The density of gastritis outside is very high. Unless you become a servant like Tony, as long as you have enough magic power, you can fight tirelessly. Otherwise, you will be exhausted to deal with gastritis. Even the strongest in the world can't hold on.

Therefore, this Zhizi Yingyin dared to charge in like this, he must have a trump card, otherwise it would be impossible to survive, either he could avoid the attack of the gastritis, or he could face the attack of the gastritis head-on.

"My intuition tells me that if I follow him, I will definitely be able to find that seven-star legacy."

Tony said and threw the phone to Amakusa next to him.

"Follow him?"

"Yes, I think it's absolutely fine to follow him."

"Indeed, if you follow him, you can find the thing that was lost in Tokyo this time, and that thing is very troublesome."

"Trouble? I like to hear these words very much. The more troublesome things are, the more I am interested in them. After I get the legacy of the Seven Stars, I must study it carefully."

"It's fine for you to research, but it's best to pay attention to the surrounding situation before you do your research, otherwise it will easily cause a big disaster."

Amakusa knew that Tony wanted to study, but before doing the research, he had to tell Tony about the possible troubles.

"A disaster? I think it would be difficult for this world to have any disasters with Father Amakusa around."

Tony has seen the abilities of those around Amakusa, and Amakusa's magic is even more exaggerated. Take the Reality Gem as an example. In this world without any high-end combat power, Tony is almost invincible, let alone Tony has no The solution is Amakusa.

"So, no matter how I play Father Amakusa in this world, you can help me, right, as long as I don't want to destroy the world."

"So it is."

"That's fine."

Tony happily put on the sunglasses again, with a happy smile.

"Now, we have to wait quietly for our friend Zhizi Yingyin to help us find the box, and then go over and take the box from him. Before that, we have to go to the International Initiator Supervisor Agency, our starter just died in battle, so we need to replenish the starter now, otherwise we won't be able to go into the forest outside Tokyo and fight gastrella."

"That's right, that's how it should be."

Amakusa also smiled, nodding affirmatively.

The pitch-black car drove quickly all the way to the International Starter Supervisory Agency, a place Tony is very familiar with. After seeing the black car, the staff immediately had a headache. It was these three people again, here again.

"Mr. Stark, why are you here again?"

"My friend, don't you welcome me, it's hard for me to come here."

Tony opened his hands, as if to hug the staff, but the staff actively avoided it.

"Mr. Stark, there is no way for you to go on like this."

Every time Tony came over, he gave the staff back a sum of money, and then he chose it at will. The staff dared to accept it a few times before, but later, they really didn’t dare to accept it, because the money was really too much. He is just an employee of the Tokyo branch. If the headquarters finds out that he has accepted so many bribes, he will be beaten to death.

But Tony came over every other week, every other week, and couldn't stop him at all.

"I can't help it, but this time it's really different from before. I admit that I was not careful before and let those initiators fall to their deaths, but this time is different. This time they died in a very fair way On the battlefield, something big happened in Tokyo, you know, our initiator died fighting the enemy, which is different from those who accidentally fell to death before!"

Tony explained without hesitation.

"You can't let me have no one in my hand. If I have no one in my hand, how can I fight the enemy, right?"

"Well, this time it's normal."

Being stared at by Tony, the staff was very helpless. He couldn't refute this excuse. The person who died in a frontal battle was not killed on purpose by Tony. Why don't you give it to others.

"Hahaha, you really deserve to be my good friend, I went in first to pick."

Tony happily patted the staff on the shoulder, then approached the cell skillfully, and began to pick people.

The staff was speechless for a while seeing Tony's operation more proficiently than himself. He couldn't remember how many times Tony came here.

When Tony was choosing the initiator, Hiruko Yingyin also found his target in the primeval forest outside Tokyo, a spider-shaped gastrula. Inside the stomach of this spider was the box that was lost by the Tokyo government. , the legacy of the Seven Stars.

Chapter 54. Come, Let's Fight the Landlords

"Friend, thank you for your cooperation, I will come to you next time!"

At the gate of the International Starter Supervisory Agency, Tony happily patted the staff on the shoulder, making the staff want to cry without tears. After patting the shoulder, Tony took the three loli into the car together, Amakusa and Thor followed After getting into the car, the car set off under the control of Jarvis.

After the car started, it set off directly towards the outskirts of Tokyo. Along the way, Amakusa activated the teleportation and returned to the villa with the three loli, and then threw the three loli to the old lady Hong A and the loli king Ilya. Then use the display gems to squeeze out three loli to take away.

The whole process took less than a minute. She left the car and then returned to the car. After returning, she has become a loli made out of three reality gems.

"It's really fast."

Looking at the four people who came back, Tony couldn't help sighing.

"After all, I am already very proficient, and I can pinch people at any time. No matter what, once I am proficient, it will naturally become faster."

