When talking about the rules of the Holy Grail War, Amakusa explained in detail, because those are just some settings. For example, there were originally three major families, and then they became seven magicians with servants, and then the method of selection It was the appearance of the command spell, or taking the initiative to participate in it, so Laura can also speculate based on this.

"Besides, if a special role like a ruler does not come to the Holy Grail War, will he be released? What are you going to do? Do you need to save the world? You are saints, and it is useless to release it when you have nothing to do. Is not it?"


"So the Holy Grail War has begun. As the ruler, you have already begun preparations, right? The ruling on this Holy Grail War."

Amakusa Shiro returned to normal, listening to Laura's speech with a smile on his face.

"And your arrival didn't actually come through Shenzha."


"You just said that the coming of the ruler does not require a master. Your magic power is completely supplied by the Great Holy Grail, and the magic power of the Great Holy Grail can only be released when the Holy Grail War begins. This is what you said, unless you just said What you said was wrong, but as a saint, you should not make mistakes of this level, so you just didn’t intend to say it.”

Amakusa didn't speak, but still looked at Laura, and Laura also showed a thoughtful look.

"I see. Although I can be told about the Holy Grail War, I am not a participant in the Holy Grail War, so the time of the Holy Grail War cannot be told. The reason why I can know about the Holy Grail War is probably because of Kanzaki."

"Kanazaki has been selected as the master, and has become the master, and the servant summoned by Kanzaki is the caster, that William Shakespeare."


"The caster should be the first servant to be summoned, so you, as a ruler, appear together with the caster, and this Matthew, I am afraid, is also a special job, because from the first moment she appeared in this world, I have always been by your side, unless there are special circumstances, and I did not leave. With Galahad's ability, it is obviously a protective role. The purpose is to protect you. On the contrary, Caster has never been by your side, even They left after arriving in Academy City, which further explains the difference between the two and the caster."

? ? ? ? ?

"However, what surprised me was that there was an assassin outside the door, but what was strange was that the assassin named Sasaki Kojiro had been standing at the door the whole time. Standing at the door all the time, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave there."

Can you guess this?incredible!

"So that Assassin should not be a participant in this Holy Grail War, but a BUG situation, plus the special space technique of this church and its surroundings, he should be the guard of this church, or the gatekeeper. "

Kanzaki was stunned when she heard this, what is the situation, why is it completely different from what she thought, she is full of question marks now.

"But Your Majesty Laura, if I am chosen, why hasn't Mr. Caster come here until now?"

Laura glanced at Kanzaki, then shook her head slightly, as if she was not satisfied with Kanzaki's performance.

"Kanzaki, that's because the time for the Holy Grail War has not yet come. Although it is about to start, after the start, you who are not familiar with the Holy Grail War and the situation of the Holy Grail War, the caster also saw that you are a Newcomer, that's why I left you and ran out to make arrangements in advance."

"So... is that so..."

Although Kanzaki is powerful in battle, Kanzaki's brain is indeed not very bright, otherwise he wouldn't be fooled so easily by Laura.

"And the reason Father Amakusa is willing to say this now is precisely because the Holy Grail War is about to begin!"

Laura looked at Amakusa with burning eyes.

"Am I right? Father Amakusa."

Amakusa was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his hands and clapped three times.

"You are so wise."

What should I do, do I want to call a few more people to fight a Holy Grail War in the forbidden world?

Chapter 51. Come, come, let's fight the Holy Grail War

Things like the Holy Grail War are considered to be the most successful projects in the setting of the Moon World. It has been upgraded many times, and there are all kinds of Holy Grail Wars, but the best and most acclaimed ones are FZ and FSN.

So Amakusa also likes to use these two to fool people the most, because the two Holy Grail Wars are continuous, and the plot is also very full. The most important thing is that their addresses are all in Japan, not in Europe, nor in some imaginary number world.

So, the Holy Grail War is easy to use!

However, Amakusa just wanted to say it to pretend to be coercive. I didn't expect that I just said it briefly. This guy Laura actually helped him to make up almost all the settings. Amakusa is hard to say now. Yes, if you say no, and overthrow Laura's speculation, then you need to make up a new setting. At that time, that setting may have loopholes, especially in this forbidden world with many troublesome things. It is the best choice to complete the setting of pull.

