"Before Kanzaki Kaori joined our Puritanism, she was the female pope of the Amakusa-style Cross Church. It is expected that she has a connection with the Amakusa-style, so this Amakusa Shiro is likely to be an Amakusa-style person."

"It is indeed possible. Although we have most of the list of Amakusa-style personnel, it is impossible for them to announce everyone. There must be some hidden ones. Maybe this magician named Amakusa Shiro is one of their hidden ones." people."

"Using the name, and then connecting with the power of that saint, or launching some spells that can only be activated under special conditions, these are all possible."

"Could it be that the space technique displayed on the information also uses this name?"

The Smith brothers started various speculations. When they didn’t know how the opponent’s spells worked, they could only conduct observation and analysis and then guess. Especially when magicians were fighting, they often judged by intuition ( Guess) the opponent's spell, and then counterattack.

"If that's the case, then this name is really amazing, or that saint is really amazing, the Amakusa style is probably much stronger than what we understand and imagine."

The Smith Brothers marveled at the powerful characters they imagined.

"But no matter how strong it is, it is useless. The Amakusa style has declined in history, and now they still have no way to rise. No matter in terms of the number of personnel or the depth of the inheritance of the skills they possess, they cannot compare with the current three major sects. They It can only be regarded as a surprise soldier."

As the Smith brothers said, individual strength does not mean the strength of the whole. After a small number of high-level thugs serve as top-level support, enough mid-level thugs and sufficient range of low-level personnel are needed. These are not available in the Amakusa-style church.

"But if this army of surprise soldiers wants to run wholeheartedly, I'm afraid not many people will be able to catch them. As far as the current distribution of combat power in the world is concerned, unless the whole world has high combat power monitoring, they can hide if they want to."

The space technique is like this, especially the news that the Smith brothers have now received is that this magician named Amakusa can easily open the space portal, and there is no need for a large-scale ceremony at all. This convenient technique, coupled with a certain degree of The defensive technique can directly open the portal before the enemy breaks through the defense and take his own people away. After the opponent breaks through the defense, he is in vain, unless it is powerful enough to instantly break through the defense and will be responsible for releasing the space teleportation technique. Kill Amakusa or make him lose his ability to move in an instant, or, put an internal hidden spy beside Amakusa, kill him at the moment of the war, so that he can be defeated.

But the difficulty of these two is very high. The first one can basically only be a super-attack magic of the grand ceremony type, while the second one needs a very long time to prepare, but no matter which one is now, if you don’t figure out the space magic It is not easy to use it under the circumstances of the principle of the formula.

"He's here."

Guessing is guessing. On the other hand, the target they monitored, Amakusa Shiro, has arrived at the destination.

Amakusa's destination was a coffee shop. After coming out of the church, he walked directly to a nearby coffee shop. Under the watchful eyes of Brother Smith, he came to the coffee shop and found a seat. After sitting down, the waiter was still puzzled, and ordered three cups of coffee.

Three cups of coffee were quickly brought over and placed on the table in front of Amakusa. Amakusa only took one of them, and Amakusa placed the remaining two cups in front of the seat opposite him.

"It seems that he is waiting for someone. According to the current information, other people including Kanzaki are in the church, and he is the only one who comes out. That is to say, he has other people to meet. It seems that It's the Amakusa people, that's right, Kanzaki has a connection with them, and they have a connection with the Amakusa people, and now it's time for him to connect with the Amakusa people."

Brother Smith recorded this information while making inferences.

But then, when he was about to continue observing to see who Amakusa was going to meet with, he saw Amakusa dipping a coffee spoon in the coffee and slowly writing a line of words on the table.

"Come over and have a cup of coffee, both of you."

Brother Smith, who saw Amakusa's writing through the pigeon, frowned for a while.

"It was supposed to be his message to the people he was meeting."

"It should be so, but why does this sentence look and feel different from what we thought."

"Indeed, according to what we think, he should be going to meet the Amakusa-style person, and his name is Amakusa Shiro. It is impossible for the Amakusa-style person not to know him, and it shouldn't be like this even for the password. This seems a bit too deliberate, deliberately distanced from the Amakusa style, so..."

"The person he wants to meet should not be an Amakusa-style person, but someone else."

Having said that, Brother Smith frowned secretly.

There are surprisingly many hidden things in this academy city. I thought it was just a base camp of the technology side, but now it seems that there are a lot of people on the magic side here.

"Two people, it seems that there are two magicians around him, but we didn't notice it at all. It seems to be more powerful than we imagined. Few people can escape our detection."

Brother Smith touched his chin with a little stubble exposed and fell into thought.

"Brother, who do you think it is from?"

"The Roman Orthodox Church can be ruled out. Although there are a few powerful guys over there who can easily avoid our detection, it is absolutely impossible for them to stay in this city safely. According to their habits, It’s bound to be big news.”

