"I will!"

In the same way, Satomi Rentaro also understands that he can't do anything without money. He hasn't eaten meat for a long time, so in order to have a good life, he must work hard!

"Rentaro, remember, you must catch the enemy earlier than others!"


After accepting the order, Satomi Rentaro took a pistol and went out. As a facilitator, he is allowed to hold a weapon, and the weapon is a special holmium metal weapon, which is specially used to fight against gastroenteritis. Of course, some facilitators Participants will also bring some common weapons to fight against their peers.

The whole city of Tokyo started to move. There are still many promoters like Rentaro Satomi. The government's bounty is 100 million per person. In this apocalyptic environment, the amount is very high and it is worth working hard.

However, before Satomi Rentaro went to find the enemy, he had to find his companion first. As his initiator, Aihara Enju, a protovirus infected person with rabbit gene, and this child, now She is active in the outskirts of Tokyo. She was born in the outskirts and has many friends here. From time to time, she will come back to visit them, so Satomi Rentaro happened to go to the outskirts to pick her up.

Coincidentally, Thor, the god of thunder, was also coming down from Mount Fuji, flying towards the outskirts of Tokyo, and after being brought into this world, he was completely unaware of what was going on in this world, so he was very leisurely, so Tony simply gave him A task, let him help collect the cursed child back, so that Tony can study the original enterovirus.

Chapter 31. Shocked, three young girls peek at Thor taking a shower

What is the use of Thor?For running errands, of course!Anyway, idle is idle, and this Thor has nothing to do.

From Mount Fuji, Thor turned his hammer, and let the hammer fly him all the way back to Tokyo.

Dragging his own half of the red cloak, Thor landed on the ruins that had been moved away before, with a very handsome posture.

"So, why don't you just open a portal and send me over instead of letting me fly over!"

Only half of the cloak left was stained with some disgusting-looking green liquid. Those were the blood of Gastrea. During the flight from Mount Fuji, Thor encountered several flying Gastrea. The huge praying mantis and the huge moth looked very disgusting because of the original enterovirus, and they were blown up one by one by Thor with a hammer.

Although it is said that these Gastrea have the ability to regenerate, after being directly killed, there is no chance of regeneration, unless their regeneration level is high enough that they can grow back even if they are dismembered.

Do you know Thor's Hammer?Learn about lightning therapy.

Because the distance was too close, Thor was splattered with blood, green and sticky. It looked very disgusting, and Thor felt very disgusting, so he couldn't help complaining about Amakusa.

"I have to find a place to wash it, or I will be disgusted by these things!"

Thor wiped the green liquid off his body, pursed his mouth and looked disgusted, and then began to look for a place with water.

There are also rivers in the outer area of ​​Tokyo. Although the rivers here are basically used by factories to discharge sewage, they are at least a source of water.

Thor flew into the sky and found the river easily, then flew from the sky to the river, and flew all the way to the side of the river before falling down.

Still the same as before, he landed on one knee very handsomely, the red cloak rattled behind him, and then stood up slowly with a resolute expression, um, full of masculinity.

Then he quickly tore off his cloak in disgust, threw the hammer on the ground, pulled the cloak and jumped into the shallow water, and then began to scrub his cloak.

Thor buried himself in cleaning his cloak, unaware that he had been watched all the time, since he flew here and landed, he had been stared at.

"Who is that man and why can he fly?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be different from those people."

"I know, I know, it's a foreigner, and the hair of a foreigner is that color."

"Can all foreigners fly?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen a foreigner before."

"I know, I know, foreigners can fly, especially those in red clothes, they fly very fast!"

The three little girls hid behind a broken wall, looked at Thor who was scrubbing his cloak in the shallow water through the cracks in the wall, and discussed while watching. This foreigner who fell from the sky made them very curious. They had never I have seen so-called foreigners.

"Is he doing his laundry there?"

"I don't know, but it looks like it's doing laundry."

"I know, I know, he's doing the laundry. Foreigners in red often wash their red clothes!"

"Hua Jiang, how do you know everything?"

"Yes, Hua Jiang, why do you know everything?"

"Heh heh heh~~ You don't know, but I know a lot of things!"

