Tony, wearing sunglasses, approached the meeting room and immediately smiled hippiely after seeing a lot of people.

"It's really early enough for you to come, I'm not late, am I?"

"Mr. Stark, you are not late, the time is just right."

The Self-Defense Force officer next to him answered immediately.

"Oh, then I'll be the last one."

Tony walked to an empty seat as he spoke.

"It is said that the protagonist always arrives at the most critical moment. It seems that I am the protagonist, so I will be present at such a critical moment."

After speaking, he just sat down on his buttocks, then folded his hands on his chest and tilted his neck, squinting his eyes and scanning the people present through the sunglasses.

"It's really hard for you. You came so early just to wait for my arrival."


On the opposite side of the table, a big man with a big sword on his back couldn't help but want to curse, but was stopped by a fat man in a suit in front of him.

"Shut up, do you know who you're talking to? That's Mister Stark!"

The fat man in the suit scolded the big man sternly, and then nodded to Tony with a smile in the blink of an eye.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Stark, my men offended you."

"It's nothing, my lord has a lot, and I won't bother with him, but my subordinates may not be able to, so let him be smarter."

"Yes, yes, I will teach him well."

The fat man in the suit quickly nodded and laughed.

Although Thor has never made a move so far, Tony has a good reputation, and Sima Heavy Industry and the Tokyo Self-Defense Force are behind him. The guy in Tokyo has an official background standing behind Tony, so don't provoke him if you can, and it's even better to hug his thigh.

Everyone else saw them, but no one dared to speak, and when Tony looked at them, they all greeted them with smiles. This is the benefit of status.

Of course, except for a group of people, it is very disrespectful to Tony.

People from Tendo Security Company, the boss Tendo Kisara and her subordinates Satomi Rentaro and Aihara Nobuju.

Tendoki was even better, but just looked at Tony indifferently, while Rentaro and Aihara Enju gritted their teeth bitterly, feeling like they would pounce on Tony in the next second and kill Tony directly, partners of justice, Now she hates the notorious Tony. Tony took Aihara Enju's friend and even killed him in her opinion. Rentaro saw Tony kill people in the street many times, and after killing him, he still Nothing happened.

"I really didn't expect that Stark Security Company is also qualified to enter this kind of occasion."

Tiantongmu remained even more indifferent, but couldn't help but sneer.

"Even children can come to this kind of occasion, why can't I? At least I think we work better than children who can only yell."

Tony's character is not that he doesn't answer after listening, he immediately responded. He has seen Rentaro too many times during this time, and every time he sees him, he is yelling and condemning him in various ways. , although the heart is good, but I have to say that Rentaro makes him feel a little annoying, look at the little spider, he never yells, he only babbles!

When Tony said this, the people next to her all laughed, and they laughed very cooperatively at Tendo Kisara and Rentaro behind her.

"But Uncle Tony won't blame you, because you are children after all, many things don't move, Uncle Tony will give you time to let you understand slowly."

After saying this, Tony no longer cared about Tendo Kisara's reaction, but took out his mobile phone from his pocket and began to check the information.

Jarvis has helped him collect the information he needs, and now he needs to see what's going on this time.

Amidst the laughter, the big screen in the meeting room lit up, and two people appeared on the big screen. One was Tendo Kikunojo, the ruler in Tokyo, and the other was the puppet ruler, Setenko. The back half of the figure showed the attitude of the emperor headed by the emperor, which made Tony, who just finished reading the message, couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

"Everyone, good morning."

Sheng Tianzi, who seemed to be suffering from severe albinism and glowing all over his body, politely greeted the people on the screen, and then began to explain the reason for calling everyone here this time.

An important thing was stolen, that thing is very important, a carelessness may cause a disaster, and then as long as whoever can get that thing back, the Tokyo government will give a reward of 10 billion yen.

10 billion yen, although the yen is not that valuable, but converted into US dollars, it is nearly [-] million US dollars, it is not expensive, and it is not cheap, at least Tony thinks that is the case , can't afford even one of his armored legs.

In short, after some introduction, let everyone understand that a very important thing has been lost and needs to be retrieved. This task is very valuable.

