"Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought so."

Thinking of being liked by many people, Touma even scratched her head shyly.

However, this is also a problem. Dang Ma feels that he is a very smart person, and it is impossible for him to understand nothing like the male protagonist in the animation, and sometimes he even forces himself to understand.

"So, which one should I choose..."

Regardless of the fact that girls will fall in love with him in the future, Touma began to think about whom he should fall in love with. After all, he has been single for so many years, and Touma felt that he was unlucky enough. Suddenly a girl liked him, so naturally he wanted to fall in love. of.

The short-haired violent Bilibili girl is a bit too violent, she discharges when she is shy, which is a bit unbearable, and then a nun who bites at every turn?Although I don't know if I will meet them in the future, but this guy PASS, because it hurts to be bitten, and then the nun's friend, who will also beat people.

In this case, there are very few options, blond lady!

Well, this is not bad!Dang Ma's eyes lit up. The blond girl who just appeared is very good. She has a very good figure, a nice voice, a very good appearance, and looks very rich. Good choice!

Therefore, the person I want to date is the blonde lady!

A smile appeared on Touma's face.

As for my girlfriend, and she is also a young lady with blond hair, it's great, I never dared to think about it before, but now it can become a reality, it feels like a dream.

It's decided, find a chance to meet that blonde girl, and confess to her!Although he likes him, as a boy, how can he let a girl confess his love first!

Clenching his fists, Touma happily walked towards his apartment, and then he didn't notice that his wallet was lost again.

Chapter 34. The Mysterious Place the Gatekeeper Yearns For

Yes, very good!

Sasaki Kojiro sat at the entrance of the gate of Liudong Temple, holding his exaggerated sword in his right hand, and holding a small cup in his left hand, which contained clear wine. The boys and girls are just looking at the girls who are passing by.

Although it is summer vacation, these girls are basically students, they still wear the school uniforms of their schools, the style of miniskirts, and because of the hot weather, the tops are basically summer school uniforms, the short-sleeved ones, so easy A lot of skin was exposed, and those were all white thighs, making Kojiro, a servant who is defined as an ancient swordsman, drooling, no matter how much the master's mentality was, it was broken under the offensive of white thighs everywhere. It's open, but Kojiro is so happy.

It's rare to be born in this world, and you can live happily, even if it's just a gatekeeper, but it's also very good, with wine to drink and thighs to watch, why not do it.

But, compared to the thighs under the miniskirts outside, the other thigh behind him attracted Kojiro's attention even more.

Kanzaki Kaori, the former female pope and current saint, in terms of attire, is much more sexy than those students outside. The jeans were cut in half, and one side of her slender thighs was exposed from the root. You can even vaguely see the secrets inside, but it's a pity that it's only vague, everything inside is faintly visible, but you can't see clearly, but this makes it appear more secret.

The same is true for the upper body. Although she is wearing a denim vest, Kanzaki does not usually wear it. There is only a white T-shirt inside, which is tied together from the waist down, revealing the belly button perfectly; and one sleeve has also been cut off from the shoulder, revealing Even when Kanzaki raised his arm, he could see the scene inside the clothes through the gap of the armpit, but like the thigh, it was only faintly visible, even Kojiro's sharp eyes couldn't see clearly, but this The looming reality is really desirable, but I want people to see what it is like inside.

"Mr. Assassin, the guard has worked hard."

Index was in a coma, and she had nothing to worry about, and there were Medea and Stiyl watching over her, so Kanzaki, who was a little more relaxed, came out from the back of the church to take a look at this Assassin summoned with caster.

Because there are many powerful characters hidden in the depths of this world, the servant did not reveal his real name. Although some details can be deduced, it is your own business to deduce it. It is another matter for me to say it myself .

As for the names of Amakusa and Matthew, there is no problem, and as for Shakespeare, there is no problem with this product.

"No, it's not hard. For servants like me who don't need to rest, this kind of work is not too easy."

Kojiro shook his head slightly, then tilted his head, and drank the small cup of sake in his hand. At the same time, he glanced to the side, looked at Kanzaki Kaori's thigh standing beside him, carefully admiring the white body from bottom to top. The skin, and then tried to see something at the end, but unfortunately it was still a faint feeling, as if I saw something, but I couldn't see it clearly!