Amakusa sat in his seat, and at the same time controlled the three lolis to sit down together.

"This time, the International Initiator Supervisory Agency should lose a lot of manpower."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Seven Star's legacy was taken outside of Tokyo. If you want to get it back, you have to leave Tokyo. Although this is a common thing for those security companies, this time it is different from usual. This time they have to face It's not those LV1LV2 miscellaneous gastratus before, what they have to face is absolute despair for them."

"That's a real pity."

Tony didn't care, and then his eyes lit up immediately.

"No, in this way, we will also suffer a lot of losses. For example, the initiators in our hands fought outside, and then unfortunately died again. Don't you think it is very miserable."

"Yes, we will have a lot to lose this time as well."

As a partner who has been cooperating for several months, Amakusa naturally understands what Tony means. With the help of Hiruko Yingyin, the three lolitas have just been sent away. The three lolitas that I just got now can be sent out soon. Yes, if this time the matter drags on for a little longer, you can even send out several Pololi. Other facilitators have to go through a lot of procedures to find important people from the International Initiator Supervisory Agency, but Tony is different. As a senior scientist Well, his status made it so that he didn't need to go through so many procedures, he just had to go directly to ask for someone. As for the staff member's obstruction, it was not enough to watch.

What the staff member was worried about was always the number of starters. The trained starters in the Tokyo branch were almost destroyed by Tony.

But the problem is that they can't find a new starter to supplement in a short period of time. The loli in Tokyo were all harmed by Tony and Amakusa, and now they are all living on Mount Fuji. Good day, totally unaware that Tony has been playing in Tokyo for several months.

Under the control of Jarvis, the car came all the way to the outskirts of Tokyo and stopped beside a huge stone monument.

"Okay, the next place, we can't drive, we need to walk forward."

Tony looked up at the sky.

"Jarvis, what's going on with our Mr. Clown?"

"Sir, the target has found the Gastrea that stole the box, killed the Gastrea, took out the box from the Gastrea's body, and is now heading towards a ruin. Judging from the simulation, the opponent should be there Stopped at a ruin near the Pacific Ocean, where there is a relatively intact church building."

"That is to say, he has already done everything, just waiting for me to accept it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, that is really an excellent wage earner. If I have such an employee, I will be very happy."

Tony said and looked at Amakusa.

"Hey, man, open the door, you are a priest, and the place we are going to is a church, which really fits your status."

"Indeed, I have been living in Mr. Stark's villa for the past few months, and I haven't been to church for a long time."

Amakusa raised his hand and opened a portal while talking and laughing. The opposite of the portal happened to be the gate of the church.

The three of them took the three lolitas through the portal and entered the church. Zhi Ziyingyin would never have imagined that someone was already waiting for him at his final destination.

During the period when Zhizi Yingyin hadn't come over, Tony didn't want to be idle, so he simply asked Amakusa to find something to do, for example, Fight the Landlord!

So, the three of them brought three loli puppets, and started fighting the landlord in the hall of the ruined church.

In the forest, Zhizi Yingyin took his initiator, also his daughter Zhizi Xiaobinai, trekking through mountains and rivers, crossing many obstacles and encountering many gastritis.

Relying on the powerful abilities brought by the high-tech prosthetic limbs and the strong physique of their daughter's initiator, the two killed all the gastritis they encountered along the way, and then came to the outside of the church. Behind this church is the sea .

Hiruko Yingyin, who came outside the church, began to feel happy for the smooth progress of his plan. He successfully snatched the relic of Qixing, so that he could carry out his next plan and destroy Tokyo!

However, when he walked to the door of the church, he heard some strange human voices.

"A pair of 3."

"Why are you so small?"

"Because I want to check, why don't I keep it if I don't play the small card first?"

"But if you're like Father Amakusa, can't you check the cards?"

"So it's up to you, you come to play the big card to beat the priest."

"Okay, this is what you said, a pair of two."

"It's really big enough, I can't get it."

"Look, haven't you moved here?"

"Heh, a pair of 4."



Zhi Ziyingyin stood at the door of the church, listening to the voice inside, feeling very puzzled, what is this, what is this all about?

I looked around a little bit, and saw the three of Tony, playing cards around a small table, and there were three loli standing beside them, and they were the initiators at first glance.

Zhi Ziyingyin was a little stunned, how long had it been before they killed the initiator of the three of them, and got another three?

No, this is not the point, why the three of them are here is the point!This place is so far away from Tokyo, how did they come here, and it seems that they have come here a long time ago, how did they do it?

Most importantly, no one should know why they came here. This is a hidden base he randomly found!

Chapter 55. Summoning LV5, yes, I summoned it on my own initiative!

"Cough cough~~"

"Yes 6!"

"Yes K!"

"I'm sorry!"


"Three with two."


"Big you!"

"Cough cough~~~"

"Four 8s! I'm done."

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