"That's right, the super monster that once landed on the west coast of the United States, the priest in the church called it Godzilla!"

Chapter 2. Dr. Serizawa

Godzilla, a huge ultra-ancient creature that once landed on the west coast of the United States. At that time, Godzilla landed together with two relatively small monsters, called Muto, which means an unconfirmed giant terrestrial life form , the two mutos have been destroying everywhere since they appeared, from the west coast of the Pacific Ocean to the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, and even to the mainland of the United States, causing a lot of damage, and were eventually killed by Godzilla one by one.

Along with Godzilla, there is also the demon with flames, Radon, the big monster in the sky.

This huge monster that looks like a bird but also looks like a giant pterosaur can cause huge damage, and as long as it is there, the temperature there will rise. It is a real flame demon.

Two monsters were killed, while the other two left, one returned to the ground, and the other returned to the ocean.

Nick Fury still remembers that even if the huge monster was bombed by a nuclear bomb, there would be no problem, and even the weird priest Amakusa would not dare to confront the monster head-on, until the last blond-haired Guy, holding a 400-meter-long beam sword to force the opponent back, let the monster return to the ocean.

What does this mean? This means that the monster possesses a very terrifying power. While possessing great power, it also possesses very high intelligence. It is an intelligent creature!

Although this sounds a bit suspicious, Nick Fury can be sure that the guy who looks like a big lizard has a good brain!

It knows that if it doesn't leave, its life will be in danger. The beam sword will cut off its head directly, and the beam sword is not completely liberated at 400 meters, it is the initial liberation form, the blond The guy is also called Arthur, the legendary King Arthur!

Now recalling how King Arthur consecrated and slashed people, Fury felt a headache. From Amakusa, he knew that heroes in history can become servants, and because of various legends, those servants will have some powerful abilities, but whether it is Which version of the legend does not have the ability of King Arthur to open a 400-meter sword!How did King Arthur do it?

But in any case, Godzilla has extremely powerful power!

But Nick Fury's goal is not Godzilla, but other monsters.

The Emperor Organization has been clearly investigated by Nick Fury. Nick Fury knows all about how many people there are in this organization, what is its scale, who is the boss, and how many monsters this organization has discovered.

After all, the home of this world is still the Marvel Avengers universe. Even if the Emperor Organization wants to move, it can't make any waves, so everything about them is known to Nick Fury.

But after learning about it, Nick Fury had even more headaches. There were seventeen monsters hidden on the earth discovered by the Emperor Organization!This still excludes the two that were killed by Godzilla before, my God, is this still the earth, seventeen behemoths live under people's feet or under the sea, and humans don't know anything about it!

The relationship between these seventeen monsters is not clear, but Nick Fury can probably analyze some things. For example, Godzilla is the top existence among monsters. Since it suppressed two Mutos and Laura last time It can be seen from the scene of Radon, and with the information obtained from the emperor organization, it is probably certain that Godzilla is the king of monsters, and the two Mutos died because they disobeyed the king, and Radon is哥斯拉的忠实舔狗,所以它没事,甚至还帮着哥斯拉揍穆托。

Nick Fury's goal is a group of monsters headed by Raton, he wants to find a way to capture these monsters, and then control them!

It can be seen from the fact that aliens suddenly opened a portal from the Atlantic Ocean to invade the earth, the aliens in the universe are not only very powerful in physical technology, they can develop various spaceships, cannons and rockets, they can also develop powerful biological technology, The monsters that invaded the earth are the best proof.

Therefore, even if Nick Fury overthrows the Church of the Holy Church, he must ensure that he has the ability to fight against aliens. In terms of technology, S.H.I.E.L.D. can conduct research and reverse engineering from the spacecraft that aliens invaded the earth last time. There is also Tony Stark, Stark's technology is also black enough, as can be seen from his constantly updated battle suit.

The current Iron Man Tony Stark, relying on his reserve suit and backpack to constantly change equipment, can even easily destroy a country, such as Britain, Japan, it feels like playing casually, because there is nothing but nuclear weapons. He can even threaten him, and he even researched the energy shield.

Therefore, in addition to physical technology, biological technology can be used to fight against those huge alien monsters, which is the most suitable.

At the same time, the various abilities possessed by these monsters can also be used against servants.

In the deep-sea base, Nick Fury, who has come down from the space carrier and came to the command center of the base, is looking at the huge screen in front of him. He says it is a huge screen, but it is actually a huge glass, and the outside of the glass is a dark deep sea , I can't see anything here, all I can see is endless darkness, just like in space, endless darkness.

"Did you find it?"

"Found it, five kilometers away from us."

"Should I say it was misfortune or luck? We wanted to find it and found it soon, but the place where we found it was only five kilometers away from us. If it was any closer, I feel that our base would even be destroyed by it." Remove it directly."

Nick Fury looked at the red fluctuating dots that appeared on the huge glass screen in front of him, his expression still indifferent.

"Chief Ferry, I think you'd better not do that."

Beside Nick Fury, an Asian man wearing glasses was looking sad.