Could it be that magic that affects vision is cast there?

With regret, Kojiro slowly lowered his head and shook his head secretly.

No, this is too much of a failure. Anyway, I, Sasaki Kojiro, also bears the title of a sword master. I can't even do peeping well. It's too much of a failure. I have to find a way to see it.

That kind of faint feeling, as if you can see it but can't see it clearly, is really tormenting, and the kind of girls on the street wearing miniskirts but covering them tightly, just let you see the thighs of the absolute domain Parts feel completely different, and this feeling is just too seductive.

"His Royal Highness."

"Mr. Assassin, you can just call me Kanzaki, Your Highness is a bit too much."

"That's right, then Miss Kanzaki, you should be a person with a sword."

Holding the wine glass, Kojiro rested his eyes and floated towards Kanzaki's thigh, oh no, this time it was the long knife next to Kanzaki's thigh, seven days and seven swords!Anyway, we are all Japanese. There is no difference between Japanese knives and swords. Samurai swords use kendo to cut people, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's a fine sword."

"Yes, Qi Tian Qi Dao is my most important fighting partner."

Speaking of her own weapon, Kanzaki's face showed some pride. This 2-meter-long Japanese sword, Qitian Qidao, is her weapon all the time. There is also a thin steel wire hidden in the handle, which can let the She performed her unique skill Seven Flashes and drew a magic circle.

"This is my sword."

Kojiro put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up from the ground and stretched out his right hand, and the long knife held in his right hand was erected.

"This sword is called Wu Ganzhuo. From the setting point of view, it is a sword given to me by my master, and it is also my most important fighting partner."

"Dried things?"

Kanzaki recited the strange-sounding name of the sword, a little confused, because she felt like she had heard the name somewhere, but because it was a bit of a mouthful, she didn't remember it for a while.

"Both of us use long knives. If that's the case, why don't you come and learn from each other? At least it's more interesting than standing here and chatting together."


"That's right, as a swordsman, if you meet someone who is also a swordsman, you will naturally want to compete. You don't need to use any magic power, just use skills to compare and learn, and stop."


Kanzaki agreed with Kojiro's suggestion, and put his own sword on his waist.

"Then, let's go inside the door. The range of my activities is about 5 meters inside and outside the door. This range is enough."

Fighting must not be outside the door, that is on the street. Two people on the street suddenly fight with swords, that is a security incident, so you must stay inside the gate.

The two came to the mountain gate with their swords in their hands, and Kojiro closed the door on purpose to prevent outsiders from seeing it. Unlike the opposite Kanzaki, Kanzaki held the scabbard with his left hand and the hilt with his right, and was about to draw the sword. Kojiro directly carried the sword behind his back, held the hilt with his right hand, and prepared to draw the sword.

Both of them use ultra-long weapons with a wide attack range, especially Kanzaki Kaori's sword is even 2 meters long, which is comparable to a long spear, and both of them are one-shot. , It depends on who's shot speed is faster, and the person who makes the shot first will have a higher winning rate.

As a servant, especially an assassin, Sasaki Kojiro is very fast. Kanzaki Kaori is a saint. Once the saint transformation is activated, the speed will be very fast, but this time it is a skill exchange, so Kanzaki Kaori will not activate it. A saint, and Kojiro can't open a treasure.

The two held each other's sword hilts and faced each other for about ten seconds. After that, they seemed to have agreed to move together. Both of them drew their swords and rushed towards each other in an instant. It was directly after drawing the knife that he lowered his body to avoid Kanzaki's slash, swung his body close to the ground and swung the knife diagonally from bottom to top.

Kanzaki didn't expect that Kojiro would directly attack the plate when he came up, halfway through swinging the knife, he quickly retracted his strength and raised his leg to avoid the attack, his clean thigh was lifted directly, Kojiro's eyes widened in an instant, and the excellent vision brought by the servant's body was brought to the extreme , looking at Kanzaki's crotch.

