"Wow, looks like I've found a really nice helper."

Tony opened his mouth in surprise. Although he was ready to be surprised, he was still a little surprised to hear such words from Amakusa's mouth.

"Then, help me set up the laboratory on Mount Fuji."

Tony touched his chin and said the address.

"In this world, there is a special metal called holmium. This metal is collected from the volcano, so there will be no wild monsters around the volcano to attack, and I can also use materials from anywhere to conduct experimental research."

The holmium metal in the Tokyo area also comes from Mount Fuji, but it is not so easy to go there, so the output of holmium is very low, and every time it goes there will be accompanied by a certain degree of danger. Tony put the laboratory there, you can It is absolutely impossible to reduce the frequency of people coming to interfere to a great extent. There is no interference at all. It is naturally best to reduce the frequency as much as possible.

"No problem, I will help you choose the best place, and then build a laboratory according to your laboratory in Stark Tower."

Amakusa also visited Tony's laboratory, so just rebuild one with reality gems.

"Then, Mr. Stark, in what capacity do you intend to contact them?"

"In terms of identity, there are four famous scientists in this world. They are called the Four Sages. To be honest, I feel ashamed of their title, because this title is really useless. They are called Sages. , but can’t solve the world’s problems, it’s a shame.”


Facing Amakusa's question, Tony crossed his arms and looked proud.

"There are actually five of the four sages. It's completely fine, especially the fifth person is the real sage."

Chapter 29. Tony is ready to pretend

Tony has no status in this world, so in order to get enough benefits for himself and make things easy for him, he needs a very high status so that he can play freely when doing things.

After all, looking at other people's nostrils is not Tony's hobby, Tony only likes others looking at his own nostrils!

It is still very easy for Reality Gem to build a laboratory. After agreeing to Tony, Amakusa immediately opened the portal and took Tony and Thor to Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is an active volcano, and there are many unmined holmium metals in the mountain, so there are generally no gastritis here, but once it can break through regardless of the restraint magnetic field of holmium metal, it means that the gastrulation is at least relatively advanced Guy, otherwise I wouldn't be able to endure the discomfort caused by the holmium metal magnetic field.

The black-red particles overflowed from Amakusa's hands, and then fell on the ground, instantly dyeing a large area red, which looked like pollution, turning a large area of ​​the ground into black-red, and then strangely, the black The red ground began to turn into black mud and squirm.

"Oh, that looks really disgusting."

Tony, who was watching by the side, couldn't help but complain.

"Is it disgusting? I think it's pretty good. This color looks very deterrent."

Thor objected.

"Idiot aesthetics are amazing."

"Hey, you bastard, what do you mean, you're an idiot!"

These two guys are becoming more and more developed towards the two ninjas of a certain village, well, it's getting more and more interesting.

While listening to the constant noise of the two guys in the back, Amakusa controlled the Reality Gem and continued to build. Under the control of Amakusa, the black mud gathered into a huge round cake and was installed on Mount Fuji supported by several pillars. The crater looks like a dangerous building on the edge of a cliff.

Moreover, this building is exactly the same as Tony's seaside villa in Marbury in the Marvel world.

When the building took shape, Tony couldn't help being surprised.

"Wow~~ This is really eye-catching, this building is really great."

How could it not be great? This is his favorite villa. Although he usually stays in the Stark Tower in New York, when he is free, he still chooses to return to Marbury’s villa. What about the weapon backpacks he researched, although more have been put into space.

"However, Father Amakusa, why are you so familiar with my villa?"

Although I am very happy that my villa was restored by Amakusa, but Amakusa is so familiar with his villa, this does not seem to be a particularly good thing. I can touch it clearly!

"Probably because I went in and looked at it a few times."

How many times have you seen it so clearly?How many times have you visited my villa? ?

Tony stared at Amakusa with wide eyes, and Amakusa's smile made Tony stare blankly.

Jarvis is so useless that people have entered my villa many times without finding out. I must upgrade Jarvis when I go back.

"Come on, let's go in first, I designed it exactly according to the appearance of Mr. Stark's villa, if there is something wrong in it, Mr. Stark will find it out early, and then tell me, so that I can make changes. "

"No, if I find something wrong, I won't tell you."

Listening to Amakusa's words, Tony couldn't help complaining, and then walked into the villa first. What made Thor feel speechless was that Jarvis could link to this villa, and even Jarvis's server under the villa The switchboard can be linked, so that Jarvis has a switchboard in this world, instead of just being inside Tony's armor, acting as a treasure pendant elf.

"Sir, the layout here is exactly the same as the layout I am familiar with."

Linked to Jarvis of the villa, the voice immediately rang out in the villa.

"Okay, I see, Jarvis, you don't have to tell me."

Tony's face was a little dark, and after telling Jarvis to shut up, he went straight to the basement. The basement is his research room, where all his research equipment is located, and all his inventions are researched there. That set is just a copy there, and the things here are Tony Stark's original set of equipment.

"Everything is there, and it is exactly the same as what I used before, even some broken places."

After searching the entire underground research room, Tony looked at Amakusa with strange eyes.

"How on earth did you do it?"

Amakusa kept smiling and didn't answer.

Do you want me to tell you that I made it exactly as you remember it?Although Amakusa has been to the villa, it is naturally impossible to fully grasp the situation of the villa. The reason why this villa can be built is entirely relying on the Mind Gem to extract information from Tony's memory, and then directly manufacture it on the spot, and print it with someone on the spot. same guy.

"Forget it, I don't want to know, it will definitely make me very upset."

Tony also understood that Amakusa didn't want to tell him, so he simply gave himself a step down, turned to look at this very familiar laboratory, his expression gradually became serious.