Everyone began to gear up and prepare to take action, but Tiantong Mugeng instinctively felt that something was wrong, what could be so valuable, is there any ulterior and shocking secret in it?

Therefore, Tentong Mugeng stood up and questioned him, but in the middle of speaking, a person suddenly jumped out.

"it's me!"

A man in a tuxedo, a tall hat and a clown mask suddenly appeared on the conference table, and he was not a good person at first glance.

Seeing this, Tony immediately turned his head to signal Amakusa. Amakusa understood Tony's meaning and controlled the three loli to pounce on them immediately, and was hacked to death by a loli who jumped out from the side.

Very good, three more heads have been given away, and people can be asked for from the Overseer Agency again.

Chapter 52. The next step is to test your acting skills

Dead, dead again!Oh no, loli is dead again.

Tendo Kikunojo looked at the three lolis who died on the table through the screen, and couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows. Although he had seen Tony kill his cursed son many times, he let his subordinates No matter how you look at it, it's weird that the son of the curse is sent to death.

Even if he hates the son of the curse, he hasn't reached such a level of madness. Even if he is allowed to kill him, he will be tired of killing him. Tony, this guy, can't stop at all when he abuses the son of the curse.

The staff of the International Initiator Supervision Agency now sees Tony's bureau as a headache, because there are too many initiators in Tony's hands, so that there are not enough initiators in Tokyo, and the promoters are not Then it’s easy to be a promoter. Every facilitator must be a seasoned warrior, and the requirements are very high, so naturally there will not be so many starters, especially since the starters are all sons of the curse with fighting qualifications. You have to go through training again, how can it be so easy to come.

But now, three more died, three at a time each time, it was too miserable.

Tiantong Kikunojo calmed down his heart, it's okay, he hates the cursed son, the cursed son is dead, isn't this just in line with his own mind?

After comforting himself, Tendo Kikunojo stared at the masked man on the screen with wide eyes.

"who are you!"

Tendo Kikunojo knew exactly who the other person was, because he was the one who recruited him, but at this time, he had to pretend not to know, and only by asking could he show that he really didn't know.

"I'm here to destroy you!"

The masked man looked up at the screen, and he and Tendo Kikunojo were staring at each other. Because they were wearing masks, they didn't know if they were really staring at each other, or they were exchanging secret signs. In short, they were just staring at each other.

"Everyone, he is our enemy, please take him down!"

Sheng Tianzi was the first to realize that three lolitas were dead, so he couldn't continue watching no matter what he looked at, so he immediately called the people in the conference room to beat the masked man.

Everyone acted immediately and rushed forward, except the three of Tony.

As a result, all the attacking people stopped in front of the masked man inexplicably, as if they were blocked by something.

"Oh? Repulsive field?"

Tony saw at a glance what was going on with the operation of blocking everyone's attacks.

"As expected of Mr. Stark, who is called the fifth sage, he can see my ability at a glance."

The masked man glanced at Tony in surprise, but immediately clapped his hands in praise. Tony's reputation is too loud now, as a scientist, it's okay to see through it at a glance, isn't it?

After finishing speaking, the masked man exerted his strength.

“Spicy Sweet Sen!”

Everyone surrounding him was repulsed, including Satomi Rentaro who rushed forward.

"That's all for today. I'm here mainly to tell you that I am determined to get that thing, and I will use that thing to destroy Tokyo. If you can stop me, just come, I'm waiting for you , especially you, Satomi-kun, I am looking forward to your performance."

As a partner of justice, he should be remembered by the villain.

After talking so much, the masked man jumped out of the window with the cursed son in his hand, not caring at all that this is actually a high-level building, and Tony didn't look over in a hurry, instead he took out his phone and tapped again After a few clicks, Jarvis immediately used the satellite to track and shoot the masked man's movements. Even if the masked man sneaked into the sewer, Tony's satellite could still scan his movement track in the sewer, but he couldn't see the picture.

"The repulsive force field, but I didn't use any auxiliary tools. The source of the repulsive force is not a tool, but myself. Hehe, it's really interesting. I transformed the repulsive force generating device into my body."

