Chapter 3. On-site Confession

The folk customs are simple and simple Gotham City, Arkham is full of talents. When it comes to the DC world, it must be Gotham City. When it comes to Gotham City, it must be Arkham Asylum. When it comes to Arkham Asylum , it is natural to talk about the root cause of Arkham Asylum's reputation, Baiteman.

Bruce Wayne, Grandpa Wayne, Batman! The Iron Man in the DC world has a very powerful money-making ability. Like Iron Man, he can basically be said to be the novice mentor in the DC world. The way to start is to hang out with Batman first, which can be said to be the easiest.

Batman is the patron saint of Gotham City and the source of fear for the villains in Gotham City. He enveloped Gotham City with darkness and fear, making ordinary people in Gotham City full of hope, while those villains are always All must be on tenterhooks.

But Batman is different from Iron Man. In the Marvel world, the whole world knows who Iron Man is, but in Gotham City, no one knows who Batman is. Everyone in Gotham City is blind. Obviously, the entire Gotham City except Bruce Wayne no one can make so many high-tech things, but no one doubts him.

Also, unlike Iron Man, Batman does not kill people. Every time he confronts a villain, he captures him alive and throws him to the police station to let the law judge the villain. Batman is guarding, but there are still many criminals active. It doesn't matter if they are caught by Batman. At most, they will be beaten up and thrown into Arkham Asylum.

In a place like Arkham, you can come out whenever you want.

Therefore, Gotham City will be so chaotic. In fact, Batman also has a responsibility, a great responsibility. He brings darkness and fear to those criminals, but this darkness and fear are of no use to those lunatics. Therefore, The existence of Batman can only be said to have dealt a blow to those perverted criminals. As for those more advanced criminals, not only did not cause too much of a blow, but it stimulated them and increased their damage to the city.

But that's Batman's choice, Amakusa just evaluates it in his heart, and won't run to educate the other party, unless the other party insists on running in front of him for a debate.

But now, Amakusa and Thor, two outsiders, have to find this unkillable Baiteman first, and then meet and get acquainted. From now on, everyone will live in the same city. If you look down and see you, look up and say hello That's right, you can even become good friends. As long as you say your mother is Martha after meeting, there is a high probability that you can become good friends with Batman.

Amakusa and Thor run across the rooftops, heading in the direction of the distant sirens.

There are no big bosses coming out to make trouble tonight. The police are chasing down a group of ordinary criminals who robbed gold shops with guns. These criminals are not easy. If they are not forced to corner, they should not dare to run out with a few people to rob The gold store, because robbing the gold store in Gotham City is basically taunting Batman.

Therefore, Batman was dispatched, and the dark Bat fighter was integrated with the dark night sky, without any light showing, and the hiding performance was very good, which also brought out the lack of public lighting facilities in Gotham City from the side, but this Can reduce light pollution.

However, this bat fighter with very good hiding performance did not escape the eyes of Amakusa and Thor. Amakusa's enhanced vision could clearly see the black outline. As for Thor, his fighting instinct told him there was something there.

Therefore, the bat fighter flew in front, and Thor and Amakusa followed far behind.

"Father Amakusa, is that Baiteman you mentioned the invisible guy above?"

"Yes, it is the one hiding in the darkness above."

"Batman, what a strange name, but it fits his behavior very well, hiding in the dark, but this doesn't fit my style. My style is to fight openly and squarely, and then accept everyone's applause."

"His Highness Thor's style is quite similar to that of Mr. Stark."

"No, I'm not as badass as he is."

Thor couldn't help but refute, and then asked another question.

"Father Amakusa, what did you mean when you said that this Batman resembles that Tin Woodman?"

"It means that they are all rich, very rich. The purpose of our going to each other is to obtain some financial supplies as much as possible. Your Highness Thor should understand the role of money."

I understand, of course I understand, if you have money, you can go to the bathing center to do whatever you want, money is a good thing.

So, can this Batman give me money?

Knowing this, Thor became interested.

