Nick Fury keeps his stick.

"Director, Godzilla has moved."

While the two were talking, Godzilla on the screen started to move.

The huge dorsal fin began to shake, which looked like an undersea earthquake, and the hill began to rise. The seawater, which was already turbid enough, became more turbid because of Godzilla's sudden action, and the sediment settled on the seafloor was stirred up. The bottom of the sea is like a sandstorm on land.

The unmanned submarines pushed away one after another, keeping a certain distance to prevent being hit by Godzilla. If they hit it, it would crash directly.

In the sand and dust, Godzilla's huge body gradually stood up, and the dorsal fin began to flash blue light, illuminating a huge figure from the sand dust, the figure illuminated by the flashing blue light, Nick Fury in the base and Serizawa saw clearly.

"Why does it glow? Is it ready to attack?"

Godzilla's dorsal fin glows, and Nick Fury has seen it before, but that time Godzilla's dorsal fin glowed to prepare for his atomic breath. Now that Godzilla's dorsal fin glows, Nick Fury immediately thought of the blue beam of light.

"No, it's not an attack. It's different from the last time. When it attacks, its energy will gather, so it will maintain its light. This time it's a flash. It's not a signal of an attack."

"what is that?"

"This is a warning, a kind of deterrence, or intimidation. In nature, many animals will pose corresponding gestures to intimidate the enemy, especially when the enemy is an unknown creature."

"Does that mean it's disturbed? Does it feel disturbed if it's so powerful?"

"This is the instinct of a creature. You can't ensure that you are absolutely invincible just because you are strong. As the overlord of the grassland, if a lion makes a mistake, it will be trampled to death by a wildebeest or stabbed to death with its horn."

Dr. Serizawa quickly grabbed Nick Fury's clothes.

"Hurry up and get the submarine back. If it thinks it is a threatening enemy, it will attack. This base cannot resist its attack!"

"I don't think so, but I think this is a good opportunity."

Nick Fury looked at Hill behind him.

"Is the nuclear submarine in place?"

"Already in place."

"Very well, start the induction."

Chapter 5. Is Godzilla shameless?

Godzilla, King of the Monsters.

From the Permian period to the [-]st century, Godzilla has been in chaos on the earth, and there is no one on the entire earth who can fight it. He has been the boss for an unknown number of years, and he is simply invincible Cold.

But now at the beginning of the [-]st century, it is found to be different.

This world began to become a little strange, and the little humans who were raised by it as pets and then enshrined to it began to become strange.

For example, the bald head that seemed to be elegant all the time hundreds of years ago, for example, the man who was holding a 400-meter sword he met when he went out to do Muto last time.

The earth has changed, it has become different, it has become more dangerous, yes, it has become more dangerous.

The originally peaceful living place for the Titans suddenly became dangerous, and some very scary guys appeared among the human beings.

Godzilla felt that it would be dangerous to stay outside. After killing Muto, he ran back to the deep sea alone, intending to continue to stay in the deep sea, away from those humans outside. There is no way, the current earth is too scary, If you are not careful, you may be beaten to death. It is better to be a fat mansion under the sea with peace of mind.

However, human beings can’t even let Godzilla make a mansion under the sea. Godzilla sleeps halfway on the seabed, and then he hears a buzzing sound on the seabed. It’s the sound of a propeller, and it’s still the sound of a silent propeller , It can be said that this is silent, it is impossible to have no sound at all, and there will definitely be sound when the sea water is stirred.

This kind of human may not be able to hear it, but it is very harsh to the Titan monster, so Godzilla woke up, and after waking up, he saw that there were many unknown objects moving around his body. These things, brother Sla had seen something similar, something humans used.

Although I don't know what these things are, but these things appear around me, which means that human beings have discovered themselves!

They found out what they wanted to do, were they going to chop off their heads?Just like the human with a 400-meter sword in his hand?

