Amakusa did not continue to talk about this topic. Although C's mother is very good, Amakusa is not to the point where she wants to attack her, so it is good to trust each other.

"Let's get back to the point, how is your analysis of the spell on Index's body?"

"The analysis has reached the level of the librarian. As you said, master, this is simply an inherent enchantment on the level of magic. It is very cumbersome. I haven't seen any books in it yet."

When Amakusa left, she gave Medea a mission, which Medea was also interested in, and that was to get the knowledge of the 14 magic books in Index's mind, the magic system of the forbidden world, It’s still very interesting, so while Medea took care of Index, she also started to study, you said where is Steele, of course he was smoking outside, he is a man after all, even if he is only [-] years old, So just like Kanzaki, he also wanted to relax, so he went out to smoke, and now he should be watching the battle between Kanzaki and Kojiro.

"Is it really difficult, but it should be a matter of time to crack it. We don't need to directly destroy the defensive spells. What we need to do is to avoid the defense and directly access the content inside."

"Then I need to forge a visitor permission. This is fine, but it will take a certain amount of time."

Medea answered confidently.

"Then trouble you."

Amakusa and Medea are preparing to study access rights, while on the other side, Tsuchimikado Motoharu also came to the church, preparing to receive guests from England.

Chapter 36. Which faction does the style-mixed church belong to?

In the lobby of Academy City Airport, Tsuchimikado Motoharu was standing at the pick-up gate with a lollipop in his mouth, waiting for his guests.

The team members of the Church of Necessary Evil basically never leave London, England when there is no mission, because that is the high-end combat power of Puritanism, and they usually need to be stationed at the headquarters.

"I hope it's not a troublesome person. After all, not everyone is a big sister."

Pushing his own glasses, Motoharu Tsuchimikado looked at the exit from abroad and couldn't help muttering softly.

"Flight A180 from London to Academy City is about to arrive."

The announcement at the airport sounded, the plane from London was about to land, and the people in charge of picking up the plane started to move and gathered at the pick-up gate.

About ten minutes later, people began to come out from the exit. As time went on, the number of people who came out began to increase until it became a flow of people in the middle of the period, and in the end it turned back to the few people who were sparse at the beginning. The people who picked up the plane also because of Passengers arrived one after another and left one after another. In the end, only Tsuchimikado Motoharu was left waiting there, and he couldn't help shaking his head while waiting alone.

"Although it's good to not have to attract attention in front of so many people, it seems to be easier to attract attention this way."

When there are many people, although others will notice you, their attention will be diverted quickly because of other people, and when there are no other people, once someone passes by, their attention will be all It's all focused on you because you have no one around to distract you.

So Tsuchimikado Motoharu who is here alone now is even more dazzling, and next he will meet two magicians from the Puritan Church in London. Although Kanzaki Kaori's clothes are actually very criminal, they are relatively normal anyway. It is her thighs that attract the attention, but it is different for a relatively normal magician like Steele. The robes and various magic elements are truly different!

And this strange attire is the normal attire of magicians!

About two minutes later, after all the ordinary guests had left, two figures appeared from the exit.

"finally come."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu let out a long sigh and walked towards the exit.

The two are new expatriates who came to Academy City to investigate the situation around Kanzaki Kaori. In terms of identity, they are true Puritans, unlike Kanzaki who joined halfway. Come in, and have to join because of some relationship. There is no absolute loyalty at all. They are absolutely obeying Archbishop Laura. They wear black boots, black priest's clothes, and black clothes The main body is a robe with a white edge, one of them has a messenger bag on its waist, and the other is carrying a long box behind it, one has short hair soaring to the sky, and the other has long hair tied into a ponytail behind it, which looks very Like that non-mainstream street musician.

"Hey, you two, the journey has been exhausting."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu smiled, and spoke to the two of them as if greeting an acquaintance.

However, Motoharu Tsuchimikado greeted him happily, but the two people on the opposite side didn't speak, they just looked at him indifferently.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu smiled wryly to himself, then turned around and walked out.

"Come on two, I have prepared the basic conditions for your missions for the two of you."

The other party didn't speak, and Tsuchimikado Motoharu couldn't speak well either. With a smile on his face, he walked with his back to the two while talking, maintaining the basic politeness.

"It's really troublesome. Sure enough, no one can talk as well as the eldest sister."

For these two newcomers, Tsuchimikado Motoharu is not very happy, but there is no way, this is actually the correct way to open the magician, Kanzaki is also the same when doing tasks, but when dealing with acquaintances , to be more polite, Motoharu Tsuchimikado belongs to acquaintances, that's why Motoharu Tsuchimikado called Sister Kanzaki.

