In this way, a new servant should be summoned. Amakusa began to think about who would be summoned next.

Wait a minute, why do you always summon by yourself? According to the current situation, it seems that the shipment rate of letting others summon is higher than the shipment rate of summoning by oneself.

No, no, this system can’t talk about the delivery rate, because the combat power between servants is not distinguished by whether the card is gold or not. Although a lot of gold is indeed very powerful, but a lot of silver and brass is not just for fun. Look at Chen Gong, he's very aggressive.

This time it depends on who will be summoned.

According to the setting of this system, no repeated servants have been summoned so far. Even if there are many great heroes, Amakusa only summoned him in the form of a one-time consumption dress, and then every time he used it, he would be summoned. Consuming a big hero, until now, because of the re-engraving, he still has the big hero's dress in his hand!

However, before summoning, Amakusa still needs to select those summoners, a total of three.

Kanzaki Kaori has been brainwashed by Laura, and he is sure that he is the master of the caster, and Shakespeare is also her servant, as evidenced by the command spell on the back of his hand.

It's just that Caster really didn't want to communicate with her, he didn't communicate with her at all, and even left after introducing himself, Kanzaki has never seen Shakespeare again.

Moreover, from Kanzaki's point of view, it seems that there is not only one caster, not only Shakespeare, but also the woman who unlocked the forbidden book list is also a caster, and Amakusa's explanation for this is that it is the helper he summoned to prevent the spell There are some troublesome things in the formula, and then summon a helper who specializes in the formula.

After hearing this explanation, Kanzaki no longer doubted it, because Medea really helped her and solved the imprisonment on Index in front of her, so that Index would not have to brainwash.

For the remaining three, it will take some time to choose.

Kanzaki and Laura went to the back hall of the church for the time being. The two of them intend to consolidate the cooperative relationship between the two parties, especially this time about the list of banned books. Laura has a new idea, so now only With Amakusa Shiro alone, he began to think about who the next three people should choose.

Unlike Amakusa in the Marvel world, who just wants to fool SHIELD, this time Amakusa plans to make the scene bigger!

The contestants must be selected among the protagonists in this world. Kanzaki has already been selected once, and the rest of them, Amakusa, plans to choose on the magic side first, because it is convenient for people on the magic side, and everyone is very magical.

As for the setting of the command spell, Amakusa did not say that the magic power of the servant needs to be borne by the master, but by the Great Holy Grail, so it can be done by an individual, because according to the settings of the three major families, the remaining four people are just It is a victim used for sacrifice, so there is no need to have any strength, or it is best not to have any strength.

An exaggerated person with high intensity like Kanzaki is actually a bit too much. If it is really in Xingyue, people from the three major families may not be able to handle it. For example, Qie Si Papa, if When I met Kanzaki in the FZ of the Fourth World War, I was afraid that I would be beaten out of shit.

But in the forbidden world, it is quite interesting.

Amakusa didn't have a mobile phone in his hand, so Amakusa left the church, found an Internet cafe to check some pictures online, and then directly opened the portal to Italy.

That's right, Italy, to be precise, is the Vatican, the country within a country in the middle of Italy.

As the most orthodox Christian sect in name, the headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church is in the Vatican. In this papal country, everything is operating according to the will of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Amakusa's goal is here. He intends to give one of the remaining three places to the Roman Orthodox Church, and the person who gives it is none other than the biggest villain in the Roman Orthodox Church, the Right Fire.

The Fire on the Right, who played the role of the ultimate villain boss in the first half of the Forbidden World, is the real controller behind the scenes of the Roman Orthodox Church, oh no, it is the chief and essential leader of the darkest part of the "God's Right Seat" within the Roman Orthodox Church. The leader of the Communist Party of China has the title of "Right of the Right".

In this world full of Christianity, he possesses the nature of "Godlike" Michael, and also possesses a powerful third hand, possessing very powerful power.

Although it is said that he is a villain BOSS, this villain is actually very interesting. Because of the powerful characteristics of his third hand, he has always had a great ideal.

That is to correct the inequality in this world, to stop the tragedy caused by accidental overlapping with miraculous chance, to make the world peaceful, and to make everyone happy...

That's right, he is the flame of the right, wholeheartedly for the world, just like Kiritsugu Baba and Amakusa Shiro once dreamed, he is a partner of justice!

Chapter 54. Of course, partners of justice must participate in the Holy Grail War

I, Fire of the Right, are partners of justice!

I have a dream, that all people in the world are equal to each other, no one will experience tragedy, the world will be one, and everyone will live peacefully and happily together, happily together!

And, I have the power to make this dream come true, my mighty third hand.

For this dream, I have planned for many years!Joined the Roman Orthodox Church, became a member of the Roman Orthodox Church, and relied on my own strength to successfully enter the most important armed force of the Roman Orthodox Church, "God's Right Seat", and after that I became the boss of "God's Right Seat" , Until now, I have secretly controlled the Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church and become the secret controller of the Roman Orthodox Church.