I don’t know what human beings want to do. Godzilla must ensure his own safety. Although Godzilla was forced to retreat by the human with a 400-meter sword, it doesn’t mean that Godzilla is everyone. Can be bullied.

The atomic furnace in the body began to churn, and the dorsal fin began to fill with energy. The special dorsal fin structure began to emit light under the impact of energy, and under the control of Godzilla, it began to emit light intermittently, which seemed to be flickering.

This is its warning, warning these things of human beings to leave itself, otherwise it will get angry!

Although there is an elegant bald head in the front and a 400-meter sword in the back, Godzilla is not afraid of all humans. If these strange things really pissed him off, Godzilla would not mind letting them try his iron claws and Steel teeth, you can even reward them with an atomic breath.

It's just that most of these strange things surrounding Godzilla, that is, the unmanned submarines of S.H.I.E.L.D., have left, and one of them not only did not leave, but started to approach Godzilla, which made Godzilla feel puzzled.

While flickering the dorsal fin on his back, Godzilla glanced at the unmanned submarine that was slowly approaching him with his big eyes, wanting to determine what the unmanned submarine was going to do, and if the submarine had any dangerous actions, it would directly use Crush him with your own claws!

However, what caught Godzilla off guard was that before its claws could grab the approaching submarine, the submarine suddenly launched a torpedo. Because the distance was too close, the torpedo hit Godzilla directly on the head, and it was still a direct hit. Frontal bombing.

The torpedo hit Godzilla's nose, and then exploded. The explosion created an expanding vacuum field at the bottom of the water, squeezing all the sea water away, and Godzilla's nose shrank in shock from the sudden explosion. For a moment, even Godzilla's head flinched.

It hurts but it doesn't hurt. Godzilla's skin is rough and soft, which is completely different from the handsome boy on Skull Island. Bullets and missiles can't do anything about its thick skin, but because of the sudden close-range attack, Godzilla He shrank his neck reflexively.

The expanding vacuum area was soon squeezed by the sea water again, turning into a string of bubbles and starting to float upwards, and the unmanned submarine that launched the torpedo quickly turned around and ran away from Godzilla, while the other side , The submarines that had assembled on the side started to launch torpedoes one after another, and several torpedoes rushed towards Godzilla from a distance, and began to explode everywhere in Godzilla's body.

bang bang bang-

For a while, the bottom of the sea became lively like setting off firecrackers.


Godzilla, who had suffered several torpedoes inexplicably, roared angrily. Obviously there was no air on the bottom of the sea, but Godzilla was able to roar like this on the bottom of the sea.

The huge roar could be heard by Nick Fury and Serizawa in the base five kilometers away, through the glass.

"start to act!"

All the unmanned submarines began to speed up, gathered together, all turned on their lights, directly illuminating a sea area, and then moved forward into the distance, looking like they were fleeing from Godzilla.

don't run!

The angry Godzilla will not let these guys who attack him out of nowhere run away. Although I, Godzilla, take good care of you humans, you are too presumptuous, and dare to take the initiative to attack me!

There was a light shining behind it, illuminating a large area of ​​the seabed like a searchlight, and at the same time, the thick tail swung violently, pushing up Godzilla's 9-ton heavy body, and quickly chasing the endless fleeing crowds ahead. Human submarine, it wants to show its claws and fangs to those unmanned submarines!

The unmanned submarines still kept fleeing for their lives in groups. While fleeing for their lives, they did not forget to launch reverse torpedoes to attack Godzilla in the rear. They still kept on provoking Godzilla, for fear that Godzilla would feel angry after chasing for a certain distance. It's boring and then I won't chase it.

But these torpedoes are not enough for Godzilla. Godzilla directly catches these torpedoes with his head. Any one of these powerful torpedoes can blow up an Aegis destroyer.

The thick tail continued to swing, and Godzilla's huge body began to accelerate, even running faster than the torpedo, and directly caught up with those unmanned submarines, opened his mouth and directly bit the last one, and then directly pushed The submarine was bitten and exploded.