"Tell me why."

"Godzilla is the overlord of nature. Although we humans are the most powerful group on the earth, in fact it is the real master of the earth. It has ruled the earth before the appearance of us humans. It has a very important impact on the earth. significance."

"You think our technology can't kill it?"

"No, with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology, I think it's possible to kill Godzilla, but it would be costly."

"Oh? What price?"

"Godzilla dominates the balance of the earth. If it dies, the balance of the earth will be broken, and all other monsters will appear!"

Nick Fury turned his head to look at the Asian man, his expression still indifferent.

"You are a person organized by the emperor, what is your name?"

"My name is Serizawa."

Chapter 3. The plan to capture Godzilla

Dr. Serizawa, one of the most important researchers in the Emperor Organization, yes, the big brother Serizawa who gave Godzilla a cigarette.He has been pursuing Godzilla, believing that Godzilla is the real king and ruler of the earth.

The last alien monster invasion caused the appearance of local monsters on the earth, Godzilla also appeared, and the emperor organization began to surface. Dr. Serizawa finally saw his idol Godzilla. Although Godzilla disappeared afterwards, But he was always looking for Godzilla.

It's just that the Emperor Organization was incorporated by S.H.I.E.L.D. not too long ago. It was said to be incorporated, but in fact almost all the main characters were kidnapped, but there is no way to be kidnapped. They are just a research organization , They are back-to-back military, but they are not affiliated to the military. At most, the military supports a little transportation and employees.

In addition, the bird appearance of the US military in the Marvel world is simply unreliable, so S.H.I.E.L.D. is forcibly incorporated, they have nothing to do, and because the US military, and even the rest of the world, have been infiltrated by Hydra, and Hydra The snake was under the control of Amakusa again, so even if the people from the Emperor Organization were arrested, the US military would not bother to trouble Nick Fury.

Dr. Serizawa is one of the characters who was forcibly incorporated. At this time, he is persuading his new leader Nick Fury. He has no choice. When he was in the emperor organization, he was almost the boss, and the organization's actions basically depended on him Come to formulate, when it comes to S.H.I.E.L.D., he is a younger brother, responsible for explaining by the side.

"Nuclear bombs can't kill Godzilla. If you want to kill Godzilla, you need a very large equivalent of explosives and a new type of weapon, and the way the explosives are used is very harsh. Killing Godzilla forcibly will have many consequences." sacrifice."

"And, after Godzilla's death, those monsters ruled by him will lose their leaders and start to plunder crazily, because the mountains on their heads have disappeared, and they no longer have to worry about being killed, although God The SHIELD might have wiped out those monsters, but when those monsters were cleaned up, the planet was pretty much destroyed."

As a scholar who has studied his idol for many years, Dr. Serizawa told Nick Fury about the benefits of killing Godzilla, and hoped that Nick Fury would not be reckless and insist on going to Godzilla for trouble.

"Dr. Serizawa, when did you have the illusion that I was going to kill Godzilla?"

Nick Fury stared at Serizawa with one eye, and said something that stunned Serizawa.

"Aren't you going to kill Godzilla?"

"When did I say I was going to kill Godzilla, I was just going to find Godzilla."

"But you..."

Serizawa wanted to refute that before Nick Fury said that S.H.I.E.L.D. can kill Godzilla, but now he said he can't kill Godzilla.

"You said that Godzilla is the king of monsters, so since the king can order those subordinates."

Nick Fury no longer looked at Serizawa, but looked at the huge glass screen in front of him, as if he wanted to see through the dark sea outside.

Serizawa looked at the dark deep sea outside, then at Nick Fury, and frowned.

"Director Fury, don't you mean it!"

"Yes, Godzilla, as the king of monsters, can control those monsters, and what I want to know is why Godzilla can control those monsters, as long as we master Godzilla's ability to control those monsters, and then Control Godzilla, and those monsters will become our soldiers, our super soldiers."

Nick Fury likes to be in control, no matter what it is, especially dangerous things, he wants to be in his own hands, such as the Avengers team, Dr. Banner, and even the huge dark force compiled by Amakusa Shiro and Amakusa Holy Church.

As long as there is a threat to the earth and the world, even if it is a small threat, such as a threat like Captain America, he hopes to be able to control it.

Godzilla, of course, he wants to hold in his hands, he doesn't need to kill, as long as he holds it in his hands, and then use Godzilla's ability to control the remaining monsters to control the remaining monsters, let those monsters The monsters become warriors, and then let these monster warriors go to the Holy Church to trouble them. Even if they die, they will not lose anything to themselves, and the sixteen super monster warriors, no matter how strong the servants of the Holy Church, should be consumed. Drop some.

In this way, the number of monsters on the earth is reduced, the combat power of the Church of the Holy Church is eliminated, the threat of the Church of the Holy Church is reduced, and it paves the way for the return of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Director Fury, are you sure? Godzilla's power is very powerful, and it's not so easy to control."

"Whether you are sure or not, you have to try it before you know!"

