Chapter 17. The Marshal: I'm Coming to Paris

The portal where the sparks splattered gradually closed until finally only a few sparks remained, which also disappeared into the air, and the blue sky appeared before Coulson's eyes again.

"Is this solved?"

Coulson looked at the peaceful city of Rouen around him in a daze.

"Yes, that solves it."

"It really doesn't have any influence on the outside?"

"Yes, the ordinary people outside will not notice anything. Some people may see Fafnir before I capture it, but because of the height, the people on the ground will probably feel it. It’s a rather strange bird, unless someone uses a camera with a telephoto lens to capture Fafnir in the air, but I think that possibility should be very, very small.”

Amakusa stood beside Coulson and explained to him.

"Doesn't it mean that there is no need to explain the gas explosion?"

Coulson frowned.

"Why, Coulson, you seem to like gas explosions more."

"No, no, how come, I just think it's so convenient."

Facing Amakusa's inquiry, Coulson waved his hands quickly.

"But Father Amakusa, why didn't you use such a convenient ability before, such as during the Holy Grail War, or the alien invasion in New York."

"That's because I haven't mastered this technique before. You should have seen the power of this space."

"That's true. If every magician knows this trick, then it's fine."

It's a pity, this move, the apprentices brought by Mr. Gu, are in various cities, it's really a sad story.

"Then, the dragon's body is still..."

"They will disappear automatically. Although they will maintain their existence for a while when they die, as long as they are left alone, they will disappear by themselves as spirit particles."

Before Amakusa took Coulson out of the mirror space, Heizhen's body had already disappeared, and Fafnir's body would disappear sooner or later. Amakusa had already collected enough dragon blood, as well as the key parts of the dragon's heart , and some wings, scales, dragon teeth, in short, all kinds of things.

Anyway, it's a pure-blooded dragon. For a magician, it's full of material. In the game, this is a gold-level monster. If you don't search it carefully, you will be sorry for him.

Of course, Dragon Blood Amakusa was not poured on it immediately. After all, although that thing is powerful, it still has some curse properties. Amakusa still needs to do some research to determine whether it should be sprayed or not.

In front of Coulson, Amakusa dismembered Fafnir. Although the method was rough and a lot of things were wasted because he didn't understand the body structure of the dragon, there were more things left.

In short, after solving the trouble of Heizhen, Amakusa also succeeded in making money.

"The next step is to deal with Marshal C. Although Joan said that she is a big trouble in FA, it should not be considered a trouble here, so don't worry about her words. The one who hides and says has important things to do Marshal C is the biggest trouble."

Because Amakusa doesn't know how Marshal C knows about FA, so he must be careful, what if he is a time traveler?

However, in this world, after knowing the situation of Marshal C, it is relatively easy to find him.

A portal was opened to the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch in Paris, France, and Coulson was asked to go back to the branch first. Amakusa used revelation on Marshal C on the spot.

Already knowing the identity of the other party, and not some big boss who is too powerful to use revelation to predict, then Amakusa can use revelation to find out relevant clues.

The result of the revelation soon appeared, and Amakusa also saw the location of the marshal.


This result surprised Amakusa, because the scene Amakusa saw was that the Marshal stood on the Eiffel Tower in Paris with his hands open, looking like he was still the same, very perverted.

This made Amakusa frowned. Amakusa's impression of Marshal C is that he is a Joan of Arc, and at the same time, he is a guy who ignores everyone except Joan of Arc, or unless you are in the same way as him , such as the orange hair at that time.

If Marshal C was a time traveler, maybe Hei Zhen's death didn't have that much impact on him. Although it did, it wouldn't make him crazy. If Marshal C is real, then Hei Zhen's death would definitely make him mad At that time, I am afraid that the whole of Paris will be sacrificed to those strange sea monsters.

That is Paris, the largest city in France, and it can even be said to be the largest city in Western Europe. There are more than 1000 million people gathered there. Although this population is not particularly large compared to the Celestial Dynasty in East Asia, but in Europe, This is a very large city, and these populations even account for one-fifth of the total population of France.

"That guy, is he going to make something happen in Paris?"

Before the portal opened to Coulson was closed, Amakusa directly followed Coulson across and returned to the Paris branch with Coulson.

Coulson, who was still holding the tablet in his hand and thinking about how to report to Nick Fury next, was surprised to say hello after seeing Amakusa following him.

"Father Amakusa, is there anything you haven't finished explaining?"

"Yes, it's a very important matter. Hei Zhen has a partner hiding in France, and it's in Paris. He might do something dangerous, so I followed him back."

"What, Paris? It's full of people, one-fifth of the population of France is here!"

Just as Amakusa thought, Coulson was also shocked at the first moment.

"So we need to find the opponent before they act, and control the opponent. It is best to kill them after controlling them."

Like Heizhen, Marshal C is obviously a chaotic evil, and unlike Heizhen, this guy is almost an irreconcilable evil, even if it can be reconciled, Amakusa is too lazy to reconcile the evil, he must be killed No problem, nothing to lose.

"From what I've seen, he will appear at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. According to what I have revealed, he still has some time to prepare, so take advantage of the present and let the tower evacuate visitors."

After giving the order, Amakusa added another sentence.

"Remember, when evacuating, just say temporary maintenance, don't make too much noise."

"Okay, I know, I'll make them pay attention."

Coulson immediately went down to give orders, and Amakusa also began to think about what to do.