Humans in this world are vulnerable groups, and the enemies of human beings are those terrifying gastrula, but the technology tree of this world seems to be a bit crooked. It is already 2030, and no weapons that can be used in a large scale in the military have been developed yet. Instead, I like to study some small weapons, such as the super-tech soldier project, what kind of stuff is that, is it as good as my armor?A beam saber can teach all of you guys to be human, and the four sages are a bunch of spicy chickens!


"Sir, what are your orders?"

"Help me make a schedule."

"Sir, please tell me."

"Let the satellites orbit the earth and invade all the networks of human gathering places on the way. I want to know all their weapon technology information, and then develop a weapon that just hits them."

"Ok sir."

"Then help me create a biological research project to collect news about protoviruses in this world. I'm going to do a cross-border research."

"Sir, biology is not your field of expertise."

"It doesn't matter. If you are not good at it, you can learn it. There are a lot of biology learning materials in my villa. I can become a biologist here!"

"Ok sir."

The genius Tony Stark is about to start pretending!

Chapter 30. The Poor Male Protagonist

"They're gone?"

At the Security Headquarters in Tokyo, Tendo Kikunojo was very surprised when he heard the report from the people below.

"Yes, my lord, the people sent by the security company below searched the outer area, but found nothing."

"They made sure they didn't find anything. Didn't our people see that he had to go to the outer area? The radar also said that the car had arrived, and he landed in the outer area."

"That's true, but my lord, they hardly detected anything."

"he's gone?"

Tendo Kikunojo stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes, and began to think.

"Suddenly appeared in Tokyo, went to the library, then left in public, and finally disappeared. What does he want to do?"

Talking to himself in a low voice, Tendo Kikunojo tried to find Tony's purpose from the trajectory of Tony Stark's actions, but he couldn't figure out why Tony just came to the Tokyo Library, and according to the investigation in the library, Records show that Tony just glanced at the history of the establishment of the Tokyo area.

It has only been more than ten years since the establishment of the Tokyo District. There is a fart history, all in such a small place and in such a short time. The superficial history is basically known to everyone, and the deep-seated history is impossible for the embassy. You will find it, and you can basically find nothing when you go to the library to inquire about information!

But in this situation where basically nothing can be found, he went to the library to investigate. Why?

Tendo Kikunojo would not believe that Tony, a guy with such a powerful individual weapon, would do such a useless behavior.

Could it be that!

Tendo Kikunojo suddenly thought of something, to tune the tiger away from the mountain!

This foreigner who appeared suddenly came to the Tokyo area with a very advanced individual weapon. He didn't make a big noise on purpose, but he just made a behavior that could attract all the eyes of the high-level people in the Tokyo area. , let him Tendo Kikunojo shift his gaze to him, and then left in a high-profile way, forcing Tendo Kikunojo to investigate him. At this time, all eyes were on Tony, so he ignored many other things.

"He did that on purpose, just to attract my attention, so that others can act at this time!"

Tendo Kikunojo understood that he was deceived, the other party's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain was successful, and he spent a day on the other party's body.

"Quickly, investigate. During this day, all suspicious people in Tokyo, especially whether anyone has entered Tokyo from the outside."

Tendo Kikunojo's order was quickly passed on to his subordinates, and the army in the entire Tokyo area began to function, and began to inquire in the past few days, especially whether there were people entering or exiting the Tokyo area yesterday, or spies in other areas in the Tokyo area.

For a while, the downtown area of ​​Tokyo could be said to be in a state of chaos. Many people were inexplicably arrested and interrogated in a dazed manner.

This situation puzzles many people in Tokyo. For example, Rentaro Satomi, who is the leading actor in this world, is also a facilitator who has fought against gastritis while being a high school student. .

"Someone from outside Tokyo invaded Tokyo?"

Hearing the news from his president, Satomi Rentaro was very surprised.

"It's such a time, and you still think about invading Tokyo. Shouldn't human beings fight against intestinal animals together at this time?"

As a partner of justice, Satomi Rentaro is full of justice in his heart, and he embarked on the path of fighting monsters for human beings at a young age, but now he sees a news of human beings fighting each other.

"Rentaro, what makes you think that human beings have stopped fighting, even in the face of the danger of extinction, human beings are still fighting each other, even if there are only two people left in the end, they may fight because of some trivial things. "

Black silk, long legs, school uniform, black and straight!The girl sitting on the bench next to him answered his question, Tendo Kisara, the boss of Satomi Rentaro, the president of the company, and also a female high school student who is very good at playing with knives.

"But, it has already reached this point, do they want to make human beings extinct?"

"No, at most it's just Tokyo being destroyed. Human beings are not extinct. In some people's opinion, as long as they are alive, human beings will not be extinct. As for those who oppose them, it is better to be extinct."

Tiantongmu crossed his arms and expressed his opinion indifferently.

"Then what should we do? If someone wants to destroy Tokyo, as you said, we, as residents of Tokyo, cannot sit still."

"That's right, although I hate working for that old man, but if we want to destroy the enemies in Tokyo, we really need to make a move, especially if that guy also offers a reward."

Although she is a president, it's a pity that this young president doesn't have much money. She is so poor that even the company doesn't have much money, and she is repeatedly jumping on the verge of bankruptcy.

"So, Rentaro, hurry up and get out to work now! Go find those spies who want to destroy the Tokyo area! Just find one, and you can get 100 million! We can eat normally for several months!"

When it comes to money, Tiantong Mugeng finally came to the nature, she became excited!

I can't help it, I'm too poor, I have opened a company, and the security companies are getting bigger and bigger, and I'm the only one who is poor, and it's hard to raise the money to pay the rent every month.

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