Nick Fury is naturally not sure now, but it does not mean that he will never be sure. Every time S.H.I.E.L.D. is also like this.

S.H.I.E.L.D. now knows that Godzilla can be immune to radiation and even absorb radiation and high temperature. Given the time and opportunity, they can analyze it. Once it is analyzed, even Godzilla can deal with it. This is the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Communication between monsters is not that simple, let alone control of monsters. Director Ferry, your idea is too dangerous. Although monsters have intelligence, it is possessed by very few monsters. From our research From the looks of it, most monsters possess simple intelligence unless they are overpowered by Godzilla-like strength."

Controlling Godzilla is impossible. From Serizawa’s point of view, Nick Fury can only imprison Godzilla at most, and use advanced technology to find a way to trap Godzilla so that he cannot go out to move around, and then study Godzilla. The way Godzilla communicates with monsters, but it's not the same thing as Godzilla himself controlling those monsters.

"It's still the same sentence, whether you are sure or not, you have to try it before you know. I will prepare everything in a safe environment, otherwise I will not act."

Nick Fury is a stubborn and persistent person, Serizawa's words cannot make him give up.

"Director, the unmanned submarine is already in place."

The operator in the rear also reported the news at this time.

"Okay, let's start the first round of testing!"

The temptation to Godzilla begins here.

Chapter 4. Nick Fury is testing

The deep sea, like the depths of the universe, only has boundless darkness, but unlike the starry sky, in the starry sky, there will be some stars for you to see, but in the deep sea, you probably won’t be able to see anything , It was pitch black everywhere.

Relying on advanced sonar equipment, the unmanned submarine of S.H.I.E.L.D. has detected huge creatures on the seabed, lurking one by one on the seabed. If it weren't for the huge gap between the biological signals it released and the seabed next to it, it would be really hard to find them. It’s a little difficult. After all, Godzilla lay motionless on the bottom of the sea. Such a huge monster lay motionless on the bottom of the sea, just like the mountains on the bottom of the sea. unclear.

"Start approaching the target."

Under the control of the operator of S.H.I.E.L.D., the unmanned submarine began to move towards Godzilla lying on the seabed. Relying on advanced sonar equipment, it began to grope forward on the seabed, because the speed could not be fast enough to cause Godzilla Attention, so the unmanned submarine spent a full 5 minutes before finally touching Godzilla's side, next to Godzilla's dorsal fin.

"Turn on the searchlights."

Nick Fury, who had been staring at the screen all the time, didn't like the dark screen and was ready to watch something, so he ordered the controller to turn on the lights.

"Turn on the searchlights."

The operator repeated the password, then controlled the unmanned submarine to turn on the searchlight, and the entire screen lit up in an instant. This time, the original dark seabed was finally able to see something, but because there were many other plankton in the deep sea , so the whole picture looks very cloudy, but after the cloudiness, there are huge spikes that look like mountains, and Godzilla's dorsal fin appears in the picture.

The operator controlled the submarine to shine on Godzilla's huge dorsal fin, and at the same time began to move around the dorsal fin, orbiting around Godzilla, taking photos of Godzilla's whole body, and not just a ship orbiting Godzilla Submarines, but several submarines, the submarines surround Godzilla, fully illuminate Godzilla's body as much as possible, and then collect enough data on Godzilla's body.

The huge body is like a hill. It will take quite a long time for several submarines to completely obtain Godzilla's body data, and what can be collected in such a long time is only the simplest shape data. In the deep sea, when you can't get close to yourself, there is a limit to what smart devices can do.

"oh, my god!"

Professor Serizawa looked at the huge mountain-like body of Godzilla displayed on the screen, his face was full of excitement, as if a fanatic had seen God.

In fact, he is indeed a fanatic, but his object of belief is not God, but Godzilla. For him, Godzilla is his god, and Godzilla is everything to him!

He was born to study Godzilla all his life. Godzilla really appeared last time, but he had no chance to meet Godzilla at all, and then Godzilla went back. Now, he finally I was able to meet Godzilla, and it was a very close meeting.

Although they were five kilometers apart, it was good to see them on the screen, at least he saw them up close.

"What a perfect creature."

"That's right, it's indeed a perfect creature—a weapon. As a weapon, this big guy is simply too perfect. It doesn't need food. All it needs is radiation energy, which is very disastrous for humans, and it can convert this radiation energy Transform into the energy he needs, and then act forever."

Nick Fury couldn't help but praise Godzilla.

"With such a monster, aliens can't even come to the earth. If they really come to the earth, this monster can be used as a weapon against them, unless they blow up the earth."

Obviously, without power gems, it would be difficult for the Marvel Universe to blow up a planet, especially the Earth. After all, there are not so many horrors in the Marvel Avengers movie universe that destroy a planet at every turn. In the world of Star Wars, a planet would be directly destroyed by technology, and it would disappear in an instant, and there is even technology that can destroy the sun.

"Because of this, we cannot control this monster."

"Being, because of this, we have to control it, and it must be used by us."

"You will not succeed."

"I still say that, we will succeed."

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