The two of them didn't speak, just followed behind Tsuchimikado Motoharu, maintaining indifferent expressions, and left the airport, just as Tsuchimikado Motoharu thought along the way, attracted the attention of many people, because they There was no one else around, and when they passed the airport hall, they instantly became the focus of the entire hall. The two magicians didn't care at all, but Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who had lived here for a long time, felt very embarrassed.

After embarrassingly leaving, Tsuchimikado Motoharu took them to the place of residence he had prepared before. This is the place where they will live for the next period of time, and some other simple things. Regardless of them, they left directly, and left the rest to the two of them, the two brothers named Smith.

The Smith brothers are both priests and magicians. They can be regarded as the seniors of Steele. They are not qualified to enter the Church of Necessary Evil, and what they are good at is not direct combat, but external investigation. This time, their task is also investigation, to investigate the situation of everyone around Kanzaki Kaori, not to find Kanzaki fights.

After Tsuchimikado Motoharu left, the two brothers started their own missions. After arranging defensive magic in the place where they lived, they left for their destination, and that destination was the director of Academy City, Ares A tower provided, a church.

The church in Academy City?

Although they have never been to Academy City, the two Smith brothers also know that this city belongs to "scientific testing" and should not have a church, but now there is a church, which is amazing. Puritanism is not even divided here. The Roman Orthodox Church has been thinking about how to destroy the city all day long. Could it be that the Russian Orthodox Church came here to preach?Is this possible?

With doubts, the Smith brothers set off towards the church where the target location was located. When they reached the church, it was already evening. Looking at the very abrupt church in the complex from a distance, the two brothers frowned.

"Which faction's church style is that?"

"I don't know. The church looks like it's from Eastern Europe, but the gate and walls are definitely not Eastern European, or even European."

"Of course not, it's obviously Japanese style, it's written in Japanese, and there's even a local man guarding the door."

Like the surrounding residents, Brother Smith was puzzled immediately after seeing the appearance of this church, because the style of this church is really weird, the main building in Eastern European style and the Japanese-style walled courtyard, and then A Japanese native looks at the door. Is this the legendary mix and match style?Which faction is this?

The two brothers were puzzled.

Chapter 37. What a terrible priest

The Japanese-style fence and the Eastern European-style church, this sense of disobedience made Brother Smith feel uncomfortable, but as a member of the Church of Necessary Evil, an elite among magicians, he naturally has a strong ability to accept, and he cannot always be surprised. At first glance.

After simply observing the surrounding situation and confirming that this church is his target, the Smith brothers started their own work, monitoring Kanzaki Kaori and other people around her, especially the other people around her, although Kanzaki Kaori Important, but not the most important, the most important is the list of banned books and the priest around her, this is an order from Laura.

"There's something weird about this church."

"Brother, anyone can see that this church is weird. How can there be such a mix of churches?"

"No, what I mean is that the defense arrangement of this church is weird."

"How to say?"

Brother Smith, the one with long hair tied into a ponytail and carrying a long box behind him, frowned slightly and looked at Brother Smith. The two of them are currently in a residential building opposite the church. There are many houses here, and there are not many empty rooms. Many, they occupied one of them as a surveillance location, while the previous one was used as a hiding place.

"There are no defensive spells outside this church. Judging from the task given to us by the Supreme Bishop, the priest is a magician with very powerful spells. A magician of this level is surrounded by his own residence. Didn't even set up a defensive technique?"

Brother Smith frowned, looking puzzled. His instinct as a magician made him feel that something was wrong with this place, and it couldn't be as simple as that.

"It doesn't matter, let's try it first."

Reconnaissance is not an easy job. You must find the information you want under the heavy defense of the enemy, and you must not expose yourself. After all, reconnaissance is not about being an assassin. As long as you are an assassin, you can achieve a perfect assassination. But most of the time, investigations cannot kill people. Once the enemy has lost personnel, it is easy to be alert, especially now that Brother Smith's mission cannot kill people at all, and the survival of the opponent must be guaranteed.

And even if it was a murder, the two of them thought they didn't have the ability to do so under the hands of the saint Kanzaki Kaori they knew well, so what they could do was honest investigation.

"The gatekeeper should be a local."

"In the mission information given to us by the Supreme Bishop, the Japanese is not there."

"So the Japanese appeared by accident?"

"It should be so. The information given to us by the Supreme Bishop cannot be wrong, so this person must have appeared recently."

"Based on the time when the Supreme Bishop gave us the information, the Japanese only appeared today at most."