"The Holy Grail War, it's really interesting, I even want to take part in it."

Laura, who completed the reasoning and was "affirmed" by Amakusa, was in a good mood. While in a good mood, she even had other ideas, such as participating in a Holy Grail War or something.

"Participants in the Holy Grail War need to be selected by the Holy Grail."

"Then, Kanzaki was selected, can you tell me why Kanzaki was selected? Could it be that Kanzaki is actually a member of the three major families you mentioned, and which three major families are those three families?"

Although Laura has added a lot of settings, there are some settings that Laura cannot add. For example, for the three major families, unless Laura also crossed over from the Moon World, it is impossible to know where it is. Made by the three major families.

"I can't disclose the information of the three major families. This is the restriction imposed on our servants by the Holy Grail War. If it wasn't because I am a ruler, I'm afraid I wouldn't know the other information."

Amakusa is too lazy to talk about the three major families. In the world of Marvel, you can fool around. In the world of the forbidden world, especially the European magic family, if you dare to speak out, Laura will dare to investigate. There are only a few people on the magic side, and they are basically in a small number of places in Europe. If you search casually, you will definitely find that there are no such people at all, let alone the most straightforward, since she can make up the design of the Holy Grail War. Surely, the three major families may be able to figure it out by her brain. It is certain to send people to find the three major families. According to Laura's character, Puritanism will definitely conduct investigations. The three major families will definitely not be found, but they will definitely Find some strange families, and then on this basis, set the settings of the three major families on those families they found, I say you are, you are!Don't want you to think, I want me to think!

But this is not something that Amakusa cares about. Amakusa just needs to fool Laura. You are being targeted by Laura. It has nothing to do with me, Amakusa Shiro.

"Yes, it seems that the information of these three major families is very secret."

"Then, returning to the previous question, why was Kanzaki selected by the Holy Grail, and what are the conditions for the Holy Grail to select the master? Is it the blood of the three major families? According to what you said before, Father Amakusa, the three major families will definitely participate in the Holy Grail War So, are the seven Masters participating in the Holy Grail War all members of the three major families? Or are there people from other than the three major families?"

This question is a bit difficult. There are a total of seven participants in the Holy Grail War. If all of them are from the three major families, this number will be very subtle. There will always be one family with fewer members and the other two families will have more members, so the participants It is impossible for all three major families to be involved. There must be some outsiders, but if they are outsiders, then there are some doubts. For example, if the participants are outsiders, how did they know about the Holy Grail War?If they know about the Holy Grail War, doesn't it mean that outsiders also know about the Holy Grail War, then there is no reason for Puritanism, Roman Orthodox Church, and Russian Orthodox Church not to know about it.

Although Amakusa said that the Holy Grail in the Holy Grail War is not the so-called Holy Grail in the Christianity, but a huge magic formula, but this does not make these three Christians have no idea about the Holy Grail. People outside know it. Don't these three factions know?Already grabbed it!

Amakusa also understood that this was a loophole, so he also added this loophole, just like in FA.

"Indeed, it is impossible for the three major families to occupy all the seven places. This is not fair, so in order to reduce their own losses, the three major families made a decision, that is, when the Holy Grail War began, from The outside world summoned four additional contestants, hired them to participate in the Holy Grail War, let them fight, and in the end, the three of them will compete for the final victory."

"Is that so, those four are all victims."

Amakusa nodded to confirm, and at the same time, his right hand was trembling dishonestly in the air.

"That's right, and it's not so easy for those four people to participate. They must be selected by the Holy Grail. Only those who are selected can participate in the Holy Grail War. As the initiators of the Holy Grail War, the three major families can know Who is chosen, and then go find those four people and hire them to participate in the Holy Grail War."

Laura's eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but it must have something to do with investigating the information of the three major families.

After thinking about it for a while, Laura looked at Kanzaki next to her. Amakusa just said clearly that the Holy Grail will choose people to participate in the Holy Grail War, so there are only two possibilities for the people chosen by the Holy Grail, one is the three major families people, and the other is people outside the three major families.

