"So, I want to know, Marshal, what else do you know, can you tell me?"

Slowly retracting his hands and putting them on his left waist, Amakusa made a movement of drawing his sword. Correspondingly, Amakusa's right hand katana appeared, and he slowly pulled it out and pointed it at the marshal.

"In this place of Joan's death!"

Chapter 19. Coulson is still full of regrets

"What did you say? Joan is dead?"

"Yes, in this world, even just a few dozen minutes ago, Jeanne Alter died with her Fafnir, and I pierced her heart with my own hands."

Amakusa replied with a gentle smile on his face, as if answering a particularly happy thing.

This made the Marshal stunned.

"Then, how will you behave when you know the news of Hei Zhen's death?"

Amakusa looked at the marshal stunned, waiting for his next performance.

The purpose of telling the news about Hei Zhen's death in front of the marshal is to stimulate the marshal to see what's going on with him. If he is a time traveler, he may be angry or surprised, but he will definitely not be out of his mind Sacrifice yourself to summon a sea devil, unless this guy is too deep into the game.

If he is not a traverser, but the original marshal, he may be angry or sad, and then he will summon the sea monster, or even sacrifice himself to summon the sea monster, and revenge Amakusa madly.

Anyway, this is a mirrored space, even if the marshal runs away, it won't have any impact, so Amakusa doesn't have to worry about anything.

So, now Amakusa watches Marshal perform, whatever Marshal wants to do!

Under Amakusa's gaze, the marshal suddenly leaned back, holding his face with both hands and howling, looking very...sad.

"NO!!! Joan!!! My Joan!!!"

Well, as soon as this sentence came out, Amakusa understood who this guy was. This is the original version, not a time traveler.

Although I don't know why this guy knows about FA, he is indeed not a time traveler.

Then, Amakusa doesn't need to worry about anything. As for why he knows about FA, if it is in the world of FA, Amakusa may have to worry about it. In the world of Marvel, I don't care why you know about the world of FA. Anyway, I I won't go to that world again, it's just a bond singularity.

"Look, Joan of Arc has already returned to the Hall of Valor, so it's about time for you to go back too."

Amakusa said with a smile while raising his hand and pointing at the marshal with the samurai sword in his hand.

"After all, following in the footsteps of Joan of Arc is what you like to do the most, isn't it?"

"You god's running dog!!"

Amakusa's words made the marshal recover from the state of his body leaning back, his egg-like eyes stared at Amakusa, his expression was ferocious, and he looked very fierce.

"God's lackey, priest, priest, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying so."

Very standard marshal-style speech, as long as it is against Joan of Arc, or against him, in his opinion, they are all god's lackeys, and the most important thing is that Amakusa's identity is a priest, and he is said to be God's lackey , there is really no problem.

"However, as God's lackey, I still took Joan of Arc away from you this time, not only took Joan of Arc away, but also your life, don't worry, I will let you You were reunited with Joan."

Amakusa has done enough of the villain's momentum, if there are other servants watching here, they may even feel that Amakusa has done something outrageous, and then help the marshal chop Amakusa on the spot, such as Ah Fu.

The Marshal, who became furious, summoned a bunch of sea monsters as Amakusa had imagined.

This kind of thing is very useful for ordinary people, but it is not good for dealing with servants. Although I don’t know how Dumao Wang was tied up by the sea monster after only one hand was injured, and he couldn’t even hide, but other The Servant really won't be trapped by this thing, and Amakusa naturally won't either.

Strengthening the magic and adding the melee magic learned from the ancient one, Amakusa easily used the katana in his hand to cut off the sea monsters one by one, and quickly approached the marshal who is the summoner. The summoner himself fights, and it will only become more and more troublesome to fight the summoner, especially when the summoner has too many summoned beasts.

Seeing Amakusa approaching, the marshal immediately used the few magic tricks he knew, moved into the mid-air far away, and then directly started the final summoning.

Sacrifice yourself and summon the biggest sea monster.