"That's right. After all, they always act like Lao Tzu is orthodox, Lao Tzu is invincible in the world, and the whole world should listen to Lao Tzu's words. Anyone who doesn't obey their teachings is heresy."

Facing the Roman Orthodox Church, the Smith brothers naturally complained, but after complaining, they continued to think about who the person Shiro Amakusa was going to meet was.

"Could it be an adult?"

"It is indeed possible to become a sect, but brother, why do you always focus on the sect, maybe the other party is not a member of the sect?"

"Indeed, he just wrote about two, but he didn't write about two priests or two magicians, so it's possible that they aren't members of sects, or they may be people from magic associations. There are always some strange guys in magic associations who have Some strange talents, but this would make the city even more chaotic."

"Yeah, the situation is more troublesome than we thought."

"This is why the Supreme Bishop sent us here. The catalog of banned books is really dangerous in this environment."

"But if that's the case, brother, I thought of another possibility."

Brother Smith, who had been suppressed by Brother Smith, couldn't help saying another word.

"What did you think of?"

Brother Smith frowned, and seemed a little dissatisfied with his younger brother.

"This city has many fighters called superpowers, and this Amakusa Shiro is Japanese, so is it possible that the two that Amakusa Shiro refers to are not actually magicians? You didn't say magician, did you?"

"Are you trying to say that he is inviting superpowers from this academy city?"

"Why not?"

Brother Smith smiled, and this time it was finally his turn to suppress his brother.

"My stupid brother, I didn't expect you to be able to think of something unexpectedly."

However, Brother Smith did not feel suppressed at all. Instead, he turned around and gave a like, but this praise made Brother Smith feel very bad.

"Superpowers, according to the Supreme Bishop's news, there are seven guys named LV5 in this city. They have a certain level of combat power. If you encounter them, you may need to be careful."

Brother Smith couldn't help but picked up a cigarette.

"A power system I've never seen before. Although I say be careful, I still can't help but want to meet those guys called LV5."

"The task is important, let's see who the two people Amakusa Shiro wants to meet are first!"

Brother Smith wants to see it, but Brother Smith is very cautious and puts the task first.

However, when all the handwriting on the table was wiped off, and even Amakusa Shiro wrote it again and it was still in bold, no one came over.

In this regard, the Smith brothers and Amakusa Shiro sitting in the coffee shop frowned together.

"Why aren't these two people here yet?"

In the minds of the three of them, such a sentence popped up at the same time.

Chapter 39. Someone Always Thinks Too Much

Amakusa became a little impatient, but as a priest of the Holy Church, he still maintained a calm expression and a gentle smile on his face. He stirred the coffee with a light spoon from time to time, but the coffee was already cold up.


Feeling the temperature of the coffee, Amakusa called softly to the cafe staff.

"Hi, here we come."

"Please warm up my coffee, please."

"Do you want all three cups?"

"Yes, I want three cups, it's troublesome."

"No trouble, it should be."

The waiter took away the three cups of coffee on a tray, warmed them up, and Amakusa was alone again at a coffee table.

But after a while, the waiter came back again, put three cups of coffee in front of Amakusa, and sensiblely followed the distribution of Amakusa before, one cup was placed in front of Amakusa, and the other two cups were placed on the opposite side, and then left with other waiters Whispering, talking about topics like "You see that handsome little brother has been sitting alone, as if he is waiting for someone, I don't know if he has a girlfriend".

Although I could hear it, Amakusa ignored the "whispering" among the waitresses over there, and still focused on the two neurotic-looking magicians, using mirror space to add reality. The church shaped by gemstones is a perfect defensive technique, and this technique does not require magic power, so no matter how strong a magician is, it looks very ordinary without magic power, but once someone tries it, Amakusa will feel it.

The surroundings of the church are set up to disperse idlers. This simple technique cannot be regarded as a defensive technique, so even if the Smith Brothers find it, they should treat it as if it doesn’t exist. Once the thing moves a little more, it will lose its effect, so you don’t even need to look at it. , but what they don't know is that the pigeons will actually be affected, especially the pigeons around the church, they are not real pigeons, they are created by Amakusa with reality gems, after all, no one will come to the church to play, It seems a little too deserted without pigeons, this is not Fuyuki, why is the church so gloomy.

So the moment Brother Smith started testing the church, Amakusa already knew about them, so he came out of the church and came to the coffee shop alone, intending to invite these two magicians to come over for coffee and chat, See which side of the magician is here to visit.

But after waiting on the seat for a full fifteen minutes, the other party showed no signs of moving. What does this mean?Are these two guys not going to come out or what?

Holding the spoon with his left hand, he stirred it gently in the cup. Amakusa began to count the time, and gave them another minute. If they still can't make it in one minute, let them continue to fall for three minutes!