However, what he saw was still a blurry situation.

Still can't see clearly!Is it because of the reason below?

Kojiro frowned slightly, rolled over with Kanzaki and staggered their positions, the two exchanged positions, then immediately turned around at the same time and rushed towards each other again.

Kanzaki was startled by Kojiro's sudden attack before, this time she took advantage of her attack range and directly stabbed Kojiro first, she didn't expect to be able to stab Kojiro this time, all she wanted to do was to force Kojiro to change direction, The moment Kojiro changed direction and then changed to slashing, those suppressions.

However, Kojiro's response was still to cut obliquely from bottom to top, flicking Kanzaki's long sword directly into the sky, the two swords interlaced and then pointed to the sky together, at the same time Kojiro widened his eyes again, as he passed by Kanzaki's side Staring at Kanzaki's armpit, he wanted to take advantage of the moment when the clothes floated in the wind to see everything inside.

However, at the moment when the clothes floated, Kojiro still could only see some faintly visible scenes.

Damn, she definitely used cover-up magic in these places!

Kojiro, who is separated from Kanzaki again, has only one thought!

Chapter 35. The list of banned books is not a simple thing

Outside the church, two kendo masters kept waving their super-long weapons to collide. Inside the church, Medea was taking care of Index. Index fainted because of the collapse of taking over the magic automatic book, and it took a while At this time, Medea assumed the responsibility of taking care of her, but at the same time of taking care of her, Medea was still studying the one hundred and thirty thousand magic books that Index carried.

Unlike Xingyue's magic, the magic books in this world record some very powerful magic, the top-level one.

That's why Index is so important, a library containing [-] magic books.

Although in Amakusa's view, this way of keeping the magic book is very nonsense.Relying on a little girl who can fully remember the magic book to preserve the knowledge in the magic book, and setting up many restrictions for this little girl, this is unreliable no matter how you look at it. Even if you have a physical library, although you can’t Mobile, but at least the security is better. Is it really okay for a little girl to carry [-] magic books?

The mobile church sounds awesome, and it does have some abilities, but it is not omnipotent. Just say that the Roman Orthodox Church has a way to crack the mobile church. There is no unsolvable defense in this world.

However, any world view has loopholes, especially the world of the forbidden world. There are many loopholes in the settings that people complain about. After all, hippopotamuses are not omniscient and omnipotent.

But what Amakusa didn't consider was that in Index's brain, there was an automatic book and a deeper takeover magic.

Now, Index is in the hands of Medea, and she wants to study those magic books, but because of the different systems, it will take a while to research them. Now Medea is still studying how to break into Indy. The library in Kess' head.

"The automatic secretary does not only exist on its own, but can also be remotely contacted?"

The automatic secretary, that is, the takeover magic on Index that Medea discovered before, can take over Index's body when Index is in danger, and use the magic recorded in her mind to deal with the enemy , because there are many kinds of magic and powerful, so the automatic secretary can turn Index into a war machine with those magics, which is a war machine instead of a fighting machine. This is the powerful embodiment of those magics, and the automatic secretary can flexibly use those Magic is naturally very powerful magic.

Medea cracked the automatic book with her own treasure, but after cracking the automatic book, Medea's further research found that the automatic book had not been completely cracked, and the surface layer was indeed broken by Medea. It's gone, but there's a layer of auto-records in the background, and especially beyond that, there's an extra layer.

No, it's two floors!

After discovering a layer of remote connection, Medea unexpectedly discovered another layer.

"That is to say, the automatic bookkeeper is just an appearance, and under the appearance, there are two more powerful remote control magics, remote control devices!"

This is to deal with Amakusa's previous thoughts on Index being unsafe as a library, but a mobile church is very unsafe. The automatic secretary slightly improves the safety index to a certain extent, and the remote control improves the safety again. index.

The mobile church is the first layer of defense. When the first layer of defense is broken, it will trigger the second layer of defense, that is, the automatic secretary. The automatic secretary uses the magic of one hundred and thirty thousand magic books to fight, and the combat power is very powerful. To a certain extent, it can fight against saint-level enemies, but the automatic secretary is relatively rigid and not very flexible, especially when dealing with traps or tactical systems, it is easy to make mistakes in judgment. At this time, the third layer of defense will be triggered, remote control.

