury was.

So, in an emergency, the Hydra staff started a meeting.

"Fury wants to use the Helicarrier's firepower to help him take back S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters."

"Is this kind of thing possible? We have already confronted him publicly. It is impossible to give up this headquarters to them. We still need this headquarters to help us improve our insight plan."

"However, there is still a period of time before the algorithm of the insight plan can be completed. This period of time cannot be spent safely, and this period of time is not long."

"Then, let's use those three space carriers to fight the war first, kill Fury first, then position Fury as a traitor, hand over the technology of that space carrier to the US military, and let them help us Withstand the pressure of the Security Council!"

The short meeting quickly formulated the next course of action.

As they said, under the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a huge factory. Inside the factory, there are three aerospace carriers that are more advanced than the ones controlled by Ferry. They are aerospace carriers 2.0!

These three aerospace carriers are used to implement the insight plan. Although the algorithm of the insight plan has not been completed, these three aircraft carriers have been completed, so they plan to directly activate these three aerospace carriers!

Washington Trident Headquarters, the artificial lake outside the headquarters building was suddenly separated from the middle, and three huge gates were separated. In front of Fury.

"These goddamn bastards!"

Seeing these three space carriers, Fury immediately understood Hydra's thoughts.

Chapter 18. You have a commission from Braised Egg

The speed of the space carrier is not fast, because it can't be fast, and the weight of [-] tons makes it impossible to move so fast. After all, it is an air combat platform, not a simple air combat unit.

So it takes a while to fly from the Atlantic Ocean to Washington, and during this time, the three aerospace carriers controlled by Hydra over Washington are also heading in its direction.

The battle between Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. can basically be said to be decided by these four space carriers.

S.H.I.E.L.D. lost, and Hydra will completely control S.H.I.E.L.D. and become the most terrifying force under the skin of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although it has always been like this, it’s not bad, but at least they didn’t come directly to the table. Now they It came to the stage.

And the Hydra lost, they will lose the Hydra Aegis Branch when Amakusa uses the Mind Gem, and then have to go dormant again, as if the loss is not as big as imagined.

Therefore, this battle will determine the trend of the forces on the surface of the earth for a considerable period of time to come.

However, from the perspective of combat effectiveness on paper, the current S.H.I.E.L.D. is not very optimistic.

As a consultant, Amakusa is also on the bridge of the space carrier, where Fury and Hill are constantly analyzing how to fight this battle. After all, they are at a numerical disadvantage, regardless of the number of space carriers. , or the number of fighter jets, especially the opponent's space carrier is even more advanced.

I finally withdrew so much money from the Security Council and built three space carriers, but they were all taken away by Hydra. It feels really bad that the Chinese cabbage that I have finally planted is being hogged by pigs.

Especially Fury doesn't know that there are still many people on this space carrier who are Hydra. For example, a certain Hydra pilot who works very hard is now on this space carrier. When the battle started, I found that more than half of the Quinjet fighter jets on my mothership had suddenly rebelled. I don't know what Fury's face will be like.

"This situation is something I didn't expect."

Although Amakusa knew that these were the three dismantled space carriers in Captain America 2, Hydra was not so aggressive at that time, and now it just copied them out and started to attack Fury. Offensive, this situation is wrong.

However, in addition to considering the space carrier's attack on Fury, Amakusa has to consider another thing, and that is the insight plan.

The Insight Project is a plan established by Hydra to fool Fury. On the bright side, it is to help S.H.I.E.L.D. Snake threatening characters, and then directly kill them directly through these three space carriers all over the world!To control the world by force, this is the plan of Hydra in the new era!

Now, these three space carriers are activated directly. What if they talk about shooting at the ground before the battle, there will be a lot of casualties.

Amakusa is not very clear about the degree of completion of the insight plan, but Fury, the director who personally helped Hydra to establish the project, must know it.

So Amakusa got up from his seat and walked to Fury who was discussing how to deal with this battle.

"Director Fury, there is one thing I need to ask you."

The discussion with Hill was interrupted by Amakusa, Fury was not angry, but asked Amakusa very politely.

"What's the problem? Please tell me."

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