"But what are we going to do now, should we go out? Or wait for him to leave before going out?"

The three little girls are all carriers of the original enterovirus, the so-called children of the curse. They live in the outer area, together with other little girls. This time the three of them came out to fetch water, in order to prevent others from being I caught them, so they all live in the sewers. There is no food in the sewers, so they need to come out to fetch water regularly. Even if the water in this river has been polluted, they can only choose to fetch water here.

But before they came to fetch water, they met Thor who happened to fly over, this foreigner who flew over from the sky, which made them afraid to go out to fetch water.

"When will he wash it, and how can he wash it until now?"

"I don't know. Judging by his appearance, it seems that he doesn't know how to wash clothes at all."

"Hua Jiang, do you know?"

"Um... Well, foreigners probably do laundry slower."

"He better hurry up. The elder told us to go back quickly. It will be very dangerous if we stay outside for a long time."

The three little girls stared at Thor nervously, hoping that Thor could go faster. Only when Thor left quickly could they fetch water. There were no shallow water areas in other places, and they were not tall enough to go down that far. Go to a deep place.

However, Thor didn't do what they wanted. After washing his cloak, Thor threw the cloak on his shoulders and began to wash his body again. Although the most blood was blown on the cloak, his body was also splashed. A lot of blood, so the body also needs to be washed.

So, Thor began to take off his clothes, pushed off all the armor on his upper body, and began to wash in shallow water with his shirt off. The scene looked very inappropriate for children.

The three little girls were so frightened that they covered their eyes with their hands, but couldn't help being curious. Their fingers showed a few big gaps, and then they stared straight through the gaps. Shocked, the three young girls actually peeked A muscular man taking a bath, is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!

The three little girls watched Thor wash their upper body clean, but did not see Thor take off his pants, because even if Thor had no brains, he knew that he could not take off his pants casually outside, that would be too embarrassing.

After washing himself, Thor threw all his clothes and armor on his left shoulder, and went ashore.

"Huh~~ He is finally leaving."

"Well, we're finally leaving."

"Yes, yes, I'm finally leaving, and I'm getting impatient."

Seeing that Thor was about to leave, the three little girls finally relaxed. As a result, the relaxation made their voices a little louder, and Thor immediately heard the voices of the three little girls.

Thor, who was about to leave, immediately frowned and turned his head in the direction of the three girls. Looking at the broken wall, his intuition told him that the person who made the sound was behind the wall. Thor jumped hard and landed on the ground. Behind the wall, someone descended from the sky, and instantly appeared behind the three little girls.

"Hey! You little guys."

Thor suddenly spoke behind the three little girls, and the little girls turned and leaned against the wall in fright.

"Huh? Your eyes..."

The three little girls were frightened by Thor and opened their eyes wide. Thor also clearly saw their three red pupils, and understood that these three little girls were the sons of the curse that Tony said. However, Thor had just stretched out his hand. , I heard someone shouting behind me.

"Stop, let them go!"

Accompanied by the shout, there was also a roaring fist.

Chapter 32. Super Villain Thor

Thor would never have thought that he only came here for a while, because he was dirty, and then went to wash it, and when he turned around, he happened to meet a few little girls, and then he was treated as a pervert by another person.

Of course, he didn't think of this, because Thor, the god of thunder, can't speak Japanese!

You may not believe it, but as a time traveler, Thor doesn't know the local language!

Thor, who was shirtless and threw all his clothes on his shoulders, was in the state of reaching out to touch the three little girls, and the three little girls had frightened expressions on their faces. A smile, a very wretched smile.

If the people around saw this, no matter how they looked at it, they would think it was an exhibitionist pervert who was extending his sinful hands to the three little lolis.

And this situation happened to be seen by Rentaro Satomi, the partner of justice, who happened to come to the outer area to find his initiator Aihara Enju, but before Aihara Enju saw it, he first saw a shirtless big man Chao Xiao Lori made a move.

As a partner of justice, how could Rentaro Satomi allow such a thing to happen, so he rushed forward immediately.

"Stop, let them go!"