But this is not enough, this is just a small step for me to realize my dream, the Roman Orthodox Church is just one of the forces I use, I need the power of the Roman Orthodox Church to help me complete the next thing, which is to gather A condition of liberation for the real use of the power of my third hand.

Today, I am still planning to think about how to collect the next liberation condition.

In the dark room of the Roman Orthodox Church, the fire on the right was still full of energy today, and then a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Gui'an, Your Excellency Fire of the Right Side."

It was the voice of a little girl, and logically speaking it should be very pleasant to hear, and it was indeed very pleasant to hear, but in this very quiet room, it seemed a little scary to Right Side Huo, because it scared him.

Frightened, Right Fire turned his head to look behind him, looked at the source of the sound, and prepared for battle at the same time.

The object of entry was a little girl with silver hair and red pupils in a white padded jacket. The little girl looked at him with a smile on her face while holding the corners of her skirt with both hands.

Without waiting for the fire from the right to ask, the little girl bent her knees slightly and performed a standard aristocratic etiquette towards the fire from the right.

"Gui'an, Your Excellency Fire of the Right, please forgive me for disturbing you. I am Ilia von Einzbern, from the Einzbern family."

The very decent self-introduction made Youfanghuo puzzled. He was not in a hurry to say anything, but stared at the little girl who claimed to be from the Einzbern family, waiting for her to continue.

"This time, on behalf of the Einzbern family, I would like to extend an invitation to Mr. Right Fire."

"Invitation, what invitation?"

Youfangzhihuo finally spoke. For this little girl who appeared in his territory inexplicably, Youfangzhihuo was very puzzled. He really wanted to ask what was going on with this little girl, but the invitation that the little girl said , let him care more, as the saying goes, do not go to the Temple of Three Treasures, this little girl dared to enter the heavily guarded interior of the Roman Orthodox Church, no, it should be said that being able to enter the heavily guarded interior of the Roman Orthodox Church has a good ability in itself.

With such a capable little girl, and a little girl from a family he has never heard of, the invitation to him is very interesting.

"Our Einzbern family has always been committed to the ultimate magic and pursued the root of magic. We joined the other two families to create a spell called the Holy Grail."

"You mean... the Holy Grail?"

Right Side Fire tilted his head and looked at Illya. Although for Right Side Fire, the Roman Orthodox Church was just a means for him to accomplish his own goals, he still understood most things about Christianity, the Holy Grail This kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, should be something in Christianity.

"That's right, it's just that our Holy Grail is not the Holy Grail in the legend of the Christianity, but the ultimate magic formula we have compiled, and it is a universal wish-granting machine that can realize any wish."

"You mean the omnipotent wishing machine?"

The Fire on the Right looked at Ilya in surprise, but immediately laughed out loud after a brief astonishment.

"Hahahaha, what nonsense are you talking about, can you say the omnipotent wishing machine? Even our Roman Orthodox Church, as the most orthodox Christian sect, dare not say that it has this kind of power. How dare you say that your magic Master has the omnipotent wishing machine in his hand?"

Overwhelmed!That's right, it's self-defeating!

Although the fire on the right thinks that the Roman Orthodox Church is just a tool in his hands, the power of the Roman Orthodox Church cannot be underestimated. Will choose the Roman Orthodox Church as a tool in his hands.

The Roman Orthodox Church does not have a universal wishing machine, you guys who have never heard of it, why do you say that you have a universal wishing machine in your hand.

"Indeed, judging from the background of the three major factions of Christianity, my magician family doesn't have much to look at, but these Holy Grail formulas, and the Holy Grail War surrounding the Holy Grail formulas, are My proudest achievement."

Ilya is still smiling and always graceful.

"Our three major families gathered the strength of the whole family to achieve the art, which can change the world."

"It's a pity, I'm not interested in the spell you mentioned."

The fire on the right was full of disdain, because he didn't believe it, but Ilya remained graceful and was not in a hurry.

"Is that so, don't you have any interest in spells that can correct the unfairness of this world and allow everyone in this world to live happily together?"

This time, Youfangzhihuo was shocked again. This was his dream, the ultimate dream of being a partner of justice, but he never told anyone about this dream, but the little girl in front of him directly said it!

"Who the hell are you!"

The fire on the right has a gloomy face, his plan cannot be disturbed, anyone who knows his purpose must be cleaned up, but this little girl must not, because she is definitely not the only one who knows his plan.

"Me? I have just introduced you. I am Ilya von Einzbern, from the Einzbern family."

The Einzbern family, this family is remembered by the right fire!

"I came here this time to invite His Excellency Youfangzhihuo to participate in the war held by our three families for this technique."


"This war, called the Holy Grail War, is fought by seven magicians and their servants, until only one is left who can get the Holy Grail, the wishing machine that can grant any wish, I think His Excellency Fire of the Right should Not to mention timid."