The Smith Brothers cleverly analyzed the situation of the janitor Sasaki Kojiro they saw.

"This person should also be a magician. I feel the flow of magic power."

From afar, Smith could feel the magic.

"This is not normal. Could it be that this guy is always ready to fight, and he just let his magic power overflow like this?"

"Perhaps this is the reason why there are no defensive spells around the church. They don't use spells for defense, but a magician for defense."

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? If you keep using magic power to perceive and release magic power, he will kill him in less than a day! And there is only one magician, no matter how strong his detection and response ability is, he can't deal with such a large area The situation, the defensive technique is the right way."

Brother Smith looked at his younger brother blankly.

"Then what does this man have been releasing magic power there for, what does he want to do?"

"Whatever they do, if he's just standing there at that Japanese-style gate all the time, it shouldn't have any effect on us. We don't go in through the gate to see what's going on."

"That's right, what we have to do is to understand the situation inside from the side, and prepare to make a demon."

The simplest detection magic for a magician is to use the familiar to detect, but this is also the easiest to expose, after all, the familiar must be close to detect.

The familiar can also be used to detect whether the opponent has any defensive spells. Brother Smith still does not believe that the opponent has not arranged defensive spells around the church. He decided to use the familiar to detect a wave first. If he does not go in, he will stay outside See if there is a defensive spell, which can also prevent exposure.

"Okay, but the difficulty of finding familiars in this city surprised me. There are no rats on the streets!"

"Then find a bird, preferably a pigeon, a pigeon that accidentally flies into the confines of the church is perfectly fine."

There is a big gap between the difficulty of finding mice and finding pigeons. In Europe, even in London, it is easy to find mice. The infrastructure is too old, so it is easy to find mice in old cities, especially near the sewers, but here in Academy City. They can't find it, and the entrance to the sewer is very hidden and small. They can only catch pigeons, and pigeons are definitely harder to catch than mice.

After a while, the Smith Brothers, who are magicians, still caught two pigeons and made them their familiars. They began to test in the direction of the church, and the process was very cautious.

The two familiar pigeons flew towards the church just like ordinary pigeons, but to their surprise, when the pigeon they controlled wanted to land on the church, the pigeon's feet passed directly through the church The two Smith brothers who controlled the pigeon did not even react, and the pigeon suddenly passed through the church and reached the other side of the church.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Brother Smith, who controlled the pigeon, was surprised.

"Could it be an illusion? No, if it is an illusion, there will be no problem with the space. Just now, it is a space travel. Could it be that... it is not that there is no defensive technique, but that the entire church has been turned into a magic item. , and it is also the space teleportation magic mentioned in the message, the entire church is a portal, and anything that touches the church will be teleported to the other side of the church?"

After a simple analysis, Brother Smith came up with a piece of news that shocked them.

"Brother, if it is what you said, then it is no longer a space portal, it is already in another space, and the church outside looks like it is actually another space. A projection of the world."

Brother Smith shook his head again and again.

"If this level can be achieved, then what a terrifying magician this priest who knows space spells will be. You know, space and time are the most difficult forces to control!"

In fact, this priest who knows the space technique is so terrifying, because it is just a simple mirror space plus modifying reality.

Well, very simple!

To the astonishment and astonishment of the Smith brothers, the door of the church opened, and through the door came the dreadful priest they were to investigate.

Chapter 38. Who are these two people!

Amakusa Shiro, I don't know if the name is real, the gender appearance should be male, the age is unknown, and the origin is unknown. Judging from the current situation, this person seems to have appeared out of thin air.

This is the news about Shiro Amakusa that the Smith Brothers got.

"But is the name really okay?"

"I don't know if he didn't know it, or it was on purpose, but he used the name of a former saint."

In the Marvel world, everyone doesn’t believe in God very much, so the name Amakusa Shiro Tokisada is a little famous in Japan, but the world of magic is different. The world of magic is a world dominated by Christianity. Everything will get attention, especially in the magic world.

The name Amakusa Shiro Tokisada is very famous in the forbidden world, so a modern person using this name has a different meaning, especially if the other party is a modern magician.

"Perhaps, the other party's name is not real, but this name is used to perform related spells."

"My stupid brother, I didn't expect you to go with me."

The Smith brothers are both magicians and priests. As priests of the Christian religion, they naturally know the branch of the Christian religion. This is Japan, and the famous Christian religion in Japan is naturally the Amakusa-style Christian religion. , and when it comes to the Amakusa-style cross desolate religion, it is natural to talk about the saint Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

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