The rest of the submarines began to flee in all directions, as if they were panicking because their companions were killed. While fleeing for their lives, they were also moving towards the depths, as if the deep sea could bring them safety.

After spitting out the residue of one submarine, Godzilla chased the remaining submarines again, and followed these submarines all the way down to a huge basin on the seabed, where a large number of unmanned submarines from S.H.I.E.L.D. were waiting for it.

Chapter 6. Godzilla was captured

How hard is it to catch Godzilla?If we’re being honest, it’s really not that difficult to hand it over to the current Amakusa. With the cooperation of many servants and Marvel’s unique magic, it’s not difficult to capture a wild Godzilla, but for S.H.I.E.L.D. That said, it's relatively difficult.

Godzilla is a mobile nuclear bomb that may explode at any time. Therefore, the most direct way to catch Godzilla is to catch it in a place where no one is there. Except for Antarctica, Godzilla is basically everywhere on land. They are all human beings, so if it doesn’t work, go to Australia, and you should be able to do it a little bit.

Except for a few places on the land, the rest of the place is the deep sea. The earth is said to be the earth, but it is actually closer to the water polo. 70% of the entire earth is covered by the sea, and the ocean occupies most of it. The ocean is not suitable for human settlement and life, so it is also possible to capture Godzilla in the ocean, especially the bottom of the ocean. After all, Nick Fury, who has no magic, cannot slap Godzilla into the mirror. space.

So Nick Fury plans to conduct a capture operation in the deep sea, and the purpose of the capture operation is to bury Godzilla with stones!

The topography of the seabed is actually no different from that on the land. There are mountains on the land and mountains on the seabed. There are basins on the land and basins on the seabed. There are canyons on the land and canyons on the seabed. Because the upper water flows to the lower place, these landforms are covered by the sea water that gathers together to form the ocean, forming the underwater world.

What Nick Fury wants to do is to lure Godzilla into the canyon under the sea, and then use the unmanned submarine of SHIELD to blast the mountains on both sides of the canyon with high-explosive torpedoes, causing the mountains to collapse and destroy Godzilla. Bury it directly, so that if you capture Godzilla, no matter how strong a monster is, it will be afraid of the power of nature. Although Godzilla is powerful, it is impossible for it to bear a weight several times heavier than its body. the weight of.

When dealing with Muto alone, although Godzilla is powerful, he was still shitted on his neck by Muto, and even rubbed against the ground by Muto and his wife, so Godzilla's strength is no matter how strong , There is also an upper limit to its endurance. As long as you keep adding things to its back and forcefully bury it, it will fall down. After it falls, you will continue to use stones to bury it. Within a short period of time, bury it tightly so that it can be captured safely.

You see, there is no need for anyone to go off in person. In the current situation where S.H.I.E.L.D. is short of manpower, it is a great thing to use the advanced technology in hand to complete the arrest.

Under the guidance of the unmanned submarine, Godzilla began to enter the canyon hidden by a large number of unmanned S.H.I.E.L.D. In the middle of the canyon, heading down the canyon, Godzilla followed by the guide is heading down.

This canyon is not big, but it can allow Godzilla's huge body to enter, but it can only allow Godzilla's body to enter vertically. If it is horizontal, it will hit the sides, and it is impossible to turn. This is A one-way street that only allows Godzilla to go one way.

Moreover, as Godzilla continued to dive after the unmanned submarine, the passage became narrower and narrower. Godzilla swung his tail and even began to collide with the canyon walls on both sides. Godzilla of the human submarine didn't notice this problem. Anyway, even if his body collided with the canyon wall next to him, it didn't matter. All the protruding stones were directly crushed by his body, and there were no stones that could stop him advance.

"Director, the target is about to enter the designated area."

"The torpedo can be buried, and it will be buried by remote detonation."

