The infinite magic power that comes with the Holy Grail is not so rare in Marvel. After all, those mages draw magic power from the multiverse to cast magic.

The huge magic power surprised Laura, because it was infinite magic power. With Amakusa's explanation, Laura really began to feel that this Holy Grail could fulfill her wishes.

"Are you really going to use the Holy Grail to bring about the relief of all mankind?"

Surprised, Laura couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I will make all human beings immortal, so that there will be no death or pain, and human beings can live happily ever after."

"Without death and pain, that is not happiness. It would directly wipe out all human beings. It would make all human beings lose their future, and all human beings on the entire earth would disappear."

? ? ? ?

Amakusa, who was acting, was a little puzzled, how could all human beings disappear, and the third method is not to make human beings non-existent.

There was a discrepancy between the inertial thinking from Xingyue and the inertial thinking from the magic ban, but Amakusa, as a villain, still had to continue the play.

"So what, as long as human beings don't have to suffer anymore, I am willing to bear the corresponding sins!"

Amakusa has a determined face.

"Your Majesty Laura, you can no longer stop me. No one in this world can stop me. I have made my wish to her as soon as the Holy Grail was summoned. At this time, the Holy Grail has already accepted her." My wish is that soon it will be lifted into the sky, ascend to a low-altitude orbit around the earth, and then start to revolve around the earth, the places she passes will be affected by the Holy Grail, and the people there will complete their transformation!"

Opening his hands, Amakusa made the iconic move of the villain.

"Sa, get ready for the baptism of the Holy Grail, everything will not stop, unless the Holy Grail is destroyed and erased, but the Holy Grail is the ultimate product of magic, and no one can touch it away!"

"Oh? You said no one can touch it?"

Laura frowned, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"As far as I know, there is only one person in this world who can touch the Holy Grail, and that person is standing next to the Holy Grail right now."


Amakusa let out a cry of surprise, and then immediately turned his head to look at the Holy Grail behind him. He saw that under the Holy Grail, Kamijou Touma in school uniform was stretching out his right hand towards the Holy Grail.

Chapter 134. Be more tragic when leaving the stage

Kamijou Touma's right hand, Fantasy Killer, can erase all unnatural existence. The Holy Grail is naturally unnatural, so Kamijou Touma's right hand is also very restrained for the Holy Grail. He can erase the Holy Grail The presence!

Therefore, the Holy Grail was wiped out by Toma.

Fortunately, at the moment when Touma disappeared, Amakusa activated the Reality Gem, and what made Touma disappear was just a false holy grail, otherwise, the dress that provided Amakusa with infinite magic power would be gone immediately.

This is the Grail of Heaven, a very useful thing. Amakusa doesn't dare to confirm whether the Holy Grail of Heaven can hold Fantasy Killer, so it's better to be a little more cowardly.

And letting Kamijou Touma remove the Holy Grail is also part of Amakusa's plan. After all, the Holy Grail War cannot really be over. If it is really over, what should I do if the Holy Grail in Amakusa's hand cannot fulfill his wish at all? It's not a slap in the face Well, so what Amakusa has to do is let the Holy Grail be destroyed.

And Kamijou Touma is the most suitable candidate for destroying the Holy Grail. As for letting Touma take the initiative to destroy the Holy Grail, it needs Amakusa, a tall villain, to stimulate him, such as expressing his own wishes, making the world peaceful and so on, so that human beings have no hope. Ah, or let all human beings ascend to heaven, this kind of speech that sounds very villain can stimulate Kamijou Touma.

Especially Amakusa said very loudly that if you want to stop the Holy Grail, you must destroy the Holy Grail. Touma will definitely touch the Holy Grail with his right hand when he hears this sentence. As long as he touches it, he can stop the Holy Grail and destroy it. The right hand of all unnatural phenomena must be able to do it.

In this case, Amakusa can spend the final finishing stage perfectly, explaining everything clearly.

Kamijou Touma fulfilled Amakusa's wish perfectly, reached out and touched it, and the false Holy Grail collapsed directly. When the false Holy Grail brought by the Reality Gem collapsed, the scene was very spectacular. A huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the The entire Academy City looked as if a nuclear explosion had suddenly occurred.

This time, Academy City can no longer hide it, because Amakusa will leave after the Holy Grail explodes, and once Amakusa leaves, there will be no gas explosion BUFF. When the people in Academy City investigate, they will It will be very lively, but at that time they can't investigate anything, they can only investigate some inexplicable things.