"For the convenience of our future actions, Your Highness Thor, let's check our lines."

"Huh? What? What lines?"

Thor was puzzled.

"Of course it's a line to become good friends with this Batman. It's only convenient to ask for money if we have a close relationship."

"Then, what's the line?"

"Well, first, we need to confirm our mother's name."


During the discussion between the two, Batman in the distance also got off the bat fighter, jumped directly onto the robber's car, punched and kicked the criminals, and subdued those criminals, using his various magical props.

After subduing the criminal, Batman stopped the robber's car and waited for the police to arrive. Then, in front of the police, he raised his hand and grabbed the steel wire dropped by the Bat fighter, and directly rose into the sky.

After completing a trivial matter, Batman controlled the Bat fighter to leave and continued to patrol the sky above Gotham City.

As a result, not long after flying out, Batman saw two people running around on the roof below, looking like they were doing parkour.

Other people's parkour is carried out on some rough roads, but these two people are between different buildings, and even jump directly across a street. Obviously, this is not an ordinary parkour!

"Ah Fu, check these two people for me."

The Bat fighter passed the video of the two of them to the old butler Alfred in the Batcave in real time.

"Master, our system cannot find out the identities of these two people."

"Smuggled into Gotham City illegally? Where did they first show up?"

"The first time they appeared was in Gotham City, a block about five kilometers away from you, sir, where a public camera captured the two buying newspapers."

"Buy newspapers?"

Bruce Wayne was very puzzled listening to his butler Alfred's report.

"Looks like I need to meet them for a while."

Controlling the bat fighter, it flew in the direction of Amakusa and Thor below.

Chapter 4. Hello, my mother is Martha

Although their backs were facing the Bat Fighter, both Amakusa and Thor could feel that the Bat Fighter was following him, from following the Bat Fighter facing him to the Bat Fighter following him.

This is to take the initiative to find yourself.

Amakusa is very satisfied with Batman's actions. As the dark guardian of the city, Batman will be very concerned about any threatening objects. He is basically an alternative Nick Fury. Anyone who sees him will think that person is threatening, especially Afterwards, the Justice League was established. As the initiator, he collected the abilities and weaknesses of all members of the Justice League, so that if one day the members of the Justice League become evil, he can get rid of them immediately. .

Therefore, Amakusa deliberately jumped up and down on the roof of the building below in front of Batman to let Batman pay attention to him. Obviously, now he has succeeded, he has successfully attracted Batman's attention, and Amakusa is also sure , Batman has started to investigate himself now, the almighty Ah Fu should be looking for his information everywhere now, but the more he checks, the more he finds that this person's information cannot be found, the more he can't find it, the more Batman will care.

So, the plan to get Batman's attention worked.

Has already attracted Batman's attention, so there is no need to jump up and down again, Amakusa landed on the roof of a building, Thor landed behind Amakusa, but the movement of Thor's landing was much louder than Amakusa , when Thor landed on the ground, there was a sudden explosion of lightning on his body, which directly produced an arc circle, which shocked the surrounding light bulbs. The light flickered, and it seemed that the voltage was unstable. It was back to normal after a few seconds.

This situation made Bruce Wayne, who was observing in the bat fighter, pay more attention. What advanced weapons or special abilities?

The DC world also has a variety of super powers and black technologies, and there are not many realities that rely purely on technology like grandpa.

Seeing that Amakusa and Thor stopped, Grandpa didn't stay in the Bat Fighter any longer. He wanted to go down and get in touch with these two people to make sure whether they were bad guys.

Let the Bat fighter hover in the sky silently, Batman jumped directly from the fighter, unfolded his cloak, it looked like the bat glides to the ground, and then just landed on the water tank on the roof of the building where Amakusa and Thor are.

The sound of feet landing on the water tank made Amakusa and Thor turn their heads together. The sound was so loud that it was a bit difficult to pretend not to hear.

Amakusa and Thor who turned their heads saw Bruce Wayne squatting on the water tank like a big bat, and then the three of them looked at each other like this.