So, is Kanzaki Kaori a member of the three major families?

This should not be possible, after all, Laura is very clear about Kanzaki's identity, that is to say, Kanzaki is not a member of the three major families, but a victim chosen by the Holy Grail!

"Interesting, a saint was chosen as a victim. I'm very curious about what kind of guys those three major families are."

"Also, Father Amakusa, can you tell me how to be chosen by the Holy Grail?"

Laura looked at Amakusa again.

"According to what you said, Father Amakusa, after the Holy Grail selects the person, the three major families will find him and hire him to join the Holy Grail War. So how do they ensure that the selected person will definitely participate in the Holy Grail War? Money doesn't seem to be enough Count it as a reason."

"The selected people all have a characteristic, that is, they have some desires and demands in their hearts, that is, wishes that they want to realize, so they are selected by the Holy Grail, the universal wishing machine, as long as you tell them that the Holy Grail can fulfill everything Wish, I think no one can refuse, especially magicians."

Yes, ordinary people may not understand and refuse, but magicians will not!They're sure to flock to it!

Chapter 52. Emiya's family made their debut, the round table forces watched strongly, Cu Chulainn lamented silently

The three major families sound like BOSS characters, especially in Laura’s view, the three major families that have never been exposed are a hidden BOSS, and our three major Christian factions are invincible over there. It's open, and there is even a science and technology test that suddenly rises in Academy City outside, making troubles. It's good that you, the three major families, are making a fortune silently!

The omnipotent wishing machine, although this technique sounds exaggerated, but in the forbidden world, it is really not impossible!There are too many unreasonable spells in the forbidden world, and the setting is also very nonsense. This is also the reason why the setting of this world is easy to tear, but many worlds are like this, Xingyue and Marvel are easy to tear There are too many of them.

Although Laura has doubts about the Holy Grail War that Amakusa mentioned, she definitely attaches great importance to it!If a universal wishing machine is really produced, and the Holy Grail War is successful, then it will definitely be a disaster on the magic side in the end. Who knows how far the wishing machine can go, the three major factions of the Christian religion are domineering in Europe After being blessed for so many years, the magicians who are dissatisfied with the three major factions have gone. What if there is a radical in the three major families who directly wishes to let the three major factions go? Although there are gods and angels in this world, But neither gods nor angels care about human beings!If you call an angel down from heaven, she will even destroy the human world in order to return to heaven.

Therefore, Laura is now looking forward to the upcoming members of the three major families.

Kanzaki Kaori and Laura define her as a member of the three major families. She looks like this, and it is impossible for her to be a member of the three major families, because she does not know any information about the Holy Grail War. If it is the three major families, Then the family she belongs to is afraid that she will cry out loud. Although she is very capable, it is easy to be plotted to death.

Then, Kanzaki was selected and became the master. People from the three major families should know about Kanzaki, and they will come to find Kanzaki before the Holy Grail War begins, and hire her to join this Holy Grail War.

As long as the first person is found, Laura feels that she has a way to find one of the three major families. Finding one means finding the other two, so that all three major families can be dug out!

Amakusa naturally understood what Laura was thinking. The reason why he dared to say that was because he could do it. When answering Laura's question before, Amakusa was also constantly testing, secretly controlling the system interface to observe the situation. Sure enough, the long-lost activity interface was found on the system interface.

That's right, there is a storybook again, and besides the storybook, there are additional options, that is, extra people can be added to the team!

This is also the basis of Amakusa's setting for Laura's completion, that is, adding people can be added. Although I don't know what the setting of adding people is, I can definitely pull other servants over and then summon them by myself. This is the Holy Grail. The war is complete!

When Laura was thinking, Amakusa had already started to operate in the system. He wanted to fill up the remaining three positions. What are you doing, but it's really a waste of space!

In the next three positions, Amakusa began to think about who to put. First of all, the first person, in order to cover up, so the first position must be a member of the three major families, and the most fundamental one of the three major families is naturally Illya, Illya von Einzbern!A true European aristocrat!The strongest elementary school student on the surface.