All the students in Academy City were attracted by the beam of light outside. In fact, when Amakusa summoned the Holy Grail, the huge beam of light had already attracted many people, and now, everyone was attracted.

Looking at the beam of light soaring into the sky, Amakusa used his highest acting skills ever, his eyes flushed red, his mouth widened, and he stretched out his right hand and yelled hoarsely.

"Do not!!!!!"

The huge beam of light from the explosion directly covered his body, and the entire area was shrouded in white light. No one could open their eyes, and they couldn't see what was going on around them. It would be the best moment for someone to sneak attack at this time.

Laura couldn't avoid it either. She covered her eyes with her hands and tried to see the situation outside through the gap, but unfortunately, she couldn't see anything. All she could see was a white light and the pouring of energy.

The white light erupted for about ten seconds before stopping. The light gradually dimmed, and the vision gradually recovered. After the vision recovered, what I saw was a large pit with a radius of [-] meters, which was bottomless.

And Amakusa stood about ten meters in front of Laura, just beside the big pit. As for Touma, it was on the left hand side of Amakusa, also on the edge of the big pit. Behind him were Misaka Mikoto and Food Pray for bees.

Amakusa maintained the posture of stretching out his hand and grabbing forward, looking desperate, completely different from the indifferent smile on his face before.

"Yes, is that so?"

Amakusa retracted her right hand while whispering.

"Am I still unable to see my ideal after all? Even if I do this, the Holy Grail won't come to me."

Laura looked at Amakusa's back, and listening to Amakusa's words, she could imagine how sad Amakusa's expression was.

"After 60 years of forbearance, in the end, there is still nothing. It's all because of an accidental factor."

Amakusa turned his head to look at Touma next to him. At this moment, Touma reacted from the white light explosion and found that Amakusa was looking at him. He immediately raised his right hand to defend himself in fright, for fear that Amakusa would suddenly lose some skills. past.

"That right hand is really amazing. The right hand that can change the world has disintegrated the Holy Grail. Even the subsequent Holy Grail War can no longer be carried out. Did this right hand directly destroy my hope?"

The Holy Grail has been destroyed, and Amakusa has to explain it.

"Hope is really the scariest thing in this world. It gives people hope and then despair."


While speaking, Amakusa's left hand suddenly cracked and broke, and the broken left hand fell to the ground, turning into a pile of ashes and dissipating.

Amakusa lowered his head to look at his left arm, which was constantly being cracked, and smiled instead.

"So, I, who existed in this world because of the power of the Holy Grail, will also begin to be destroyed because of the destruction of the Holy Grail."

Similarly, Assassin, who stayed in place, also began to collapse physically, and seemed to be very responsive to Amakusa's words.

"Are you leaving?"

Looking at the situation of Amakusa and Assassin, Laura couldn't help asking.

"That's right, without the Holy Grail, I no longer have the power to survive in this world, and soon I will return to the Hall of Valor due to the exhaustion of my magic power."

"After sixty years of planning in this world, I still have to return to that place in the end, and because of the destruction of the Holy Grail, it is impossible for me to realize my ideal."

Amakusa turned his head to look at Kanzaki who was lying on the ground, raised his right hand that hadn't collapsed yet, green light flickered, the wound on Kanzaki's body began to heal quickly, and soon became unscathed, even Spirit also recovered.

"I restored Kanzaki's time to before the battle. She has no injuries and can protect you back to England."


The right hand that was shining with green light also collapsed, turning into ashes, then the arms, the legs, the body, and finally the head.

In this way, Amakusa and Assassin turned into ashes together and disappeared from the Forbidden World. In the whole scene, only Kanzaki Kaori and Laura were left, as well as Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki brought by Kamijo Touma.

Chapter 1. Nick Fury's Super Ancient Warrior

Over the Pacific Ocean, in the huge cloud layer formed by the evaporation of sea water into water vapor, and in this thick cloud layer, a huge war machine is hidden in the middle. As the cloud layer moves slowly, no country can find it. Regardless of whether it is ground radar or space satellites, all that can be seen is a cloud layer moving, and the direction of movement is also in line with the law of atmospheric flow, and no flaws can be found at all.

This huge war machine is exactly the space carrier supported by four semi-permanent anti-gravity engines supported by Stark Industries technology. It used to belong to the war machine under SHIELD, and now it has become a war machine led by Nick Fury. The headquarters of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team.

After the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D., there were too few people under Nick Fury to trust, only the only space carrier controlled by Hill, and the Avengers team formed by Nick Fury.