The automatic secretary is very powerful on paper, but it is like a ghost who released BKB Huiyao Dragon Heart Flying Shoes Electric Hammer Void Spirit in 40 minutes and also ate the A stick. The blade chases people, and if you meet a nimble player, you will be kited to death, but the remote control is different. After being taken over by a powerful magician, you will become a ghost who can use skills and use big moves. That's different Yes, from being kited to being unparalleled in mowing grass, this equipment is already invincible in 40 minutes.

That's an armed library to attack!In this world, it is a super combat power, even a sage may not be able to solve it, but this point has not been considered in Amakusa's view, because he has seen Kamijou Touma handle Index with one hand in the animation. Si, now there is Medea with a dagger to deal with Index, and he also has six abilities, especially the very BUG time ability, Amakusa has not used it yet, but what he has seen and what he has His strength makes him feel that Index is not so difficult to deal with.

"The remote control device is in a sleeping state, and this magic is still in the hidden equipment, and has not been activated. It is covered by another layer of magic. If you want to get in touch with the deep-level magic, you must first break through the outer magic, and there are other magic below. A layer of protective measures, although we still don't know what the effect of this magic is, but at this point, I'm afraid there is only one possibility."

Medea felt another magic circle hidden under the magic circle, with a smug smile on her face. As a witch from the Age of Gods, she didn't need to think about it. The bottom layer is a self-destruct measure. Once all the protective measures above All are invalid, so in order to ensure that those magic books do not fall into the hands of the enemy, this self-destruct magic will destroy Index's brain immediately, and Index's complete memory, everything remembered exists In her brain, as long as the brain is destroyed, all the relevant knowledge of the magic book can be guaranteed to disappear, instead of falling into the hands of the enemy!

This setting made Medea feel a little tricky, and she couldn't help but complain.

"How boring is the person who designed this set? He spent so much time and created so many cumbersome spells layered on top of each other. This is simply as complicated as a city-level magic workshop. He thought he was making up Is there an inherent enchantment!!"

When the place is big, the power of the magic workshop will naturally be strong, and some can even be so powerful that the scope of the workshop can be transformed into another world, just like the inherent enchantment in a treasure, but in such a small piece of a person's brain It will be even more difficult to cram a huge magic studio-level magic formula into the place. It should be said that the people who weaved the magic formula at the beginning were powerful, or Index's brain is powerful.

"Actually, she is fabricating the inherent enchantment."

A sudden voice from behind made Medea stand up.

"Master, although I know that you are also a servant, at least you don't have to suddenly appear behind me like this. I can't help but use attack magic directly. You should know the ability I have."

"Of course I know, caster, the high-speed oracle that you are good at, once activated, the offensive magic will probably overwhelm the sky and cover the sky, and the church will be bombed into ruins in an instant."

It was Amakusa who came. After capturing Accelerator, Amakusa walked around the street for a while. After being not attacked or intercepted by anyone, he returned to the church with a lack of interest and directly used the portal to He didn't even look at the two people who were still drawing swords at the door.

"However, caster, would you really do that? As the most outstanding magician in the Age of Gods, I think your judgment of danger should also be excellent."

With a gentle smile, Amakusa looks very confident, and she is also very confident in Medea.

"How should I put it, master, you are really courageous. You must know that my name is not so nice."

Medea also put one hand on her hips, and pointed her chin with the other hand, smiling and watching Amakusa.

"I don't know what the name was in the past, what matters is the present, and not everyone can become a servant, I am very sure of this."

However, Amakusa didn't change anything because of Medea's words. He knew how much Medea hated her reputation as a betrayal witch, just like Hei Zhen was called the best woman in Chaldea Similarly, Medea, the magician of the age of gods known as C mother, is actually very easy to handle. As long as you work a little bit on betraying the witch and confirm Medea's innocence, then basically it's done. Raiders, at least friendship above.

"It seems that you are indeed a good master."

Medea secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on her face became much more natural.

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