From the last time I saw Heizhen Amakusa through revelation, I can judge that what I saw will happen in the future, and it is the kind of future after I deal with it when I already know what will happen in the future.

In other words, that is the future that must happen!

Then, what I saw, the marshal's perverted face with his hands open, was also what he showed under his own actions.

Chapter 18. The marshal is still so perverted today

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a building known as the symbol of France. Although from a historical point of view, its lifespan is not long, but in terms of symbolism and global popularity, there is no other building in France that can match it. It compares.

The Palace of Versailles, Notre Dame de Paris, can't compare.

Because this place is so well-known, the flow of people here is also the most, not only foreign tourists, but the flow of local people here is also very high. In short, there are just a lot of people here.

If Marshal C does something here, it will definitely affect many people, so it is necessary to evacuate in time.

Coulson did a good job of getting the employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. to cooperate with the French government in the evacuation work. He temporarily evacuated the tourists on the grounds that the Eiffel Tower will be undergoing regular maintenance, but it is impossible to let the tourists go too far unless the Eiffel Tower is taken away. The ten-kilometer radius around the iron tower is all cleared, otherwise it will be dangerous.

But it was their limit to do this without making too much noise.

In this case, Amakusa had no choice but to go to the iron tower first to prevent the marshal from doing anything. After all, the marshal really became abnormal, and he could even sacrifice himself.

However, fortunately, Amakusa made such a decision, and the marshal was even happier.

Because when Amakusa asked Coulson to evacuate, the marshal had already arrived at the Eiffel Tower.

Standing on top of the Eiffel Tower, the marshal looked at this bustling international metropolis, his eyes that looked as big as eggs were full of joy.

Of course, the marshal is not happy because of the prosperity of France, but because there are many people here.

"There are so many people, if they are converted into magic power, it should be completely inexhaustible!"

Yes, the reason why Marshal left Hei Zhen and planned to act alone was because he wanted to solve the problem of the operation of magic power.

The Holy Grail War, the reason why they exist is because he has a special channel, so that the mana consumption of himself, Heizhen and Fafnir is not a problem. After all, they are summoned by servants and do not really exist. Existence requires magic power, but they came to this world inexplicably, and they do not have a continuous and stable supply of magic power, so they need a stable supply of magic power to survive in this world.

So they need to find the source of magic power. Heizhen is obviously not suitable for this kind of thing, let alone Fafnir, the marshal has become the one who does this drudgery, even if Heizhen is not aware of this, the marshal must also Do it, or they'll just have to wait to disappear.

So the Marshal came to Paris, the capital of France.

Although he is said to be a general of France, the marshal doesn't think so much about France. He only has one person on his mind, Joan of Arc!

Therefore, even if it is Heizhen, he can do anything for Heizhen if he has it, especially Heizhen is completely in line with the state he imagined!

In FZ, the Marshal uses ordinary people as magic power suppliers, and it seems that they are all children.

Therefore, looking at Paris, which is full of people, for the marshal, it is a large-scale supply of magic power.

"It's really wonderful. These are sinners. If you turn all these people into magic power, you can even gather a great Holy Grail!"

Of course, this is only in terms of magic power, after all, there are 1000 million people here.

Then, he heard the radio.

"Everyone, the Eiffel Tower is about to enter the normal maintenance time. Please take the time to leave the tower and let our staff perform daily maintenance work on the tower."

For tourists, especially the French, this kind of thing is a bit sudden, because the sudden maintenance work of the Eiffel Tower is usually not done at this time.

Some people even wondered if something unexpected happened.

"Did something happen?"

"Terrorist attacks?"

"Another terrorist attack on the Eiffel Tower?"

"It may also be a bomb. Anyway, let's go quickly. It doesn't feel safe here anymore."

"Yes, let's go quickly."

Although some people found something was wrong, they didn't think of supernatural powers, because in their view, terrorist attacks or bomb attacks are more convincing. There is no way, France is like this, and there are many terrorist attacks.

Therefore, the tourists left very quickly, and the entire Eiffel Tower was soon emptied, and the so-called normal maintenance staff did not appear in the tower at all.

This made the marshal feel a little strange, but he didn't care about it. Anyway, his target was the people of Paris, which was 1000 million people. Although there were quite a lot of people in this tower, it was not enough for the marshal to pay attention to it. He just came here because he saw that the Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the central area of ​​Paris.

The marshal walked to the edge of the iron tower, looked at the bustling Paris, imagined that this place would be occupied by sea monsters later, and then turned into an endless source of magic power, the marshal laughed happily.

Still the same, with a very perverted smile, and even opened his hands happily.

"Oh, I can't wait, come out quickly, my lovely sea monsters!"

This is what Amakusa saw in the revelation, the appearance of the marshal with his hands open and a perverted smile on his face.

And Amakusa was waiting for this time.

A wave came from behind the marshal. In the eyes of the marshal, Paris, which was originally bustling and noisy, became quiet in an instant, and even the wind stopped. This surprised the marshal who was still blowing high in the sky before.

Why did the world suddenly become quiet?

"Yeah, I'm lucky to catch up. My timing is really accurate. If I am a step late and let some sea monsters go out, then Paris will suffer."

The voice came from behind the marshal, causing the marshal to turn his head in doubt, and saw Amakusa Shiro standing there.

"It's you! The master Amakusa Shiro of the red side!! Why did you appear here! Also, what's going on, why do I feel that the whole city has suddenly changed!"

"Oh? It seems that Marshal, you really remember me."

Amakusa stood opposite the marshal, his hands still opening the mirror space.

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