A little embarrassed, Amakusa and Thor didn't speak or make any movements. They just looked up at Bruce Wayne, and Bruce Wayne looked down at them, but Bruce Wayne was a little embarrassed.

No, I came out with such a cool look, shouldn't you guys say something, for example: What?It turned out to be Batman!

Generally, when criminals see themselves, they are basically either frightened or angrily rushed up. Those who are frightened are those criminals who are forced to do so. As for those who rush up angrily, they are those who have been disturbed by themselves, and some lunatics. , will rush forward laughing, that kind is the most troublesome.

But now these two are silently looking at me like this, which one is it?

For a while, Bruce Wayne didn't quite understand the situation of these two people and didn't know which way this was. He really wanted to ask: Brother, which way are you?But Batman's majesty prevented him from asking such words.

As a result, Bruce Wayne didn't speak, and Amakusa didn't take the initiative to speak, and fell into a deadlock for a while.

After continuing to stare at each other for five minutes, Thor couldn't stand the embarrassing situation for the first time, and chose to speak up.

"Hey, Father Amakusa, do you know this guy who looks like a bat?"

Well, although it's not prescribed by the lines, it shouldn't be a problem to say that.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Gotham City?"

Thor took the initiative to speak, and Bruce Wayne could speak again, asking the two of them with the hoarse voice unique to Batman.

"Dear Batman, allow me to introduce myself."

Amakusa remained the same, and answered very politely.

"My name is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, and I am a traveler from the East."

"This is Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard."

Orient traveler?Prince of Asgard, what is this all about.

"You are not Americans, what are you doing in Gotham City?"

Grandpa didn't talk about smuggling. There are countless people smuggling into the United States every day. He doesn't have time to worry about it. He just wants to know what these two people want to do in Gotham City.

"Of course they are here for tourism. When we first came to Gotham City, we heard the name of Batman. We didn't expect to meet him tonight."

After Amakusa finished speaking, he didn't wait for Batman to think, and looked directly at Thor next to him.

"Speaking of which, it was the same when I went to Asgard. On the first day in Asgard, I heard the name of His Royal Highness Thor, and then I met His Royal Highness Thor that day, and even beat him. One."

"That's right, you almost beat me back then."

Thor immediately cooperated with a frightened expression on his face, well, this was discussed with Amakusa, and Thor wanted to take advantage of it.

"Yeah, we stopped for a chat after a long fight and were amazed to find that we have a lot of the same hobbies, and what's even more interesting is that our mothers have the same name."

"That's right, my mother's name is Martha. I didn't expect that Father Amakusa's mother's name is also Martha. What a coincidence."


Batman watched Amakusa and Thor talking to themselves there, and even talked about their mother's name, looking confused.

But most importantly, their mother's name was Martha!

Someone whose mother's name is Martha is certainly not a bad person!

That's right, not a bad guy!

Knowing that these two people are not bad guys, Batman jumped directly from the water tank.

"You two, are you traveling to Gotham City together?"

"That's right, the two of us have traveled to many places together, and this time I heard the name of Gotham City, so I came here to take a look, and it's best to stay for a while."

"If this is the case, that's the best, but I want to remind you that if you want to go sightseeing in Gotham City, it's best to do it during the day, and it's very unsafe at night."

After speaking, Batman ran directly to the edge of the building and jumped, spread his wings and merged into the darkness, disappearing.

Chapter 5. The priest who can bring down real estate developers

People whose mother's name is Martha are good wonder!

Although Batman's sense of Amakusa became better when he heard Amakusa say his mother's name was Martha at the first time, but he soon became vigilant, because the two of them played together because their mother was called Martha. There would be such a weird person, he, Batman Wayne Bruce, would never believe such words.

Moreover, because Amakusa specifically said that he and Thor's mother was named Martha, Batman's paranoia was also committed.

Why?Why did he deliberately say his mother's name in front of him, and it was Martha, and Batman's mother was also named Martha, so Batman immediately suspected that the other party already knew his identity.

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