"I've said it all, no one is more suitable than me for dealing with large targets!"

Amakusa directly stuck the samurai sword in his hand on the ground, and at the same time the marshal began to summon, he also activated his own treasure.

The white one in the left hand, the black and red one in the right hand, and then the two jokes were thrown towards the Marshal, and they collided in front of the Marshal, turning into a huge black hole.

The marshal stared at the black hole in front of him and was stunned. However, his summoning could no longer be stopped. A huge sea monster was pouring out from the magic book in his hand and devouring him. Even if he wanted to stop it, he couldn't My heart is weak.

"Do not!!!"

Amid the marshal's screams, a huge sea monster appeared, but just after it appeared, its body touched the black hole, and then it was swallowed directly, including the marshal inside the sea monster!

It was swallowed clean all at once!It was as if neither the marshal nor the sea monster actually existed.

Seeing that the Marshal and Sea Demon had been devoured, Amakusa cut off the supply of magic power, and the huge black hole slowly dissipated, and the entire mirror space returned to calm.

Looking at the completely calm mirror space, Amakusa nodded in satisfaction. This time the trouble was solved, and there was no need to take care of the remaining Joan of Arc. Anyway, in this world, she would not stop her She can't hinder herself for anything, especially if there is no Holy Grail in this world.

Opening the portal, Amakusa left the mirror space and returned to the real Eiffel Tower. Looking at the bustling Paris, France below, Amakusa nodded again, and then opened the portal to the French branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Opposite the portal is the office of the director of the French branch of S.H.I.E.L.D., where Coulson is watching the situation around the Eiffel Tower with a tablet computer. Although Amakusa told him before that he would block it, Coulson is still worried that There was an accidental discovery.

Now that Amakusa is back, Coulson is relieved.

"Father Amakusa, since you have come back like this, it means that you have resolved the battle, right?"

"Yes, I've settled the fight."

Amakusa nodded with a smile.

"It looks like it was resolved in that special world. I didn't find any movement outside."

"Yes, it was still carried out in that world. I didn't master it before. If I encountered some troubles, it might cause unnecessary damage. But now that I have mastered it, it is natural to avoid damage if I can control the situation."

Amakusa explained it as a matter of course, he would not say that this skill was learned yesterday.

"Yeah, this is very good, and it will not cause other effects."

Coulson also nodded with a smile, but soon murmured regretfully.

"I just can't say it was a gas explosion..."

Chapter 20. Saints Worshiped by the Virgin

Joan of Arc was very depressed, very depressed. She and the captain had a disagreement on how to act, and this disagreement caused them to be delayed for a long time without any clear action.

According to what the Black Widow said, it is best not to act rashly before knowing the situation. In that case, the distance between them and the enemy may be widened, so the Quinjet fighter jets have been suspended vertically over France. The most technologically advanced special combat transport aircraft, the Quinjet fighter has a particularly long cruising time.

Therefore, they kept thinking and analyzing in mid-air until Coulson sent a message.

"What? Problem solved?"

"Yes, it was resolved very safely. Although it is a pity that a gas explosion cannot occur, it was resolved very safely."

Coulson answered the captain's question in the affirmative, but at the same time couldn't help feeling sorry.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Jeanne couldn't help but interjected while listening.

"I'm curious as to how you guys resolved the situation."

Joan's inquiry caught Coulson's attention. Before Amakusa came, the captain had already reported to Coulson about Joan's affairs, and even judged that it was a wild servant. Amakusa's arrival, He also told Colson the identity of Joan of Arc, and the identity of another Hei Zhen.

Therefore, after Joan spoke, Coulson looked at Joan. During the Holy Grail War in New York, Coulson had seen many servants, but the distance was not so close. Most of them were observations. This time, they were very close. Talk to the servant head-on.

Although he had talked to Tesla before, Coulson couldn't feel anything about Tesla, who died less than 100 years ago.

Facing this saint who was famous all over the world hundreds of years ago, Coulson finally felt a little better, especially since Joan of Arc was still wearing her servant-like weapon.