In order to prevent Thor from succeeding, Satomi Rentaro rushed over while shouting, and even waved his fist, preparing to directly knock Thor back.

Rentaro's behavior of exposing himself by yelling before attacking naturally made Thor react. His fighting instinct made him tilt his head immediately, letting Rentaro's fist pass directly over his shoulder, and at the same time immediately Squatting down, grabbing the arm on the shoulder with the left hand, and throwing it over the shoulder with force, Rentaro was thrown out, and directly hit the abandoned wall next to it. broken.

Rentaro fell down with the wall.

Seeing Thor and Rentaro fighting suddenly, the three little girls screamed in fright.


Rentaro heard the little girl's scream, and immediately struggled to get up. Although he was a male high school student, Rentaro's body was not an ordinary body. One of his arms and one leg were not made of flesh and blood. It is mechanical, even made of holmium metal. He can be said to be half a robot, so his physical fitness can be said to be much better than ordinary people. Being thrown out this time did not have much impact on him.

After getting up, while shouting, Rentaro threw himself at Thor.

"What's the name of that ghost all the time!"

Thor couldn't understand what Rentaro said, but seeing Rentaro always yelling, a little angry, he swung his fist directly, and punched Rentaro who was rushing up.

Thor's Asgardian body, and still awakened Thor's power, this punch went down and hit Rentaro's side face directly, causing Rentaro to spin and fly backwards.


Rentaro opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood, and even threw out a few teeth, then fell to the ground, rolled several times in a row before hitting a wall again and stopped.

"It's really annoying. He's obviously a brat, but he's making a lot of noise."

Knocking Rentaro away with one punch, Thor couldn't help complaining, then looked at the three little girls in the corner who were too frightened to open their mouths, and immediately showed a smile. Very scary smile.

"Oh, sorry, I scared you."

Although it is an apology, in the eyes of the little girl, this big man looks too scary, and most importantly, they can't understand what this big man said, well, one speaks English, and the other one speaks Japanese , is not a language at all, and now that all countries in the world are isolated from each other, there are not many foreigners who come to communicate with them. They don't even have books, they just can speak Japanese, Japanese I don't know how to write it.

Therefore, seeing Thor's terrifying smile, the three little girls finally couldn't hold back anymore, and cried out directly from the state of being frightened.

This time, it was Thor's turn to be confused, he came to find someone, why did he start crying all of a sudden, this is not right!

Thor quickly waved his hand in apology.

"Oh, sorry, I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just apologized to you."

"Bastard, get out of Xiao Hua's side!"

Just as Thor was apologizing to the three girls, another figure sprang out from behind, cut through the air, and quickly came to Thor's side, and kicked Thor at the moment Thor didn't react, Thor thought He wanted to turn his body to avoid the kick, but he was kicked alone, and he flew upside down. It looked like the same script as Rentaro before, except that the part of spinning in the air was missing.


Kicking Thor's figure to the ground, the three little girls immediately recognized each other. It was Rentaro's initiator Aihara Enju, a protovirus infected person with the rabbit gene. Because of the rabbit gene, she His feet are very strong, and his movement speed is very fast. After hearing the movement, he came over immediately, and then rushed directly to Thor's side. After all, a shirtless guy in broad daylight doesn't look like a good person. The girl is also crying, let's kick it first!

"It's okay, I'm here, Hua Jiang, don't worry."

The boot with the holmium metal plate attached kicked Thor's stomach. If Thor was an ordinary person, his internal organs should have been smashed by the kick by now, and he died on the spot. For example, the kidney was broken, or The liver was shattered, but Thor didn't suffer much, he just felt a little pain.

Getting up from the ground, Thor rubbed his stomach, looked at Yanju who was talking with three little girls not far away, feeling a little speechless, how did this little girl do it, and kicked herself away with one kick Yes, even a little pain!

It doesn’t matter that the earthlings in the world I was in before were powerful, but why are they so ruthless in this world? Forget it, although they are a bit ruthless, they are still much weaker than Tony Stark. Although this kick is a bit painful, But it's bearable, no problem.

"Forget it, I can't understand the words of people in this world, let's take them back first, and let that tin woodman have a headache!"

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