Of course, the reason why Amakusa wants to try to summon Illya here is another idea, that is to see if bringing over one Illya can bring over the rest of the people, such as the evil guards. The Palace family!

When Amakusa inserted Illya's character card into the fourth team member column, a surprise appeared. In the costume column under Illya, Amakusa Shiro did not see the costume, but saw a bunch of avatars instead!Emiya and his son Berserker and Irisviel are all inside!

Sure enough, I just wanted to guess, but I guessed it right. Illya really has her own system, and she is directly tied to the Emiya family behind her!Bringing her here alone brought all of Wei Gong's family here. Amakusa even suspected that if he had Xiao Hei in his hand, he might not have come with him.

In this way, many problems are solved in an instant. You see, Ilya is one of the three royal families, and the Emiya family can also pretend to be one. You only need to arrange a new identity to form the three royal families. !

So, who is better for the third family?

Amakusa Shiro began to think about the fifth position.

Wait, Illya can bind the Emiya family, so can the three knights of the round table bind?

Lancelot ran with Arthur, and Xiao Mo also thought that this father was very good, and ran with this father. If Arthur is put on it, can Xiao Mo and Lancelot be brought together?

Amakusa inserted Arthur's card in the fifth position, and a new surprise came again. In the dress column below Arthur, two more avatars appeared, of course, Xiao Mo and Lancelot.

Hahaha, this is interesting, very interesting, the previous fetters can actually directly bind forces.

Is it the particularity of the event?If this is not the particularity of the event, if the bonds between heroic spirits can really be achieved, then the other activities that follow will not be too easy to handle.

An Illya is simply a team. There are tits, assassins, fighters, and tanks in the team. There are long-range and melee. It's not too easy to use, Arthur can not only fire cannons, but can even do assassination!

Well, we have all the Yusan families, and there is only one place left. Amakusa began to think about who to call to play, after all, we still need people to act as servants, right?

Although there are not many servants under him, there are quite a few. The other servants cannot be as numerous as the Emiya family, nor can they have enough bonds like those in the Knights of the Round Table. They are all relatively loose, so the choice is One more question.

No, you should consider the employment agency when choosing.

Now, there are berserkers, archers, sabers, and casters, and the rest are riders, assassins, and lancers.

Assassin only has Emiya Kiritsugu and Kojiro, Kojiro can't get on, Kiritsugu intends to use it as the master, the rider seems to be only Fuku, that's fine, lancer only has the big dog.

Let's go to the big dog.

After making a decision, Amakusa inserted Cu Chulainn's card into the sixth teammate column, but unfortunately there was no teammate below.

Chapter 53. The Fire on the Right is a Partner of Justice!

The Holy Grail War, the original Holy Grail War with a huge gap, was full of staff in an instant because of the joining of three servants, and even the background setting was completed.

The three major families are Einzbern in Germany, Pandoragon in England, and Emiya in Japan. The masters of the three families are Illya, Arthur, and Kiritsugu Emiya, and their servants are naturally It is Berserker Hercules, Saber Lancelot, Archer Emiya Shiro.

As the three major families occupying two of the powerful top three knights among the seven job agencies, there is no problem. Lacules is different from other berserkers!Especially when the master of Hercules is still Illya, he will become a monster above the average of the top three knights!Of course, you still have to give it a shot when you meet a guy at the level of the golden triple target, but Gilgamesh is the only one at that level, and that guy is still wandering around in the Marvel Universe, heading towards Unicron Gilgamesh advances.

The three servants of the three major families have been decided, and after that there will be Lancer Cu Chulainn who is alone. In addition to Lancer, there is also Shakespeare who has been identified as a caster by Laura, and the master is Kanzaki Kaori. To be honest , this team is exactly the same as what Amakusa saw in Marvel World back then, it is another group that relies on the master to deal damage, and the servant calls 666 behind.

After that there are only two left, rider and assassin.

Although Kojiro is an assassin, he has already been positioned as a janitor, so he needs to summon the assassin again. Kiritsugu Baba Amakusa intends to make him the master, so he can't be a servant. Although there is a little Mo on Arthur's side, but With Xiao Mo's character, although she has a ride, it is impossible for her to be a rider, and she is not a swimsuit.

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