"You are Joan of Arc."

"It's just Joan of Arc, I don't dare to be a saint."

Faced with Coulson's compliment, Joan was still humble.

"Could you tell me about the incident where you stopped Fafnir?"

"Yes, after we discovered that Fafnir had escaped from Orleans, we immediately began to think of ways to deal with it. Considering that our combat effectiveness may be insufficient, we thought about whether to seek help. After all, the disaster in Orleans has already happened once. You guys If they can’t catch up with Fafnir, then Rouen may also face disaster.”

Coulson said with a smile on his face.

"So I went to our special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., Father Amakusa of the Templar Church, and asked him to use the power he possessed to deal with it, and successfully eliminated Fafnir."

"Then, what about the servant who is with Fafnir?"

Although she knew that the other party was Hei Zhen, Joan of Arc didn't want to say her name because the other party's name was also Joan of Arc.

"Are you talking about that Joan of Arc? Her words were also resolved by Father Amakusa. Father Amakusa said that although she is a servant, he has already endangered the safety of this world, so he resolved her. It is different from the servants who were under the supervision of the Holy Church."

Coulson's explanation made Joan frown. She was very surprised. Although Coulson just said a few words, the amount of information hidden in these few words is really a bit big.

"A servant supervised by the Church of the Holy Church? Could it be that there are other servants, and the Church of the Holy Church is still monitoring them?"

This point is very strange to Joan. Shouldn't servants only appear during the Holy Grail War? Why do they appear under normal circumstances, and they are also supervised by the Church of the Holy Church.

Although I already knew that Amakusa Shiro was in this world, I didn't expect that the Holy Church in this world would develop to such an extent, and Amakusa Shiro seemed to be the same as Amakusa Shiro in this world. The relationship between the servant and the Holy Church, It also seemed to be completely different from what Joan of Arc knew.

"Can you tell me more about Father Amakusa Shiro?"

Although the captain has already asked the captain before, but because the captain doesn't remember very clearly, he can actually say very little about Amakusa, and Coulson obviously has a lot of contact with Amakusa. If you ask him, you should There are many more things that can be asked.

Moreover, according to what Coulson said just now, Amakusa Shiro just dealt with Fafnir and Heizhen just now, so he should have just left, or hasn't left yet!

"It would be nice to be able to tell me where he is now."

Joan came to this world with Hei Zhen. Although she doesn't know why she came to this world, she still wants to find out what is happening in Amakusa in this world because of the nature of maintaining the fairness of the Holy Grail War. After all, Hei Zhen has precedent there.

"Father Amakusa, he must have returned to Nepal."


"Nepal, I don't know the exact address, it looks like it's in a Buddhist temple."


The location that Coulson informed made Joan of Arc confused. Although she was told the location, Joan of Arc didn't know where it was.

Helpless, I can only smile wryly, Joan first asks for detailed information about Amakusa and the Holy Church, and then sees if it is possible. If possible, let them help me to see Amakusa, otherwise I will run over by myself. I don't know when to run.

So, Coulson began to tell Joan about Amakusa. For Joan who just came to the Marvel world, she didn't know much about this world, so when Coulson gave Joan popular science, it was quite I am so happy, while talking, but also adding fuel and vinegar.

I don't know if it's because of his obsession with gas explosions, or because of other reasons. In short, Coulson introduced Amakusa Shiro to Jeanne well.

And Joan of Arc, because of Coulson's introduction, turned from suspicion to Shiro Amakusa from the beginning to admiration.

Although it is normal for the supervisor of the Holy Church to supervise the magicians, he can work hard to make ordinary hits, which makes Joan of Arc, who is a saint, feel very admirable, especially for the earth On the matter of fighting aliens.

And at this point in time when Joan suddenly admired Amakusa, Amakusa had already returned to Nepal for the final practice.

On the far side of the Atlantic Ocean, on the Stark Tower in New York, the genius Tony Stark also has new research results.

This so-called new research result is naturally... anti-heroic armor! ! !

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