However, these have also become Nick Fury's cards for forbearance and revenge. He wants to avenge the Holy Church!S.H.I.E.L.D., which was forced to disband because of the Holy Church and Hydra, will be rebuilt in his hands!

However, before rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D., he needs to hide himself, hide himself, and then slowly develop and grow, avoiding the 2000-year-old Holy Church with eyeliners all over the world. As for Hydra, Nick Fury thinks They are all side dishes in front of the Holy Church.

For this reason, Nick Fury conducted the Veritaserum test on all his current subordinates to ensure that there was no outsider under him, but even though he had conducted the Veritaserum test, he could not guarantee whether there were people from the Templar Church under his command. , because the Church of the Holy Church can do magic!

For this reason, Nick Fury chose to come to the ocean, stay away from the land and cut off all connections with the land. All connections are unilateral, so that internal spies can be eliminated as much as possible. Send a message.

As for the kind of portal mastered by Father Amakusa, Nick Fury can only think as much as possible that Amakusa cannot teleport because he has never seen the interior of the latest space carrier.

In short, there are still loopholes in the defense, but Nick Fury can only do so for the time being.

Nick Fury, standing on the bridge, looked at a group of agents who were busy at work, his eyes were incomparably indifferent, and he was always ready to spot Hydra spies or Templar lurkers among them.

"Hill, how long will it take to reach the destination?"

"There are still ten minutes to reach the destination."

"After arriving at the destination, immediately descend in stealth, and complete the landing as soon as possible."


This space carrier floating over the Pacific Ocean has a purpose, and this time the destination is an uninhabited sea in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Although there is no man's sea there, it is a secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D. The base is located on the seabed, which is very similar to the submarine prison in the Atlantic Ocean. The base is usually locked, and only a few people maintain operations in it, waiting to be transferred from the Trident headquarters in Washington in case of emergency.

As the clouds drifted away for ten minutes, the huge space carrier reached the sky above the destination. Relying on the cover of the thick clouds in the sky, the space carrier began to descend, and on the bottom of the sea, a huge black shadow began to appear, emerging from the water surface , It was a black rectangular take-off and landing platform. After quickly surfacing out of the sea, a huge lifting gate opened from the middle, and went deep into the bottom of the sea.

"Start landing!"

Hill, as the captain, gave the order, and the space carrier began to fall invisibly from the clouds, and then fell directly towards the huge dark gate. The gate was so huge that it could easily allow three space carriers to land side by side. This secret base built The time is also very powerful.

When the space carrier completely entered the gate, the gate closed, and then began to sink into the sea, and soon turned into a huge black shadow on the bottom of the sea until it merged with the sea water, and the clouds in the sky also slowly drifted away at this time. Let's go, the whole sea returns to calm, it looks like nothing happened.

Inside the gate, the space carrier descended slowly, and Nick Fury looked at the steel wall outside through the glass window, still expressionless.

"I participated in the construction of this base. At that time, I really didn't want this base to be activated, but now, it has to be activated."

"Boss, it's all for the earth."

"That's right, it's all for the earth, for the world not to be destroyed by lunatics."

Everyone on the bridge carefully manipulated it. Although the gate is very large, for a guy with a huge size like the Helicarrier, if it is not controlled properly, it is still easy to collide.

The huge space carrier descended for a full ten minutes before stopping, probably because the speed of descent was relatively slow, but the gate channel was indeed long enough at the same time. Supporting the Helicarrier's four repulsors and its central hull.

"The base host has been linked, and we have taken over the authority of the entire base."

Hill watched the agents in action and reported to Nick Fury.

"Very well, from now on, we will carry out hidden work here, and while hiding work, we will also carry out work under the sea."

"Director, what is our mission?"

Hill asked Fury.

"We want to fight against the Holy Church and prevent the Holy Church from controlling the whole world. Think about the Middle Ages, the dark Europe controlled by the church. They have magic and can easily control ordinary people. The president and the king are just their puppets. We need fighters who won't be controlled by them."

"However, the super fighters mastered by the Holy Church are too powerful, and we are no match at all."

Hill naturally knows that they need soldiers, but soldiers are not so easy to find. Now the strongest of their Avengers team is Hulk, but Hulk is just a toy in the hands of that big black man. Big guy, why is that big guy so strong?

"The Avengers team is our foundation, but the fighters I'm looking for this time are not super fighters like the Avengers team, but warriors who have lived on Earth since ancient times and are older than the Holy Church!"

Nick Fury took out a small notebook from under his coat and threw it to Hill.

Hill opened it, looked at the information recorded on the notebook, and opened his eyes wide.

" this?"

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