"Yes, bury the torpedo, and detonate it by remote control."

Under the control of the operator, the unmanned submarines that had been waiting above the canyon began to move one after another. The torpedoes loaded on the unmanned submarines were activated and rushed vertically into the ground above the canyon. The entire torpedo did not enter the ground, and even Drilled more than ten meters into the ground before stopping.

Although the lights were not turned on, the sudden collective action of the unmanned submarine still caught the attention of Godzilla in the canyon. It looked up to see what happened above the canyon, but because it had already gone deep into the canyon, it couldn’t see it even if it looked up. What is the situation above.

"Director, Godzilla has noticed something."

"Then start now, absolutely don't let it come up from below!"

For any attack, the first time is always the most effective, because the second time it is used, the opponent may not be able to be fooled. Godzilla is a creature full of wisdom.

Therefore, take advantage of Godzilla's failure to react for the first time, and act first!

"Detonate the torpedo!"

"Detonate the torpedo!"

Repeating Nick Fury's order, the operator detonated all the torpedoes, and the entire canyon area shook violently for a while, and the bottom of the deep sea instantly became cloudy, as if a submarine earthquake had suddenly erupted.

Godzilla, who was chasing the unmanned submarine under the canyon, immediately felt that something was wrong, but it was chasing too deep, and its huge body did not have enough time to react.

The huge earth and rocks on both sides of the canyon collapsed from the high ground and directly hit Godzilla, who was advancing at a high speed. The huge solid earth and rocks hit Godzilla's body like this, causing Godzilla's huge body to slam. As soon as he fell, he was hit by the following earth and rocks before he could stabilize himself. Soon his huge body landed directly on the seabed at the bottom of the canyon due to the continuous bombardment of the huge earth and rocks.

"The target has stopped moving, it touched the seabed!"

The operator who detected this situation through sonar immediately reported to Nick Fury. Nick Fury was finally a little happier after hearing the report, but the racial advantage made it impossible for others to see the change in his expression.

"Continue to blast. I want to ensure that hundreds of thousands of tons of rocks are pressed on that guy. It can sleep for such a long time without moving. I think hundreds of thousands of tons of rocks are just to make it unable to move. That's all, it can't be crushed to death."

If Godzilla was so easy to be crushed to death, and was crushed to death at the bottom of the sea, then it would not be Godzilla, so Nick Fury made the controller feel at ease, and he lost if he could be crushed to death!

The operator controlled the unmanned submarine to constantly change places and drop torpedoes to demolish the walls on both sides of the canyon. Earth and rocks were continuously blasted and rolled down and buried on Godzilla's back. Soon the huge Godzilla directly Those who were crushed could only see a little bit of the exposed tail, and everything else was buried tightly.

"Lose the target, the target has been completely buried by the rolling stone."

The operator looked at the results of the sonar scan in front of him and reported to Nick Fury.

"Preliminary judgment, the target is no longer able to resist, and the capture is complete."

Nick Fury, who heard the report, nodded in satisfaction. The first trial was successful. Their SHIELD just consumed some torpedoes and an unmanned submarine. Compared with the possible gains later, this point Losses are minimal.

However, due to the obstruction of the line of sight, no one noticed that on Godzilla's slightly exposed tail, blue light was spreading from the tip of the tail upwards.

Chapter 7. Dr. Crow's Mouth Serizawa

Can stones crush Godzilla? The answer is yes!

Although Godzilla's destructive power is powerful, it is a relatively scientific creature after all. Since it is science, even if it is relatively science, it is more important than respecting the great Mr. Newton!On the earth, whether you can fly or not, Newton has the final say!

Godzilla was buried alive by more than [-] tons or even hundreds of thousands of tons of stones, isn’t it Newtonian? It’s okay to be a fat house under the sea for so many years, even falling from a height of [-] meters, hundreds of thousands of tons of stones, just press it down, crush it to death, it doesn’t exist.

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