However, a new situation appeared again. Just when Amakusa was thinking about whether to open a portal for Smith Brothers, the door of the coffee shop was opened, and two men in white coats walked in, like the people behind the coffee shop. The two of them walked directly to Amakusa's table without stopping at all, pulled out the chair and sat down.

This sudden change shocked Amakusa and the Smith Brothers who were watching from a distance.

Who are these two people?This idea appeared in the minds of the three of them at the same time, but Brother Smith had more doubts. Waiting until now, did it finally appear? The person Amakusa Shiro wanted to meet,

And Amakusa was really surprised, what the hell, who are you two, you pulled out the chair and sat down so naturally, as if I knew you very well.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Amakusa still smiled and looked very calm.

"It seems that our guess is correct. Father Amakusa, you are indeed waiting for us. We hesitated for so long, and I am really sorry for making you wait so long."

It was one of the blond-haired guys who spoke. There were many scars on his face from his eyes to his temples. He looked like a gangster. The identity card, which looks like a researcher, is very inconsistent, just like the Eastern European church in Amakusa with a Japanese-style wall gate.

"No, I have a lot of time and I'm not in a hurry."

Although he didn't know what happened to these two people, Amakusa still answered calmly, as if he was really waiting for them.

While answering, Amakusa secretly glanced at the ID badges on the chests of the two of them, Kihara Kasumo, Amai Yaxiong, their names.

What the hell, these two people are the staff members of Mr. Fang's Absolutely Capable Person Project. Although it's been a long time, Amakusa still vaguely remembers this thing. What's the matter with these two people coming to him?

Wait, it seems that Accelerator is still flying in the space he exiled, and I plan to let him fly for a day, which means that Accelerator will disappear directly from Academy City for a day, which is very important for the plan of the absolute capable person. It's a big problem.

It's okay if you just simply say hello and leave, but if you just disappear without saying a word, it's different, and the problem is very serious.

Originally, Kihara Shuta used his own ability to find Accelerator's whereabouts, but he couldn't find it at all, so he asked Aleister,

Although Aleister dragged on for a while, he would still be exposed after a long time. In this way, Kihara Kasuma got the last news before Accelerator disappeared. He had contact with a silver-haired priest and a pink-haired girl outside a convenience store. It was also through Aleister that they got some information about Amakusa, such as Amakusa's identity, a priest who came in from another place, and his name was Amakusa Shiro, which is why he could say Amakusa's name after sitting down.

Although they don't know where these two people came from, considering that the other party is the key clue to Accelerator's disappearance, Kihara Shuta and Amai Yaxiong led a small team of people to find Amakusa through various monitoring equipment. Watching Amakusa walk into the coffee shop, order three cups of coffee, and then sit there until they saw a line of words written by Amakusa on the table with coffee through the monitoring facility.

At the beginning, the two were still tangled, which two were they referring to? Amakusa Shiro's information showed that he had only recently come to Academy City. Logically speaking, he shouldn't care about each other because he has a lot of Kihara, but one of them Accelerator disappeared after making contact with the opponent. That was Accelerator. Even though Kihara Shuta was confident that he could use the fighting method developed for Accelerator after getting close, it was really troublesome when he was not close. He didn't know this. Whether the priest did something to Accelerator, so he was very cautious.

But after careful thinking, he finally understood that this priest Amakusa was actually waiting for himself and Yaxiong Tianjing, so he came out with Yaxiong Tianjing and came to Amakusa, who was also hiding in the dark. Brother, there is no need to experience the extraordinary experience of falling for three minutes.

"Let's have some coffee, both of you, and we can chat slowly."

After roughly understanding why the other party came to him, Amakusa extended his hand very politely.

The two of them were not polite, they hadn't rested after looking for Accelerator for so long, so they just took a few sips of coffee, as for poisoning, they were not worried.

"Father Amakusa, I think you should be very clear about the purpose of our visit, so let's just talk about it."

Putting down the cup, Kihara Kazuta stared at Amakusa with his very menacing eyes.

"You have prepared coffee and waited for us, which means that you have the intention of talking to us, so tell us, where did you take Fang Accelerator to?"

From Kihara Kazuta's point of view, there must be an organization behind Amakusa. He doesn't know what kind of organization it is, but there must be a large number of people, and they also have skills that he doesn't know. Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily take Accelerator away. , the ability of Yifang Accelerator is extremely destructive. Just stomping on the ground will crack the ground. With the ability, it can be said that it can be demolished wherever it goes, but they found that the last park that Yifang Accelerator appeared had nothing to do with it. This shows that It is simply unscientific for Accelerator to be taken away without any resistance!

"Fang Accelerator, he is indeed in our hands."

Although I don't know how these two guys found him, but since the other party already knew, Tiancao didn't intend to deny it.

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