"Huh? Timid, how is this possible!"

It is a simple aggressive method, but the fire on the right is also very easy to hit, or he voluntarily hit it.

"I know that Your Excellency Youfangzhihuo still has a lot of doubts, but don't worry, everything is ready."

Illya raised her skirt with both hands again, and bowed her head to the fire on the right.

"Because, you will definitely participate in the Holy Grail War, and you are the one chosen by the Holy Grail."

After saying this sentence while saluting, Illya disappeared in front of the fire on the right, and on the back of the right hand of the fire on the right, three red patterns suddenly appeared, and Illya disappeared. Somewhere, a blue magic circle appeared out of thin air.

Chapter 55. The Heroic Spirit Summoning of the Fire on the Right

"Huh~ I was really scared to death. That person was too fierce. I was stared at by him several times and dared not speak for fear that he would suddenly jump over and hit me!"

Still in the hinterland of the headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church, in the mirrored space in the fire room on the right, Illya patted her small chest and panted continuously, as if she had experienced a thrilling adventure.

It is indeed a bit thrilling for an ordinary elementary school student to pretend to say those words in front of Youfangzhihuo while maintaining a mysterious and noble appearance.

Ilya was called over by Amakusa, and a group of members of the Wei Gong family came with her. To be honest, that group of people stood with Amakusa in the mirror space just now. If Ya makes any move, this family will definitely rush out immediately and give you a big beating against the fire on the right. You don't know if you can fight or not, but the momentum is definitely scary enough!

The Wei Gong family, an evil force, is not just kidding with you.

Therefore, Ilya feels that an ordinary primary school student is under a lot of pressure facing the fire of the right, and the fire of the right also feels that she has no pressure against Ilya at all, it is a lie!It is true that there are a group of people standing behind Ilya watching the fire on the right!

Amakusa asked Illya to follow his instructions and briefly said some Holy Grail Wars to the Fire of the Right, then returned to the mirror space, and watched the next action of the Fire of the Right with Amakusa.

That's right, you can't leave now, because the fire on the right will be summoning the heroic spirits next, it would be boring if you leave, Amakusa is still waiting to see his new products!

Outside the mirror space, in the normal world, Zhihuo on the right looked suspiciously at the three Command Spells on the back of his hand. The pattern formed by the three Command Spells looked like a dart, with multiple triangular darts. The blood red color looked very coquettish.

"Holy Grail War?"

Although Ilya said something before, Youfangzhihuo still has some doubts. What is it all about? She ran over and said a lot of things inexplicably, and then left inexplicably. What does this mean?

For those chosen by the Holy Grail, Right Side Fire remembered this sentence. Although I don’t know what the Holy Grail is, this sentence sounds quite useful. As a partner of justice, the person chosen by the Holy Grail There is nothing wrong with that.

Touching the back of his right hand with his left hand, Zhihuo on the Right wanted to find out what this pattern was. He didn't want it to be some kind of curse spell, or any evil spell buried inside.

When his left hand touched the Command Seal, the Command Seal immediately emitted a bewitching red light, and some information was transmitted to the brain of Fire on the Right.

The rules of the Holy Grail War, the gameplay of the Holy Grail War, and the summoning of heroic spirits were all passed on to the right fire.

"So that's the case. Taking historical heroes to fight and fight is a gift before the Holy Grail comes, and only the last person can get the Holy Grail. I thought it was a boring setting, but I didn't expect it to be quite unexpected. interesting."

The Holy Grail War, the battle between magicians, the omnipotent wishing machine, isn't it an interesting setting, and the Einzbern family will also participate, and the family knows his plan, so he must To get rid of that family, he had to participate in the Holy Grail War this time. If he didn't participate, he wouldn't get any news about the so-called Einzbern family.

"Holy Grail War, let me try!"

While touching the bright red command spell on the back of his hand, the fire on the right slowly walked towards the heroic spirit summoning circle left by Illya.

The specific operation method of heroic spirit summoning is already known from the command spell, and now the fire on the right only needs to summon its own servants.

"Saber, lancer, and archer are known as the top three cavalry, with powerful combat power, and the rider's battle is also very good, but what kind of servant to summon is calculated according to the holy relic."

The setting of holy relics summoning specific servants was preserved by Amakusa. Although Amakusa knew that this system summoning did not require holy relics at all, it was completely arranged according to the following rhythm, but this sounded very pretentious setting. It is better to keep it when it is advertised.

The Fire on the Right began to think about who he should summon. According to the setting of the Holy Grail War, servants have many bonuses, such as holy relic bonuses, local popularity bonuses, and special environment bonuses. Very legend related.

After all, there are many things in the Roman Orthodox Church that can be regarded as holy relics. In this religious organization, there are always some things that are hundreds or even thousands of years old, but most of them are related to religion.

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