Tony asked Jarvis to track and analyze the masked man, and soon he analyzed the specific situation of the masked man, a man with a modified body.

Among the four sages, some people studied this aspect, and soon Tony got the information he wanted.

Zhizi Yingyin, with a particularly difficult name to pronounce, is the facilitator and one of the experimental subjects of the New Human Creation Project. His whole body is almost composed of prosthetic limbs.

"Well, this one is quite like what I said before."

What I make is not a weapon, but a prosthetic, a prosthetic that assists me in my movements!At the beginning, the US government asked Tony for trouble, and Tony used such an excuse to refuse, but now he really met a guy with prosthetic limbs all over his body.

"This is already half a robot. This kind of technology is fine."

Tony appreciated this technology, but he didn't think it was advisable to replace all human bodies with prosthetic limbs, because in the end, people might no longer be human, and they would already be biochemical humans.

"Everyone, please listen to me."

The Holy Son of Heaven also began to speak again at this time.

"He is a very dangerous person, and he is also looking for our lost items. I hope that you can act before them to find our lost items, and after you find the items, please do not open them. If you open them, it will Invite a devastating disaster to the city of Tokyo."

The Holy Son of Heaven has already talked about this, everyone should act quickly.

So, everyone immediately got up, rushed out of the meeting room, and prepared to act. The Self-Defense Forces were also very cooperative at this time, giving these security companies the information they needed at any time, such as where the box was lost, maybe in somewhere or something.

In the entire conference room, only the three of Tony were left, and Tony, who was sitting in his seat, even had time to chew some gum.

"Mr. Stark, please act now."

Sheng Tianzi looked at Tony through the screen. As Sheng Tianzi, she had never met Tony, but she had read Tony’s information. After all, she is now a guest of the Tokyo government. Sold many high-tech weapons to Tokyo.

"I'm not in a hurry, I've got my satellite looking for it, and it should be found soon."

Tony stood up, chewing gum.

"If that's the case, it's best."

"But I'm curious, how did you manage to get such an important thing as Qixing's relic to be taken away by a gastrula, I don't think a gastrula, and it's a low-level gastrula, can be so smart Infiltrate into the military base of the human city, and quietly take away a box."

Sheng Tianzi looked at Tony in surprise, and then his face was full of helplessness.

"It seems, Mr. Stark, you know a lot of things."

Chapter 53. The Crazy Kidnapping Lolita

After chatting with Sheng Tianzi for a while, and letting Sheng Tianzi understand that he had learned a lot, Tony left from the meeting room. He is now very interested in the so-called seven-star legacy, because the information in the Tokyo government It has not been recorded, that is to say, this thing is a very important thing that only a few people know. It is so important that it cannot be recorded on paper. It can only be remembered by some people. stand up.

"Interesting. In this way, if you want to understand what happened, you have to check it out slowly. This is not an efficient thing."

But Tony is not worried that he will not be able to find out, because there is Amakusa next to him, and he has seen the ability of magic, especially Amakusa has a mind gem in his hand. No one can hide his thoughts in front of him.

So Tony is not in a hurry, and he doesn't expect to rule the world. What he wants to do is to save the world, but to change the world, especially to change the situation suffered by the sons of the curse in this world, so the original background is temporarily unimportant .

On the way back, sitting in the car, Tony continued to use his mobile phone to remotely monitor the masked man Hiruko Yingyin. Under the satellite scanning and monitoring, Hiruko Yingyin ran around in the sewer, and then jumped out of the sewer in the outer area of ​​Tokyo.

After leaving the sewer, they were completely exposed to the satellite. Tony watched the two people, one big and one small, pass through the outer area, leave the Tokyo area, and directly enter the forest outside Tokyo.

"Go out directly? It's interesting."

Tony was very surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would dare to rush outside. What is the place outside? It's a virgin forest, full of gastritis everywhere. Tony would find it annoying to go in with the armor, and this reformer rushed in like this , I am really confident in myself.

In other words, the transformed man also has other abilities that allow him to fight against intestinal animals in the wild for a long time.

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